The J.R.R. Tolkien Topic (publications and adaptations)

I am not even sure what is news to you, let alone official but this sounds like bullocks.

News, sir, is ANY piece of information I was NOT aware of, hence the meaning of the word "new"/"news". As for "official", that is the source of said piece of information. If it is being leaked by the people directly responsible in the making of the movie be it actors, director, movie studio... that's official. Again, she's on a fucking movie posters! If you want to live under a rock be my guest.

So, if Maiden posted in their "official" news that they will play Seventh Son of a Seventh Son on their upcoming gig, then it's not a spoiler?

Um... Exactly. Not to mention they play it at 99.9% of their shows. It would be like announcing they're closing with "Iron Maiden." ERMIGAHD! SPOILER!
Forostar, if you don't want to hear any news about a film whose release is imminent then just don't read the thread. What the hell else are we going to discuss in this thread in the run up to the film other than news about it? If you think there will be a pointless debate about Unfinished Tales, the Tolkien estate or the root of an Elvish word then have that debate in the Now Reading thread or make a new one specifically for Tolkien's literature.
In case of movies, I don't consider stuff that appears in the trailers as spoilers. I heard about Evangeline Lilly even before the first movie was released.
Forostar, if you don't want to hear any news about a film whose release is imminent then just don't read the thread. What the hell else are we going to discuss in this thread in the run up to the film other than news about it? If you think there will be a pointless debate about Unfinished Tales, the Tolkien estate or the root of an Elvish word then have that debate in the Now Reading thread or make a new one specifically for Tolkien's literature.
I have not said any news. Please don't put wrong words in my mouth.

Honestly, we can discuss anything we want but I don't want to know (added) storylines, especially not if they are not in the book. The addition of a few spoilers tags is all there is to it.

Black Wizard and others, can we please solve this matter?

I see we have different opinions on what a spoiler is, but I wonder if it is possible to take into account with someone who doesn't want to know such details before he sees the film? That someone is still enjoying all the other stuff that goes on here. And as you've seen that's a lot.
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The thing is, Black Wizard hasn't seen The Hobbit Part Two either. How on earth is he supposed to know what's gonna happen if it wasn't purposefully released to public as news? It's not like seeing a show on a tour then writing down the setlist.
General reminder to everybody: Keep it civil please. This is not a movies or Tolkien forum, hence we have no rules that warrant moderator action concerning movie spoilers. However, we have rules that ask everybody to keep calm and polite.
Flash, I am not sure if I get that. Wasn't? I thought it was released as news. The news, trailer, or whatever we call it, revealed a part of the storyline. Namely, a character falls for one of the company. I rather do not know such things in advance. I am repeating myself here, I'm afraid.
Flash was using a rhetorical question in a conditional sentence. Maybe it becomes clearer if the question is removed: Had they not purposefully released this information, Black Wizard would not know what is going to happen. Or, if we use a direct statement of fact: They released this information purposefully, so Black Wizard knows it is going to happen.

Flash's use of the rhetorical question here serves the purpose of making his statement more provocative, but basically, it says the same thing.
News about the cast etc is pretty common for every movie released isn't it? I don't really see it as a spoiler, I can understand if Foro has avoided everything LOTR outside of this forum but still....You could be walking up to the movie theater on opening night and see 10 of those posters above in a row...
Had they not purposefully released this information, Black Wizard would not know what is going to happen.
Well, first of all, it was purposefully released, so he was well aware of that. I think that it's very easy to distinguish a rumour from an official trailer or news item. News items can often be checked, mostly a source is mentioned, when it comes to news in the cinema world.

Even if something is a rumour, then there's a big chance that it could happen. So why not be careful and take account with each other?

They released this information purposefully, so Black Wizard knows it is going to happen.
Then -from now on- he knows that some people (or at least I) rather not know such info.
News about the cast etc is pretty common for every movie released isn't it? I don't really see it as a spoiler, I can understand if Foro has avoided everything LOTR outside of this forum but still....You could be walking up to the movie theater on opening night and see 10 of those posters above in a row...
My problem isn't about the cast. It is about a new character (not in the book!) and even worse: a part of the storyline.
Perun, will you be polishing a medal any time soon?

