The Israel-Palestine conflict

edit: from Google
"What is the conflict between Hezbollah and Israel?
Elimination of the state of Israel has been a primary goal for Hezbollah from its inception. Hezbollah opposes the government and policies of the State of Israel. Hezbollah has fought many conflicts with Israel including the South Lebanon conflict, the Shebaa Farms conflict, and the 2006 Lebanon War."
Could you for once stop editing your comments after the fact? Either think about what you want to type and do it all at once or type a new post, so that nothing is lost.

I thought we were talking about Hamas and Palestine, prior to this. Hezbollah is a terrorist group, no one is denying this. They were formed because of Israel's invasion of Lebanon in 1982. Learn some fucking history.

And yet some of you say that I am insensitive fuck or whatever. Israel has no other option, Hezbollah's stance is clear. Some of you still rooting for Hezbollah?
Cut this shit out. No one is "rooting for Hezbollah". Stop being so deliberately obtuse, it is incredibly offensive.

Truly brainwashed inhabitants of Ivory Towers. Open your eyes, the World is still a dangerous place and you can't stay above the fight forever (to condemn from roadside) Sooner or later we all will be choosing sides and I am choosing Israel not terrorists whose primary goal is to eliminate other. Jeez.
This isn't about "condeming from the roadside", this is about stopping the slaughter of innocents. Your rhetoric is monstrous.

Simple yes or no question: Do you support genocide?

Don't dodge this.
Moving this from the Russia thread:

Yes, absolutely. "Free Palestine" is a perfectly apt slogan for an open-air prison; the largest in the world in fact.

That's objectively incorrect. The majority of pro-Palestine protesters want the hostages freed, from the get go.

Sure, any movement has people with shitty motivations. That's not a valid reason to paint all protesters with the same brush. Again, I've told you this multiple times but there are many Jewish and Israeli people who are in favor of a ceasefire and against the actions of the Israeli government. Stop with your constant strawmen and reductive bullshit and start acknowledging the simple facts.

Disinformation goes both ways, as we've seen with plenty of your posts, where you ignore actual facts and evidence.

No "errors; no "splinters will fly". They are responsible for the majority of civilian deaths. Let me repeat:

Israel has killed more innocent civilians than Hamas ever did.

Again, you are cheering on bloodlust. This has nothing to do with defense anymore. Multiple human rights groups have recognized this. Multiple Israeli groups too. Stop defending literal war crimes. Also, Netenyahu has literally supported Hamas because he needed them for his goals.

Nah, that's just your justification to defend war crimes, human rights violations and an ongoing ethnic cleansing campaign.
As I see, we will never agree on his. I think the main difference between us is this: Whereas you try to stay above the fight, I have chosen the Side. With all the consequences. You try to stay clean and pure, to watch from the distance. But that's impossible when there's a war. That's all.
And I definitely not crying that Nasrallah was killed. He was the leader of a militant organization whose primary goal is to eliminate Israel.
I do not support genocide. But war is not a clean thing, people get killed in war. How to eliminate hamas and hezbollah when they hiding between residential buildings, that's the question.
As I see, we will never agree on his. I think the main difference between us is this: Whereas you try to stay above the fight, I have chosen the Side.
I too have chosen a side. The side of innocent civilians. That's the difference between us. Also, you are above the fight, just as much as anyone else here. Have you served in the military? If you weren't "above this" you'd be there fighting and risking your life. But life is much easier behind a keyboard. You are literally doing what you are accusing us of. You pretend we are just sitting here "strongly condemning", but you aren't doing anything else either. You are just here ranting in posts about how foreign soldiers should kill more people. You are just as much a keyboard warrior as any one of us, no need to kid yourself.

With all the consequences. You try to stay clean and pure, to watch from the distance. But that's impossible when there's a war. That's all.
And I definitely not crying that Nasrallah was killed. He was the leader of a militant organization whose primary goal is to eliminate Israel.
No one cares about Nasrallah, we are talking about INNOCENT CIVILIANS goddammit. For once in your life try to read the words on your screen instead of relying purely on your misguided emotions. Again: Isreal has killed far more INNOCENT people than literal TERROR GROUPS. How are you not getting this? Also Israel is not the victim, they've been the aggressor on multiple occasions throughout history. Educate yourself before advocating for genocide.

