The philosophy behind Maidens music.

You know, guys... maybe he fell upon the cross isn't to be taken literally. I always thought of it more as a metaphor for martyrdom per se, which would mean that your average Abdul the Suicide Bomber could be meant as well, since that kind of breed is regarded as martyrs by some as well. In that sense, the line would mean that "he", i.e. the guy whom the song is about, sacrificed himself for the Greater Good of God in order to contribute to the golden future of mankind (the way he sees it), yet it made no difference and the way of the world remains the same.

That's how I always took the song's message anyway. It could be about Jesus Christ, it could be about Abdul, and it could be about Singh the Sikh. What matters is that the blood spilled in the name of God is wasted.
Perun said:
You know, guys... maybe he fell upon the cross isn't to be taken literally. I always thought of it more as a metaphor for martyrdom per se, which would mean that your average Abdul the Suicide Bomber could be meant as well, since that kind of breed is regarded as martyrs by some as well. In that sense, the line would mean that "he", i.e. the guy whom the song is about, sacrificed himself for the Greater Good of God in order to contribute to the golden future of mankind (the way he sees it), yet it made no difference and the way of the world remains the same.

That's how I always took the song's message anyway. It could be about Jesus Christ, it could be about Abdul, and it could be about Singh the Sikh. What matters is that the blood spilled in the name of God is wasted.

And that's how the writer of the commentary -- you know who, You Know Who He Who Must Not Be Named MVRCK-- meant it.  ;)
I'd agree that this is the most comprehensive interpretation.

EDIT: I find it amusing and alarming that just typing his nick in short or full, results in an immediate change.  Who programmed it anway?  :D
It is alarming because I don't actually know the reason behind this censoring.
I agree Mr.Khan, that is a pretty good interpetation.
Tell me what you can hear
And then tell me what you see
Everybody has a different way
To veiw the world.
All I could come up with on this, lmao, I think I'll just be a good newbie and take in more than I give out right now.  B)