Ancient Mariner
haha cool. Hope to see you there too. My goal is to get in one of the bands photos this time. I failed the entire Maiden England tour to do soRobbins, I just realized we were at that show together
EDIT: and I'll see you in Florida lol

As for Seventh Son, I just don't like the songs except for Seventh Son, Infinite Dreams and Only the Good Die Young. I just can't stand CIPWM or Moonchild to save my life. The album just didn't have the power, solos, melodies or riffs that SIT had. I just thought it almost sounded cheesy at times. Back onto SIT. Some musical aspects that made SIT amazing was Harris' bass. Listen to the mid sections of Sea of Madness or Deja Vu, the solo in CSIT, amazing and not really heard that level of bass since Killers. As others have mentioned, Nicko's drumming was awesome. It's the best stuff Adrian has ever written IMO besides The Prisoner riff which is awesome beyond words. Seventh Son just didn't do it for me. I just can't understand some's absolute love for it but then again, many can't understand mine of SIT so to each their own. It's my opinion after all. Not stating a fact here but the SIT stuff in the previous post were facts that can be found via billboard, youtube and such