Forostar, I treat any snippets of information that are released about the film at this stage as teasers not spoilers. It's the same as seeing a trailer, but with words. The outcome and how it is reached of this additional storyline is not known to the public yet and therefore the ending has not been spoiled. The snippet of information that I posted is only a teaser, released by New Line or whoever to whet people's appetite for the film. It's exactly the same thing that is done for every film but in this case you know most of what's going to happen. You know that the company visit Beorn and get lost in Mirkwood and imprisoned by the Elves. You know that Smaug and Thorin Oakenshield will die in the final film. So, since most people know what is going to happen, the film is publicized by releasing snippets of information about additional storylines with the hope of generating interest from people who might not want to see it because the already know what's going to happen.

Using your example of an Iron Maiden concert, if the band said before a tour that they will play 'Alexander the Great' at every show then it's not a spoiler. It's a method of promoting the tour so that more people will buy tickets. They've done such a thing in the past with the 2007 tour when they said they'd play something like 5 songs from 'The Number of the Beast' (but then only did four). That was all official information prior to the tour and it would be exactly the same if they said they'll play a new song on next year's hypothetical tour.

The film is released in four weeks and there's going to be a lot of promotional material on the internet and on televisions and on billboards during that period, so good luck avoiding it. I'm sure some of us will want to discuss this material and get involved in idle speculation and to be honest there's nothing left to talk about now other than the promotional material. There's no point in having every post in spoiler tags for the next four weeks. Spoiler tags for details about the film once you've seen it and outcomes, yes. But for promotional material? I don't think they're necessary.
I'll start with this again:
I wonder if it is possible to take into account with someone who doesn't want to know such details before he sees the film?

Now this:
Forostar, I treat any snippets of information that are released about the film at this stage as teasers not spoilers. It's the same as seeing a trailer, but with words. The outcome and how it is reached of this additional storyline is not known to the public yet and therefore the ending has not been spoiled. The snippet of information that I posted is only a teaser, released by New Line or whoever to whet people's appetite for the film. It's exactly the same thing that is done for every film but in this case you know most of what's going to happen. You know that the company visit Beorn and get lost in Mirkwood and imprisoned by the Elves. You know that Smaug and Thorin Oakenshield will die in the final film. So, since most people know what is going to happen, the film is publicized by releasing snippets of information about additional storylines with the hope of generating interest from people who might not want to see it because the already know what's going to happen.
The reasons why these snippets are released have nothing to do with my concern of not wanting to know them before I see the film. If the film is out, or not, it absolutely makes no difference to me.
Using your example of an Iron Maiden concert, if the band said before a tour that they will play 'Alexander the Great' at every show then it's not a spoiler. It's a method of promoting the tour so that more people will buy tickets. They've done such a thing in the past with the 2007 tour when they said they'd play something like 5 songs from 'The Number of the Beast' (but then only did four). That was all official information prior to the tour and it would be exactly the same if they said they'll play a new song on next year's hypothetical tour.
Some people rather not want to know that sort of information.
The film is released in four weeks and there's going to be a lot of promotional material on the internet and on televisions and on billboards during that period, so good luck avoiding it.
Thank you, I have managed perfectly until now, as I did with the previous film and all others before. Even if it isn't an official rule, until now everyone had been careful (and decent) enough by not saying anyhing about any storyline of a film we've all been looking forward to. All I am asking for is a continuation of respect to each other.
I'm sure some of us will want to discuss this material and get involved in idle speculation and to be honest there's nothing left to talk about now other than the promotional material.
Go ahead. I am sure there's lots of promotional material left that does not touch the storyline (deviating from the book). List all actors, list all geographical locations, there's probably lots more out there.
There's no point in having every post in spoiler tags for the next four weeks.
There will be no need. I trust that you can distinguish the difference between a name of an actor and (controversial/new) storyline. It's only a matter of wanting to take into account with fellow forumers. Or not.
Spoiler tags for details about the film once you've seen it and outcomes, yes. But for promotional material? I don't think they're necessary.
Since they have the same revealing effect, and impact, they should be treated the same.

If you're really going to continue this on purpose, why would we need to be careful about details about a film once we've seen the outcome? After all: What's in a trailer, will be in the film. What's written about a script, will be in the film.
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Here's the ruling.

The Moderator Team does not enforce spoiler tags outside of their use for Iron Maiden-related information, generally tour info. However, any member can ask that others agree to use spoilers in specific subjects. This use is voluntary, and will not be enforced by us. If you're that worried about it, however, you can avoid to read the thread.
The film is in cinemas from Friday in the UK and it turns out that there was nothing to discuss in the run up to release other than the promotional material. Next year I'll post posters, interview, snippets of information etc. :nana: