The Marvel Thread (Spoilers, and language!)

Kevin Feige has said they have films planned out to 2028 in the current MCU without a reboot needed.
I agree with this, but they're not going to stop the money printing press for a year. :p By the time Infinity Wars comes out, hopefully Spiderman will be established in this universe and they can use him as the cornerstone of the franchise for the time being.

I could see them not recasting Tony Stark, but just doing like the comics have done and have other characters take the Iron Man mantle. Either that or they reset the universe completely at some point, again like the comics.

Either of those are feasible, for sure. They could get Spider-Man up and running and bring out another character or two during that year to keep the machine rolling. They definitely wouldn't stop making movies for a year.

Kevin Feige has said they have films planned out to 2028 in the current MCU without a reboot needed.

At which point all of the actors will look far too old for their parts. I can see how they can do this with something like Guardians of the Galaxy, where half the characters are covered in makeup or CGI, but Downey will be 63 and the other guys in their mid-40s. I don't think anyone wants to see Thor and Captain America shopping for mid-life crisis sports cars while Grandpa Stark hits on barely legal co-eds.
You never know, one of these characters being introduced before Infinity Wars could become Marvel's next hit. Iron Man was a b-list hero before the movie, so anything is possible. I also wouldn't discount the Fantastic Four going back to Marvel in the near future either.
At which point all of the actors will look far too old for their parts.
I don't think Chris Evans will be playing Captain America at this point. More likely, Cap will die and be recast.

Tony Stark getting old is fine with me. And Thor...well. As for the rest, nbd.
I think Iron Man will die in Civil War and Cap will die in Infinity Wars and be replaced by Bucky.
Well, in 2028 Hemsworth and Evans will still be younger than Paul Rudd is now, and Paul Rudd looks pretty fit now :P I could see Steve Rogers being killed off in some ambigous manner that would let them bring him back a couple of years later, with Bucky taking over as Cap. Tom Holland/Spider-Man will surely be the new star once Iron Man and Cap are gone, and by then they might have some hit movies/characters that can take over the spotlight. I also think they'll get F4 back.

@Mosh: RDJ's already been confirmed for Spider-Man: Homecoming and Infinity War movies. Maybe he comes back as a force ghost? :P
I don't think Chris Evans will be playing Captain America at this point. More likely, Cap will die and be recast.

Tony Stark getting old is fine with me. And Thor...well. As for the rest, nbd.

That is certainly likely. The only way they're getting rid of Cap is to kill him, cause Evans wants out in the long run.

I think Iron Man will die in Civil War and Cap will die in Infinity Wars and be replaced by Bucky.

No way Stark will die in Civil War. Downey is signed on for Spider-Man: Homecoming and certainly both Infinity Wars movies. I think Cap dying in Infinity Wars and Stark hanging up his hat out of guilt is more likely.

Well, in 2028 Hemsworth and Evans will still be younger than Paul Rudd is now, and Paul Rudd looks pretty fit now :p I could see Steve Rogers being killed off in some ambigous manner that would let them bring him back a couple of years later, with Bucky taking over as Cap. Tom Holland/Spider-Man will surely be the new star once Iron Man and Cap are gone, and by then they might have some hit movies/characters that can take over the spotlight. I also think they'll get F4 back.

Spider-Man will definitely become the focus. It'll be strange to see the first batch of Avengers go, though. I guess Scarlet can stick around as the glue for awhile. Maybe taking Nick Fury's place in the long run or something.

As for F4...I think audiences are not very likely to give them another chance any time soon.
I don't think it will take long to forget about Fant4stic, not a lot of people even saw it. They can just introduce F4 in someone else's movie and it'll be fine. I mainly want Marvel to get F4 back so they can use Dr. Doom, Galactus, and Silver Surfer.
Several mentions about what movie Cap might die in. I predict Civil War because 1. that is how the comic series ended & 2. rumor is more than one death scene was filmed for the end of the movie so no-one outside the film will know for certain who is going to die until the movie is released.
Civil War
was amazing. I can't decide if it's the best MCU movie yet but it's pretty damn close. It's between it and GOTG but it's really hard to compare them.

So much good stuff. We've got Black Panther's origin story out of the way immediately. Tom Holland is best Spider-Man so far. Even though they had more characters in it than in any other MCU movie, it never felt overstuffed - it was still a Captain America movie.

The only fault I can think of at the moment is that they were jumping from city to city way too fast. Although, for all I know, those Quinjets might be 10x faster than regular airplanes... That would explain most of the fast jumping from Romania to Germany to USA etc.
It was really good, but a lot to take in. My brain is still processing it all.

Baron Zemo was what we should've got with Lex Luthor in BVS. I definitely didn't expect the movie to end the way it did, with the conflict even worse than it already was. It seemed like they were ready to kill each other by the end.

I'm really impressed at how they managed to fit in all these characters without it taking away from being Cap's movie. There were basically three tiers: Major characters (Iron Man, Black Widow, Winter Soldier), plot devices (Black Panther, War Machine, Scarlett Witch), and the cherries on top (Spider Man, Ant Man, Vision).

I still think Crossbones will kill Captain America. I thought it was a sure thing in this movie after he was in the opening sequence and we never saw him again, but maybe they'll save it for IW part 1 or something. It'll be the inverse of what happened in the comics, when Cap died in his own book rather than the teamup one.
Also, this is easily the best RDJ performance in any Marvel movie. He stole the show.
Is that what happened? Well never mind that, but I'm sure they could bring him back somehow if they wanted to. :p
Well yeah, he detonated the bomb, but Scarlet Witch managed to contain it long enough to lift him up in the air and slam him into that building. I think bringing him back after he died that way would be too much even for comic book movies :P Plus, Cap dying in Civil War comics was lame anyway, glad they didn't go with that.

Major characters (Iron Man, Black WidowCaptain America, Winter Soldier)