The J.R.R. Tolkien Topic (publications and adaptations)

Cheers for elaborating a bit more on that. What did you think of Jackson's move to ask two major "Tolkien-artists" John Howe and Alan Lee to help him with creating Tolkiens world? After all, the drawings of these guys are also on Tolkien books. And how do you like the look of the landscapes, the buildings, castles, etc., in these films?
Interesting issue...

Art (illustration), within a book, is (still) an artist imposing their view/interpretation of a given subject, on you e.g. John Howe's iconic Gandalf, modelled on himself. And a lot of people think of Howe's Gandalf when thinking of Gandalf, I've no doubt. (Although many will now think of McKellan.) Along the argument that I previously stated, I should regard this as derivative; which I do, of course. However, the history of book illustration (which isn't just about putting an image in a book) is long & interests me greatly, with it being connected to book publishing generally. For this reason I often (quickly) look past the fact that the artist is imposing their "take" on something, on me. I certainly give book illustration more leniency. And there is often collaboration between the writer (or their publisher) & the artist/illustrator. This gives the illustrations more legitimacy; something Jackson's films lack. (Rowling's Potter movies on the other hand clearly have more legitimacy, because of her involvement.) But I have such a poor opinion of the film world (as opposed to the book world; certainly historically) that I do not give film this same leniency. I don't really like, as I've said, the medium generally --because my literary tastes are narrow & film fails to translate my interests imaginatively to the big screen. So when film imposes images, characters, etc -- this has the potential to pollute the imaginative images the literary original invoked. I don't like this. It dilutes & corrupts...

So... what do I think of Howe & Lee's involvement? Well, it was a once in lifetime opportunity for them, that's for sure; & they both have to make a living. But Lee's Tolkien art has certainly suffered. All his character drawings now have this kind of film polished look about them. Howe's work seems to have been effected less. Oddly, there are clearly scenes in the film that draw on Ted Nasmith's Tolkien art; no doubt at all about that. I'm not sure how much more Tolkien illustrations (of a non-film nature) either of them will do; at least in the immediate future. It was a pretty smart move to get them on board I think.
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Evangeline Lily from Lost will be playing an Elf called Tauriel from Mirkwood who falls for Kili. Well that certainly isn't in any book by Tolkien. :confused::huh::wtf:
Yes, it was. There was the elf captain who got to be a character in two movies due to it.
Evangeline Lily from Lost will be playing an Elf called Tauriel from Mirkwood who falls for Kili. Well that certainly isn't in any book by Tolkien. :confused::huh::wtf:
That's quite a major spoiler Black Wizard. I hope you will post no more story related stuff until the films release (or just use the one and only tags ;-), cheers!
It's not that much of a spoiler. I'd say it's more of a teaser. It's pretty much the kind of thing you get on the back of a book but if it keeps you happy I'll only use spoiler tags for such minor details.
I think she even appears in the trailer...
And on a poster:

Saw the trailer on the big screen yesterday.
Cumberbatch has exactly the right voice for Smaug.
It's not that much of a spoiler. I'd say it's more of a teaser. It's pretty much the kind of thing you get on the back of a book but if it keeps you happy I'll only use spoiler tags for such minor details.
It is a spoiler. Minor details? My ass. This is probably the only thing I did not know of the story, in advance. I know the book but had no clue something like this could have been in the film. I didn't see the trailer on purpose. Never saw that poster before. Thanks! (not!)

People don't look at snippets of Maiden concerts on YouTube either when they want to see a concert unspoiled. Some people do but that doesn't mean that they can throw a part of the setlist in someone's face, without warning.

Also, in the Now Watching topic it is a golden rule to not talk about the story in new films. It's for the same reason: people still want to see the film.
The Benedict Cumberbatch doing a voice isn't much of a spoiler. Names of actors are not as bad of spoilers as storylines, and in this case: changes to storylines.

So I'd appreciate it if you take my concern seriously. Thanks in advance.
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It's NOT a spoiler if it is official news. How can it be a spoiler if the movie is not even out yet and she is in trailers, posters and news articles? Might as well stay away from all media until the movie release.
It's NOT a spoiler if it is official news.
I am not even sure what is news to you, let alone official but this sounds like bullocks.
So, if Maiden posted in their "official" news that they will play Seventh Son of a Seventh Son on their upcoming gig, then it's not a spoiler?
How can it be a spoiler if the movie is not even out yet and she is in trailers, posters and news articles? Might as well stay away from all media until the movie release.
I am not sure if you read my post. Anyway, I am exactly doing that, because I don't want to be spoiled.
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Evangeline Lilly in the Hobbit has been VERY well publicized. I probably wouldn't have put it in spoiler tags.

[spioler] However, the casting of Arnold Schwarzenegger as Beorn seemed highly questionable to me.
I don't read tabloids, and I haven't seen any Hobbit commercials on TV yet, and to be fair: I haven't visited the movie theater in a while (not on purpose, but because of that I probably missed the trailer).
I don't read tabloids, and I haven't seen any Hobbit commercials on TV yet, and to be fair: I haven't visited the movie theater in a while (not on purpose, but because of that I probably missed the trailer).

Your uninformedness doesn't make it a spoiler, does it?