Kevin Feige has said they have films planned out to 2028 in the current MCU without a reboot needed.
I agree with this, but they're not going to stop the money printing press for a year.By the time Infinity Wars comes out, hopefully Spiderman will be established in this universe and they can use him as the cornerstone of the franchise for the time being.
I could see them not recasting Tony Stark, but just doing like the comics have done and have other characters take the Iron Man mantle. Either that or they reset the universe completely at some point, again like the comics.
Kevin Feige has said they have films planned out to 2028 in the current MCU without a reboot needed.
I don't think Chris Evans will be playing Captain America at this point. More likely, Cap will die and be recast.At which point all of the actors will look far too old for their parts.
I don't think Chris Evans will be playing Captain America at this point. More likely, Cap will die and be recast.
Tony Stark getting old is fine with me. And Thor...well. As for the rest, nbd.
I think Iron Man will die in Civil War and Cap will die in Infinity Wars and be replaced by Bucky.
Well, in 2028 Hemsworth and Evans will still be younger than Paul Rudd is now, and Paul Rudd looks pretty fit nowI could see Steve Rogers being killed off in some ambigous manner that would let them bring him back a couple of years later, with Bucky taking over as Cap. Tom Holland/Spider-Man will surely be the new star once Iron Man and Cap are gone, and by then they might have some hit movies/characters that can take over the spotlight. I also think they'll get F4 back.
If Marvel gets the rights back they won't do F4 movie before 2019/2020, and by then Fant4stic will hopefully be forgotten.As for F4...I think audiences are not very likely to give them another chance any time soon.
Major characters (Iron Man,Black WidowCaptain America, Winter Soldier)