The Marvel Thread (Spoilers, and language!)

Lucky bastard. 3 more weeks of waiting for me :( I might even avoid watching the next two episodes of AoS that will air before I get to see the movie. Just in case.
I haven't been to the cinema in a long time, usually waiting for things to come to DVD, but I suspect it will tie into AoS quite a bit so I'd rather see the film earlier, especially as I know I'll probably watch the series regardless.

I'll try not to post too many major spoilers ;D
It's comes out April 4th here for us but I won't get to see it right away since the husband works that weekend. We'll probably see it the Monday or Tuesday after.
Just seen Winter Soldier, I shan't spoil anything just give general thoughts.

Very good, I can't quite place it amongst the other films just yet due to the different context of viewing (first one I've seen at the cinema and only seen once), but I would say it's probably close to the Avengers at this stage.

Lots of action, some good well timed lines. Plot was something I could just about guess by the halfway mark other than one unexpected bit (for me at least) but it didn't kill any enjoyment - the strangest part to me was that it didn't feel as "comic booky" as the other films, perhaps due to color or something I don't know, just felt more like a traditional hollywood blockbuster. Those who know stuff from the comics may get more out of random name drops etc, but there were a few easter eggs in there I picked up on.

Definitely worth a watch.
I read that next AoS episode (April 1) can be watched without watching The Winter Soldier, whereas the following episodes contain a lot of spoilers from it.
Yeah I've heard it's the 8th that begins the crossover point, so I'm probably going to be quite confused watching tomorrows episode :P
Show just keeps getting better!

Thoughts on this ep, don't read until you've seen it!
Totally called Hand being the dodgy one, and if it really is her I'm glad - not only do I not like her, but she is both a comic character (if I recall?) to keep fanboys happy but she is also an existing character on the show so she has a meaning to general fans of the show like me. I was under the impression it had to be someone from within SHIELD for a while, inside knowledge made more sense than real clairvoyance and it added extra weight when the reveal came/comes.

May shooting at Fitz is a bit harsh, very intrigued where that little tangent is going. I guess that the plane has been taken control of via remote, at the moment I'm still assuming May was talking to Fury and that's why he's come back. Ward seems a little off, I don't think he's working for the clairvoyant but he was behaving very strange. Still not a fan of Trip, he just comes across as kinda dodgy and creepy - ever since he chose Skye's critical condition as a way to hit on Simmons.

I did find it rather too easy that they found "the clairvoyant" on their first attempt, so I'm glad that was just a fake.

Oh, there was a line in the middle of the episode that leads into TWS which I liked to see, nice little thing to help tie them all together.
You can watch this one without the Winter Soldier. There's one line that connects, but it doesn't give anything away and you won't know how it connects until you see the film (even then you may forget). It's more of a little easter egg for those who pay attention.
Definitely a very good episode.

Still loving Bill Paxton. I was a bit concerned that they were going to make him The Clairvoyant, but they seem to be going in a different direction. Or possibly not...Deathlok's thermal imager only targeted Coulson (watch it again, you'll see what I mean). Also, that speech about, "I must be getting old" just seemed weird. I feel there's a hidden meaning in there and we're gonna find out some nasty stuff about Garrett. After all, who put the idea of straight up killing The Clairvoyant in Ward's head? Triplett. Who works for/with Garrett.

Ward seemed a little off, but I think it's due more to character evolution than mental tampering, etc. The writers are pushing the "he loves Skye" thing WAY too much for my liking, though.

As for May, she's clearly not evil. She's reporting to someone and has higher clearance and she's incapable of breaking her oaths, so she seems devious.

Although he doesn't seem to be credited anywhere, how about a little round of applause for Brad Dourif. He gave another chilling performance without speaking a single line.
Great episode. It'd be cool if Garrett stayed as a main character. And Sitwell and Blake are cool characters too.
Aye, Garrett brings a somewhat cheerful if slightly dangerous addition to the group, it'd be good to have him on regularly, not such a fan of Trip at all though so he can leave him behind. I know they're trying to develop Ward a little, but he still comes off as a bit too bland for me, sure he's starting to show emotion a little more at the moment, but I'm still not overly sold on him. Blake is an odd one, he has a bit of character to him which can make him interesting but I don't think it's enough for him to be a regular member of the cast, he needs someone like Garrett around who can poke fun at him without him taking it seriously. Not really a fan of Sitwell, the most interesting he's been to me is when he was trying to find out what Simmons was doing at the hub.
Age of Ultron costumes so far (Cap, Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye).



