Ancient Mariner
THE GREAT UNKNOWN! Edit... well, the end of it...
Nope, he used his strat!e: I forgot about Davey's new Les Paul. Was it used for TGU? Because if not (and assuming it didn't appear anywhere else either), that could still hint at the possibility of that spot rotating.
Yep, although I did enjoy TOAC live. At least the setlist is still a lot better than the Maiden England tourI agree it's a real bummer to see Hallowed dropped, but I love that TOAC got replaced with TGU.
What the hell is Bruce doing?THE GREAT UNKNOWN! Edit... well, the end of it...
Davey could have used his new LP on another tune though, I haven't really checked enough pics to be sure yet. But it could be evidence that they're going to switch something up...Okay, so now we play the waiting game, because the only person on stage in that vid with a Les Paul is H. Unless footage emerges of Davey playing it on something else, I'm calling shenanigans. I doubt he'd bring a new LP on tour and not try it out on the first night, unless it's specifically reserved for a song they're only playing the next night.
Also why is H playing a Les Paul? I thought he'd become an exclusive endorser so he only plays Jackson guitars on stage now. Surely he could get another Jackson for the weird tuning TGU apparently has?
Agreed. I was listening to it and had to stop just to mention this. It's a damn solid performance, and I feel he's hitting the higher notes far easier this time around, and with more of a "full" voice, if that makes sense.OMG, he still sounds great on TBoS!
Yeah, it's really down to waiting until we know for sure. I remain hopeful, though.Davey could have used his new LP on another tune though, I haven't really checked enough pics to be sure yet. But it could be evidence that they're going to switch something up...
I think his midrange seems weaker, but that could be him still finding his touring pipes. But the high notes, especially in the chorus, were fucking stratospherically amazing!Agreed. I was listening to it and had to stop just to mention this. It's a damn solid performance, and I feel he's hitting the higher notes far easier this time around, and with more of a "full" voice, if that makes sense.
Yeah, there's still that sort of thinness to his voice, along with something of an almost a lisp. I doubt it's going away at this point, it's just the price you have to pay for going through cancer and radiation and chemo for the head and throat area specifically. But considering that, holy shit. Many singers sound far worse just suffering from the common cold. If his previous performances didn't already solidify his place among some of the greatest rock singers, the fact that he can keep delivering at this level after that surely will.I think his midrange seems weaker, but that could be him still finding his touring pipes. But the high notes, especially in the chorus, were fucking stratospherically amazing!
Full set of pro photos from the show:
Wait, really? Huh. I never even noticed. Weird.The lighting rig thing was updated mid way through the previous leg. Went from Eddie to the Mayan artwork sometime after Vegas and before NYC.
Not working....Shadows of the Valley T-shirt: