The Marvel Thread (Spoilers, and language!)

I'm not so sure. I've liked Michael B. Jordan in everything I've seen him in, including Chronicle (which was also directed by Josh Trank - always good to have an actor and director who have worked together before). As for the other three, I really don't know who any of them are. Seems like they're casting younger, which could be good or bad, but that they've also cast people for more than just being pretty (i.e. Jessica Alba and Chris Evans). A lot will ride on who they cast as the villain.
I saw all of them in multiple movies, but I just don't think they are good enough choices. Yes, Kate Mara is hot but that's about it :P And I liked Chronicle, but we all know who's the real star of that movie :P
I've seen Kate Mara in a few things if I recall and she did a decent enough job, she's in Iron Man 2 for about 30 seconds I think? Only other one I've seen in anything is Jamie Bell in Billy Elliot, and that's not exactly something to go off for imagining Fantastic Four.

So far not exactly interested in this. Which is very opposite to the MCU, where I feel they've done such a good job so far that I am interested in literally every film without knowing anything about them >.>

Nothing much really, snippets from the trailer, a few lines from the actors and a tiny bit extra that's about it. Shows what Rocket sounds like though.

That's some damn awesome cgi.
I've seen a 2 minute clip from the next ep but not a 4minute one, wonder if it's different.

EDIT: I'd heard of the first thing but didn't know what it was going to be. Interesting :)
EDIT 2: Watched the preview of next ep, interesting.

When ward was saying he's her S/O and it's his fault he was looking directly at Coulson, whether that's because he's on the phone or he actually blames Coulson (as hinted last ep) shall be interesting.

Once Coulson knew she was special (due to the 0-8-4 thing) I'm surprised he didn't try and reduce her field activities, all those people died for her in the past it's a bit sucky for their memory to throw her into harms way.
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Should've been more ambiguous, now we all know it's Sabaton guest starring! :D

I think the randomness of that would prevent it from being awesome lol.

Did you notice that when the SHIELD symbol first appears, it momentarily turns into the Cap shield before the text show logo gets stamped over it?