The Official I Popped My Clogs Because The Final Frontier Leaked Thread

Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

If EMI has gone back to putting bad sectors on the discs we are going to wait until it falls into the hands of someone who understands how to bypass that.  It's not hard to do though it does take some knowledge and it requires a disc drive capable of doing it and some familiarity with more advanced ripping programs.  I'm guessing this guy is not going to figure this out.  
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

LordMaiden said:
This guy is a cock.
The forum regulars over there seem to trust him?  Maybe he actually is gonna upload it?  
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

he just said 2nd half is way better. DUH! He is repeating every review we've seen. Someone tell him to shut up and rip it. Nobody cares about his recycled opinions. Just make other fans happy, he isn't special. Either he hooks us up or someone else will.
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

guys i think he dit it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Maybe there's problems ripping it because it's an enhanced CD?
Doesn't the Mission Edition come with a few videos and a game?
That could explain why it wants to take 3 hours to rip.

Anyways, its 6am here in California. I was about to give up and go to sleep, but after refreshing this cursed thread, I'm now wide awake again! hahaha
Someone send me a PM if you get a link.
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Did everyone forget about the "Big" interview with maiden today? If it doesn't leak we might hear a new song!
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

dimmyk13 said:
guys i think he dit it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think Harna is blowing smoke up everyones ass LOL Didn't he post in there last week that it leaked and he had it?
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

I wouldn't trust ANYONE on that forum with any real news.  I'm doubting this guy has it, all he's done is repeat info that we already all know.
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

hallowed_bemy_name said:
I think Harna is blowing smoke up everyones ass LOL Didn't he post in there last week that it leaked and he had it?

someone said thanks for the link and later this guy said he hasn't gine any link to anybody yet..
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

dimmyk13 said:
someone said thanks for the link and later this guy said he hasn't gine any link to anybody yet..

Right, which is what I said. Harna is a BS artist. Wait for this defo guy. If anyone gets that link from that site, before you disappear, please take a minute out to let us all know where we can get it!
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Just woke up and this thing still hasn't leaked!!??? And come to find out there's a guy who has the CD but can't figure out how to rip it? Damn, this is agonizing.

Did he say how he got ahold of it? Because we need someone with more ripping skills!
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

hallowed_bemy_name said:
Right, which is what I said. Harna is a BS artist. Wait for this defo guy. If anyone gets that link from that site, before you disappear, please take a minute out to let us all know where we can get it!
of course i will
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

He said he hadn't linked it to anyone "yet".

I think that means he's gonna upload it?
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

this guy is too much talking, I don't care what he thinks about the songs... I need to listen them by myself. It seems he's playing on our nerves, too much time left - he already must rip the cd... Better he will upload the album... or if he not... or maybe he wishing to die?
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Shashwat said:
I think that means he's gonna upload it?

that means he's a dick for not have uploaded it already
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

maybe nicko and his crazy sense of humour is taking pics of the album or getting topless people to hold the album for him and put the pics on the net.
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Look at Harna and david harris talking shit and these people clamoring for info. Don't give in to the hype, NO ONE ELSE HAS IT. Just let him rip it!
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

hallowed_bemy_name said:
Look at Harna and david harris talking shit and these people clamoring for info. Don't give in to the hype, NO ONE ELSE HAS IT. Just let him rip it!

Again, I wouldn't  trust a damn thing either one of those guys has to say on anything.