The Official I Popped My Clogs Because The Final Frontier Leaked Thread

Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

It is giving me serious insomnia. I woke up early in the morning, it is already 3:16am and i can't sleep not even after 3mg of Xanax.I'm trying to sleep since 10pm.
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Khan, my only regret is having the smaller of the two. My screen is around 6" and I wish I had bought the one with the 9" display. Although Amazon doesn't have everything I'm looking for, it has enough to keep me happy.
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Yep, it looks like I add 5 hours so it would be 7-6PM Zulu time on Monday, August 9th.
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

SAME THING HERE,I CANNOT SLEEEEP !!!I want to hear album damnnnnnnnn  :(
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

DanceFunkyDisco said:
It is giving me serious insomnia. I woke up early in the morning, it is already 3:16am and i can't sleep not even after 3mg of Xanax.

Welcome the the Maidenfans forum!  :hello:
What are those 17 guests waiting for? Join the fun!
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Well, it's almost 8:30 AM in Germany. So, any Germans on here who also work at a record shop about to head to work and grab a copy to share with us? :lol:
The admins should have a huge 1,000 praises reward for the first person to share it.
mozzle said:
Official Pool:   

Convert your time to UTC before giving it to me!
Monday 5 am - 9 am
Monday 9 am - 1 pm
Monday 1 pm - 5 pm Lampwick 43
Monday 5 pm - 9pm Mozzle, Travis_AKA_fonzbear2000
Monday 9pm - Tuesday 1 am
Tuesday 5 am - 9 am
Tuesday 9 am - 1 pm Invisible
Tuesday 1 pm - 5 pm
Tuesday 5 pm - 9pm attackrobot
Tuesday 9pm - Wednesday 1 am Ristifer
Wednesday 5 am - 9 am
Wednesday 9 am - 1 pm
Wednesday 1 pm - 5 pm
Wednesday 5 pm - 9pm
Wednesday 9pm - Thursday 1 am
Thursday 5 am - 9 am
Thursday 9 am - 1 pm
Thursday 1 pm - 5 pm
Thursday 5 pm - 9 pm
Thursday 9 pm - Friday 1 am Suicidehummer
Shouldn't that be 6-7 PM Zulu time for me?
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

I think I'm going to crack, I REALLY want to listen to the album. You might win that bet Travis  :p
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Nevermind. You got it Mozzle.
HallowedBeMyName said:
I think I'm going to crack, I REALLY want to listen to the album. You might win that bet Travis  :p
We shall see. I'm wondering if Jeff will hold out like he's insisting upon.
After this craziness is over, the next albums I'm waiting for are the new Linkin Park and Dimmu Borgir. Both due out in the middle of next month.
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

After this album, I'm waiting for Maiden's next album, Day of Apocalypse, due 2012.
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Am I the only one getting PM's from others asking me to PM them when it leaks?
HallowedBeMyName said:
After this album, I waiting for Maiden's next album, Day of Apocalypse, due 2012.
:lol: I only wish they still waited just 2 years between new albums.
Calling all Germans who work at record stores! Calling all Germans who work at record stores! :p
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

mozzle said:
Khan, my only regret is having the smaller of the two. My screen is around 6" and I wish I had bought the one with the 9" display. Although Amazon doesn't have everything I'm looking for, it h...

I was shocked not to find the Harry Potter I must admit to enjoying the movies at least enough to see each one once. I thought I'd get the eBooks and finally read them, but nope....can't find them. :(

Also couldn't find the first three post-original-trilogy Star Wars books, written by Timothy Zahn. They're authorized as basically being episodes 7,8 & 9 by George Lucas, and they're brilliant. I had as much fun reading those, as watching the original kidding!

So, I guess that eBooks still have a ways to go....but I genuinely thought just about any book could be purchased in this format, by now.
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

HallowedBeMyName said:
Welcome the the Maidenfans forum!  :hello:
What are those 17 guests waiting for? Join the fun!

This invitation was too friendly to pass up. :lol:
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Awesome to see all new members!
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Well, I'm out for the night. I got everything from my fingers to my balls crossed for a leak when I get up. :D
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

We're a friendly bunch, but the mods are stuck up old guys  :lol: just messing around
Travis_AKA_fonzbear2000 said:
Well, I'm out for the night. I got everything from my fingers to my balls crossed for a leak when I get up. :D

Later Travis!
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Khan said:
So, I guess that eBooks still have a ways to go....

Yeah, I still find myself at the library often. I'm not sure if I'll ever stop collecting books. I love how practical my Kindle is, but there is still something about owning a personal library. I guess my love of books out-weigh my love of trees.

Care to take a guess at our betting pool?  
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Thanks man. I've been lurking for the last few weeks. This thing definately needs to leak soon. I'd like to enjoy my last few days before school with The Final Frontier available on my computer. :lol:
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Wow, it's a great achievement when you already have a user rating of 2 when you just joined  :lol:
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

HallowedBeMyName said:
Wow, it's a great achievement when you already have a user rating of 2 when you just joined  :lol:

No idea how the user rating thing works but I guess that can't be bad.