The Official I Popped My Clogs Because The Final Frontier Leaked Thread

Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Yeah. Powerslave is my favorite album and this is probably my favorite picture of eddie so I figured it makes sense.  

On a related note I would really like to get the shirt with this picture on it.
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Th

I wish I was a fan back when FOTD was released, but I was a baby haha. Better late than never!
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Just giving a possible situation: An employee might get off work around 5 PM. Go home and shower and have some dinner. Give the album a listen, rip it to their computer and upload it. So, we could be looking at a leak around 7-8 PM tomorrow night in German time. That would be 1-2 PM here in Minnesota time.
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

man, Travis, you're way overthinking this stuff, haha.
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

:lol: I know. I'm just too excited like the rest of you. I've ripped all my hair out. Hmmmmmmmmmm, we have 3 cats. :lol:
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Th

The funny thing is that Travis is describing it, and it probably happens exactly like that.
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Th

Ristifer said:
I wish I was a fan back when FOTD was released, but I was a baby haha. Better late than never!

I'd personally would have rather been a fan around the golden years, like during the release of Powerslave. It was kind of a rough time during the FOTD era. NPFTD and FOTD were kind of sub par compared to the previous albums, Adrian left, Bruce left soon after....
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Th

HallowedBeMyName said:
I'd personally would have rather been a fan around the golden years, like during the release of Powerslave. It was kind of a rough time during the FOTD era. NPFTD and FOTD were kind of sub par compared to the previous albums, Adrian left, Bruce left soon after....
Yeah, that's true too. I still like both albums, but SiT and SSoaSS are my two favourite Maiden albums, so it would've been better to be a fan at that point.. and steal those albums from your bosses...
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Hell yeah! We Maiden fans have such a dedication to this band, that we actually encourage stealing, when it comes to them.
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Well, Bruce encouraged recording Wildest Dreams on the Give Me Ed tour and sharing it with everyone as long as you bought the album when it came out.
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Ooorrr... a truck on it's way to deliver, has the back rollup door comme undone...a box gets knocked over, the tape rips, and a single cd manages to slip out. A guy on the way out to his car finds it, puts it into his cd player in his car and, being a Barry Mannilow fan, really hates it. He takes the CD and throws it out the car window. Meanwhile, a teenage kid has his portable CD player with him (I know...I know...maybe they're poor and can't afford an MP3 player, ok?! FFS....who it telling this story here, eh?!?!) he opens up his portable cd player and removes the cd in it, but before he can put another cd in....the TFF thrown out the car window lands perfectly in this kid's portable cd player. Shocked at this, and never having heard of Maiden before, he decides to give it a listen. He is BLOWN away....and since he's already skipped school today, he heads home and plays it on the stereo at home, at a ridiculous volume, commencing a lifetime of gradual hearing loss. He is so blown away that he decides to upload this newly discovered gem, and leaves the comment "Hey...this CD just landed in my lap today....think it might be some new band. It's might like it.

And hence....the first leak of TFF.
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Will there be a sequel?
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Khan, you just won the prize for best post on here. Until we get an official announcement that is.
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

I figure as long as we still buy the album when it comes out, and we keep going to shows and purchasing merchandise, the band wouldn't mind if we got a little taste of the album a couple days early :innocent:
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

Travis_AKA_fonzbear2000 said:
Khan, you just won the prize for best post on here. Until we get an official announcement that is.

Sorry, all of the best posts spots have been taken by thousand_suns and AnC^MaRiNeR  :lol:

The mods are going to hate me for this post.
Re: The Official Waiting For The Final Frontier And I'm About To Pop My Clogs Thread

I think that as soon as the album is released, there should be a thread dedicated to the anticipation of the NEXT album :lol: :lol: :lol: