The J.R.R. Tolkien Topic (publications and adaptations)

I saw Hobbit 2 today. Let me just say that the landscapes and structures of buildings are marvellous and orgasmic. Definitely enjoyed it but there are points that I dislike too.
Have you seen what I put in spoiler tags? Maybe it was not needed to put it in spoiler tags. It doesn't say anything on what happens in the film, only that the film
differs a lot from the book
. Nonetheless, I thought it is a way better film than the first, with even more breathtaking images. The landscapes, Dol Goldur, Lake Town, Dale, Erebor, inside the mountain. Beyond believe how beautifully done.

I saw that currently there are countless Tolkien and Game of Thrones clones going on in the movie theaters, but I bet that none of these can touch this epic for many years to come.
Really, you think it's that good (--or the rest that bad!) Interesting. I found the first one okay. But, as I've said previously, being a big Tolkien reader (a book collector), I don't really like much a what Jackson has done & can be pretty critical of the films. Quite looking forward to this (2nd) instalment though.
I am especially impressed by how it all looks. I advice you to try to focus on that, if the differences with the book get too dominant (annoying). I am curious what you think about it.
Exactly, the looks of the film are unbelievably gorgeous but I feel there are a bit too many 'good guys always win' moments.
I liked it more than the first film, the pace is muuuuuuuch better and they actually build-up more attachement to the characters and the changes in the characters themselves... The changes were fine in my advice, not sooo necessaries but they don't hurt the story that much... EXCEPT

What was that of the dwarves FIGHTING Smaug!? It would be better if he chased them and then if they escaped by the skin of a teeth, then Smaug leaving for Lake-Town as in the book, we didn't need that business with the statue...

And I loved a particular couple of scenes above the others:
Smaug and Bilbo, pure gold. Gandalf and Sauron PURE AWESOMENESS OF SCENE...

Besides that, I think all the aspects that were already good from the first film got even better... And that ending, I knew Jackson would give us that ending...
Exactly, the looks of the film are unbelievably gorgeous but I feel there are a bit too many 'good guys always win' moments.
How do you mean? I think there was more presence of evil than in the book.
Constant orcs at places where you don't expect them, Sauron...[etc.]
How do you mean? I think there was more presence of evil than in the book.
Constant orcs at places where you don't expect them, Sauron...[etc.]
It happened like a million times that Legolas or whoever fired an arrow at an orc when an orc was just about to smash a dwarf. Lots of evil guys packed the movie with action and really kept the film going at all times but the close calls got a bit ridiculous at times.
Agreed. But at this point
all the dwarves need to survive. The amount of close calls was ridiculous but also featured lots of humour, e.g. with Bombur in that river scene. And most of such action scenes were filmed from close, so it looked less crappy than e.g. the Fraggle Rock scene from the previous film. The film has a zillions times more action than in the book, so evidently, there had to be a zillion times more escapes. The action was indeed packed and over the top (less too close to call could have been an option), but thankfully, there's a lot to make up for it.