The Marvel Thread (Spoilers, and language!)

I enjoyed the episode overall but to be honest, I wasn't really all that upset about Skye. It wasn't a "Oh my god! I can't believe that happened!" jaw dropping moment for me like I'm sure it was meant to be. I mean, I like her character and she definitely has come along way from the beginning of the show but I don't know. I actually felt more sad seeing the rest of the crew react to what happened. Maybe it would have affected me more if it were one of those cases where you knew the character for a much longer period.

Agreed. Unlike most people watching this show, I really like Skye, but this was still too soon. They should have pulled this as a Season One cliffhanger or something. At least then we might possibly believe that they'd actually kill her off.


I hope she gets the role, she's awesome :)

Honestly, I hope she doesn't. Evangeline Lilly really annoys me, and I'm not sure why. She's like a mopier, less likable, boring Liv Tyler with an attitude.
Honestly, I hope she doesn't. Evangeline Lilly really annoys me, and I'm not sure why. She's like a mopier, less likable, boring Liv Tyler with an attitude.
Re: Skye, I wouldn't expect her to be killed off at any point during the series due to her reveal as an 0-8-4, it'd be pretty odd to make it a main story arc and then just kill her without conclusion. The surprise with her being shot for me came more from the fact I didn't expect Quinn to actually do it himself, whereas the only 'upset' was when she was trying to call for help afterwards. I half expected her to try and get herself into the tube before the rest got there.

Guessed that the little truck would have been started by May, but wasn't really sure how. The train disappearing was weird in general, with the whole time freezing thing, when May found them my first thought was some sort of alternate dimension (like the guy stuck on his way to 'hell' previously). Simmons trying to sacrifice herself on the grenade was unexpected, despite her previous jump from the plane, some good additional character for her. The only part that sort of irked me with the episode tbh was Ward's little jealousy moment with Coulson tending to May.

Oh, Ward/Coulson trying to use the holotable was great :D
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By May, you mean Ward. He was trying to use the holotable.

I have a feeling that Skye will die in the next episode, and then she won't be dead - giving some reveal to what she actually is.
By May, you mean Ward. He was trying to use the holotable.

Yes, yes I do >.<

Skye's powers somehow reviving her is the only real way I can see her being killed off, just having her die from a gunshot wound and her reveal being for nothing wouldn't make any sense... sounds kinda obvious to me but reading other sites some people really just assume they'll kill her off because "it's Joss Wheedon and he likes to do that".

One theory I have seen presented (only once, but I actually quite like it) elsewhere is that Ward will end up leaving the team and turning against them. He has started to become far less robotic as the series has gone on, and is now showing signs of anger towards Coulson. The presented theory was that he is beginning to project his past onto the team, Coulson as the abusive older brother and Skye as the younger, and coupled with the situation with May he will spiral out of control and go rogue. I like the theory because I think it would be quite an interesting story arc, rather than because I think it's got a lot of grounding.
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Looks like I'm going to have to go and see the film quite early then if it has a heavy effect on AoS. The events of Dark World were mentioned but no major plot changes or anything, more of a way of seguing into the Asgardian storyline, but if Cap makes some really heavy changes to AoS world (kinda expected looking at the trailers) then it's going to be hard to avoid film spoilers while still watching the TV show.

Kinda smart from a marketing POV I guess, pushes people to go see the film if they have even a casual interest in the show.
I have a feeling that Skye will die in the next episode, and then she won't be dead - giving some reveal to what she actually is.

Right. Because she's Illyria.

Skye's powers somehow reviving her is the only real way I can see her being killed off, just having her die from a gunshot wound and her reveal being for nothing wouldn't make any sense... sounds kinda obvious to me but reading other sites some people really just assume they'll kill her off because "it's Joss Wheedon and he likes to do that".

He does do that. Check out Angel season one. Difference is, the character he killed there was much more likable from the get-go.

One theory I have seen presented (only once, but I actually quite like it) elsewhere is that Ward will end up leaving the team and turning against them. He has started to become far less robotic as the series has gone on, and is now showing signs of anger towards Coulson. The presented theory was that he is beginning to project his past onto the team, Coulson as the abusive older brother and Skye as the younger, and coupled with the situation with May he will spiral out of control and go rogue. I like the theory because I think it would be quite an interesting story arc, rather than because I think it's got a lot of grounding.

I really like that idea, but that's way down the line. That's gotta be a season three plot. Hopefully we make it that far!

Looks like I'm going to have to go and see the film quite early then if it has a heavy effect on AoS. The events of Dark World were mentioned but no major plot changes or anything, more of a way of seguing into the Asgardian storyline, but if Cap makes some really heavy changes to AoS world (kinda expected looking at the trailers) then it's going to be hard to avoid film spoilers while still watching the TV show.

Kinda smart from a marketing POV I guess, pushes people to go see the film if they have even a casual interest in the show.

I don't really think it will be any bigger than what they did for Dark World. They'll reference Winter Soldier, but I doubt it will be as big as they're claiming. It's mostly a PR stunt, IMO.
Oh I know Whedon does have a history of killing likeable characters off, I would just be surprised to find it was right in the middle of one of the major story arcs and after a pretty hefty twist/reveal/whathaveyou for that character. For Doyle, while he was one of the main characters he didn't have a major plotline for the show based on him, he certainly served a purpose but it wasn't like the first season was all about him, whereas for this season of SHIELD Skye's origin is certainly a major arc. Building it up really far and then just killing her off with no resolution is quite different to killing a likeable character with nothing happening.

All the characters have improved quite a bit imo, May is the one who has turned around the most for me, and I suspect in the future we will get some flashbacks to her major history moment, especially given the fight this week. Out of all the characters Ward is really the one I'm least fond of, I enjoyed seeing him a bit more useless during the previous episode (and having the 'nerds' turn out to be cooler) as his character always seemed a little too... elitist? His whole "I have no feelings for May, honest, grr stop looking at her!" thing bugs me, but if it leads to something interesting down the line I'll be happy.

For the Cap tie-in, I'm not expecting any more film footage than Dark World or a cameo or anything, but given how much Winter Soldier seems to be looking at causing chaos within the system of SHIELD itself, it would be very surprising if it wasn't quite a heavy effect on the show. The organisation going into in-fighting and falling apart, particularly with Coulson no longer fully trusting the system, I would expect to have a very noticeable effect.
Considering the show will probably only have a couple episodes after the premiere of Winter Soldier, it might factor in right away - and it might not factor in until next season, which I would actually be fine with, as long as they cliffhangered it in. While Thor: Dark World didn't really involve know, at all, Cap sure looks like it's going to do so. I hope that means more involvement in AoS.

And I really, really hope that there's more relations coming forward. I want AoS to be more linked to the flicks.
Aye read that one earlier today, has it been confirmed by marvel yet? it wasn't when I read it.

Was watching AoS this morning, when they go to the hub there's a sign for HAMMER ^^
Yeah, that looks awesome. I'm very excited for this movie for two reasons: 1) I know absolutely nothing about the Guardians plotlines, so this shouldn't have to live up to any preconceived expectations, and 2) Chris Pratt is awesome.