I do not support genocide.
Yet you are advocating for it in every single comment of yours. You aren't even trying to say "the IDF is justified but should be more careful", you are outright justifying literal war crimes.

But war is not a clean thing, people get killed in war. How to eliminate hamas and hezbollah when they hiding between residential buildings, that's the question.
Israel is backed by the world's strongest super power and has an incredibly capable and effective military. Stop this "hidind between residential buildings" bullshit, I already told you that's an easily disprovable lie. Again, because you ignore facts:

Look at the atrocities in the West Bank. There is no Hamas nor Hezbollah there. Every single Palestinian there is an innocent civilian yet they are harassed, attack and even killed as well. What is the justification there? Answer this.
And one more, the most important point regarding my stance. Remember that I am living near russia. And when I see that Israel is effectively eliminating it's enemies, I am rooting for Israel and I wish with all my heart that Ukraine would be able to do so. So do not shush me about Ivory Towers and safe watching from the distance. This is legitimate observation from my side. You live in a very safe region and have no idea what it is to know that the West may abandon you in any moment. Because so far the West acts very restrained on russia. The West is perfectly ok with thousands of ukrainians who die on the front and yet you cry for Palestine which authority members committed October 7th. I am perfectly clear here. I HAVE CHOSEN MY SIDES, I DO NOT OPERATE WITH ABSTRACT TERMS OF PEACE AND FREEDOM, BECAUSE IN REALITY THINGS ARE MUCH WORSE AND THERE'S DIRT EVERYWHERE.
And one more, the most important point regarding my stance. Remember that I am living near russia. And when I see that Israel is effectively eliminating it's enemies, I am rooting for Israel and I wish with all my heart that Ukraine would be able to do so. So do not shush me about Ivory Towers and safe watching from the distance. This is legitimate observation from my side.
Cut that "woe is me" bullshit. You aren't the only one living in a dangerous location. You are a keyboard warrior ranting on a forum, just like everyone else as well. Don't pretend for a second that you are any more justified than any one else. Glass houses and all that; if you don't want to be judged, stop being hostile to forum members all the time.

Also, it is not too far fetched to compare Israel with Russia, but in this instance Israel is the aggressor invading a sovereign country. Which has happened numerous times. Again, educate yourself, you don't know basic history.

You live in a very safe region and have no idea what it is to know that the West may abandon you in any moment. Because so far the West acts very restrained on russia. The West is perfectly ok with thousands of ukrainians who die on the front
Bullshit, stop with your lies. The West is actively supporting Ukraine and sending weapons. Here, you once again, conveniently forget that Russia has nuclear weapons. Your shortsighted rage is having you advocate for World War III and you are too blinded to even recognize that.

and yet you cry for Palestine which authority members committed October 7th.
Unlike you I don't want innocents to die. Just say you don't care about Palestinians and that you don't think they deserve respect, dignity and human rights. You're almost at that point any way, might as well type it out so that it is clear once and for all.

Nah, you're a coward who keeps attacking us and pretends to be something better, while at the end of the day you're here advocating for war crimes and genocide, because you can't do anything else about any of these situations.

You really need to check your moral compass, because it is severely busted.
I said what I said. I will not change my stance. It is very moral and easy to stand with innocent civilians but in harsh reality it will not solve Israel's problems. If they will not act, hamas and hezbollah will be intact and sooner or later will commit new crimes. And then there will be new war and a new call to return to status quo and ceasefire. Cancer (hamas) must be removed completely and then with the involvement of USA there must some new status of Palestine achieved.
I said what I said. I will not change my stance. It is very moral and easy to stand with innocent civilians but in harsh reality it will not solve Israel's problems.
Nonsense. A ceasefire could easily solve the "problems". Again, Israel is not innocent and has been the aggressor too over the years. It's basic history.

If they will not act, hamas and hezbollah will be intact and sooner or later will commit new crimes.
Hezbollar explicitly exists because of Israel's actions. Hamas was supported and funded by Netenyahu. Israel is committing crimes as well. Interesting how you continuously ignore the reality of the West Bank, but that would contradict all of your points and stances.

And then there will be new war and a new call to return to status quo and ceasefire. Cancer (hamas) must be removed completely and then with the involvement of USA there must some new status of Palestine achieved.
Again, pure bloodlust.