The Official I Popped My Clogs Because The Final Frontier Leaked Thread

Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Travis_AKA_fonzbear2000 said:
I'm back for a bit while I'm waiting for some food to cook. About my user rating. One day it went from 1 to -50 just like that. The mods on here can give as many praises or kicks as they want. Even though I don't know what I would have done for a mod to want to do that.

I've been pondering that myself. A mod must have it out for you   :P
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Ya, whatever. It's meaningless. I say do away with it. I don't care if I have -1,000 or +1,000.
Lampwick 43 said:
I'm curious about something. Is anybody actually looking for a leak, or all we all just staying here hoping that someone else finds something? Because honestly I have no idea where to look.
Yes. I have about 4 sources that I check often. I would reveal them on here, but I don't want to get in trouble with the mods.
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Completely meaningless, but we are still continuing our trek of bumping your number back into the positives  ;)
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Thanks very much. :)
OK. My food is ready. I'm truly gone for real.
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Later, mate  :hello:
It's great how this is bringing in many new users. Any of the guests lurking in this forum are free to join.
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

I'm new here, although I've been lurking these boards for the past few weeks. I just wanted to join and get pumped for the new Maiden album!  :rocker:
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

I'm semi-lurking, I don't post that regularly but I REALLY REALLY WANT THIS DAMN ALBUM TO LEAK!!!!!
Maiden mania

Hello to everyone. I'm from Russia (Moscow time) it's 11:48. OMG, I waking up from the nightmare where I downloaded the leak, but when I start listen to it the songs were not full and with bad sound...... Holy crap... this maiden mania get over me.

9:51 in Germany - I think we are close to the leak.
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

ava425 said:
I'm new here, although I've been lurking these boards for the past few weeks. I just wanted to join and get pumped for the new Maiden album!  :rocker:

Re: Maiden mania

Revelationer said:
Hello to everyone. I'm from Russia (Moscow time) it's 11:48. OMG, I waking up from the nightmare where I downloaded the leak, but when I start listen to it the songs were not full and with bad sound...... Holy crap... this maiden mania get over me.

That's...... that's just horrible!
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

I guess I came just about when all the lurkers came.  :blink:

Anyways, I've been looking all week for a leak. Still, no luck. Not giving up hope!

And Thanks Hallowed  :)
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Revelationer said:
Hello to everyone. I'm from Russia (Moscow time) it's 11:48. OMG, I waking up from the nightmare where I downloaded the leak, but when I start listen to it the songs were not full and with bad sound...... Holy crap... this maiden mania get over me.

9:51 in Germany - I think we are close to the leak.

What an evil nightmare!

ava425 said:
I guess I came just about when all the lurkers came.  :blink:

Anyways, I've been looking all week for a leak. Still, no luck. Not giving up hope!

And Thanks Hallowed  :)

No problem man.
Listening to Remember Tomorrow live from Ullevi and getting as excited as ever.
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Right now i just think about what will happen if the leak will appear at August 13... this waiting is killing any hope of we will hear this album during the closest 24 hours.
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Greetings chaps,

Yet another lurker here - and now memeber (woo hoo) - yep, like many, this board has been in my browser for a good couple of weeks now, and being refreshed every few minutes lol :)
It's getting to the point where the excitement is stopping me sleeping, I actually get up, come downstairs (rather sneak downstairs lest my wife wake up and I have to explain myslef like a child on christmas eve!) - in the middle of the night 'just in case' lol

Anyways - just a 'Hi' and I'll join in the collective prayer for a cheeky leak :)
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

I just woke up.  Its 1:30 pm here in India, the anticipation is killing my sleep cycle lol.  Good thing i'm on vacation B)
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

it's 10:20 in Italy, and still no leak... but come on, this HAS to be the day!

Maybe i should jump in my car and drive to Germany  :uhm:
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Just to inform the new members who may not have read the other (now shut down) post!!

I'm among the many who have pledged to, in some form, announce to all or as many as possible the leak happened - When it happens - and to offer instructions on how to find it (cannot post links to torrent sites in this forum).

Keeping a watchful eye!!  A watchful eye-ron Maiden!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Haha. So it comes out it Germany today?
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

ava425 said:
Haha. So it comes out it Germany today?
It comes out Friday in Germany. However some retailers promised arrival of pre-orders by release date. That means Maiden has to send the store cd's so that the store can mail it to the costumer by Friday. Assuming it takes a day from when it arrives to the retailer to when they mail it to the customer and assume it takes 2-3 days for it to make it from the retailer to the customer. That means the retailer would have to get it monday.