The Greatest Metal Song Cup - Part II, Round 4, Matches 70-75

What is your favourite song in each match? Vote in all six matchups!

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What do they (Dream Theater) call the thing that keeps pictures safe in a gallery? A glass prison. Scorpions knows you gotta keep your dynamite high 'n' dry if you wanna set it off someday. My Dying Bride wears a crown after reducing Sepultura to its bloody roots. Everything might die but Halford's screams are silent. Scorpions are still loving you, unless you're Rob Zombie, at which point nope. The boys are back to battle the count of Tuscany to a draw.

Part II, Round 2, Matches 112-117

Group Stage - Round 2
Match 112
A Real Live One Division​
Europe - The Final Countdown
Type O Negative - Love You to Death​
Popoff 500
Popoff 500​
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 2
Match 113
The Trooper Division​
Blue Öyster Cult - Astronomy
Mötley Crüe - Wild Side​
Popoff 500
Popoff 500, Best Music Art 100​
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 2
Match 114
Janick Gers Division​
Napalm Death - You Suffer
Judas Priest - Freewheel Burning​
Rolling Stone 100, Radio EHS 100
Popoff 500​
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 2
Match 115
The Parchment Division​
Motörhead - Bomber
Primordial - The Coffin Ships​
Popoff 500, Best Music Art 100
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 2
Match 116
2 Minutes to Midnight Division​
King Crimson - 21st Century Schizoid Man
Y&T - Don't Be Afraid of the Dark​
Rolling Stone 100
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 2
Match 117
Blaze Bayley Division​
King's X - *Over My Head
Porcupine Tree - Arriving Somewhere Not Here​
Popoff 500, Rolling Stone 100
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon
"The Final Countdown" has one of the all-time epic intros with an unforgettable synth hook that leads into a sweet galloping rhythm. Joey Tempest sounds super polished, the vocal melodies are great, there's a nice melodic solo, and if you can embrace the cheese factor then there isn't much to complain about here. Excellent stuff -- no wonder I nominated it! "Love You To Death" has nuance and atmosphere, and strong vocal melodies. It probably runs on longer than it needs to, but it's otherwise pretty solid. Unfortunately for the list nominee, that's not enough to avoid being put down for the count here. Winner: Europe - "The Final Countdown"

"Astronomy" has a nice subdued piano intro that leads into a pleasant verse, though the occasionally non-rhyming lyrics grate a bit. The heavier pre-chorus works well, the solo is strong, and the subdued interlude is nice. The final chorus is also strong. Solidly good, though I wasn't blown away at all, and I definitely prefer Metallica's cover. "Wild Side" is pretty seminal Mötley Crüe, with dope riffage, hammer-on-anvil percussion, and sleazy lyrics delivered with strong melodies. The slower-feel bridge works well too, especially when it kicks back into the full tempo riff again. Great stuff. Sorry, @LooseCannon, but I prefer the list nominee here. Winner: Mötley Crüe - "Wild Side"

"You Suffer" is a 4-second joke that has no business being here, much less with multiple list nominations. It's actually kind of offensive to think about all of the great songs that got eliminated in first-round play while this steaming turd is guaranteed to be with us for the entire round robin. Oh well. "Freewheel Burning" kicks ass right out of the gate. Driving riffage and a piercing verse vocal from Halford, a great escalating pre-chorus, and a solid chorus. I like the busy vocal bridges. The solo's a little try-hard at first, but the melodic section and the harmonized bits that follow are both great. Love the outro, too. Great stuff. Oh yeah, and it's actually a song, which helps. The easiest of all calls for Priest here. Winner: Judas Priest - "Freewheel Burning"

"Bomber" is more Motörhead, and guess what, it sounds like all the other Motörhead songs we've heard. Overly simplistic, good groove, bad vocals with limited melody, peppy but de rigueur bluesy solo. Always head-bobbing, but completely forgettable. Meh. I like the vibe of “The Coffin Ships”, but as with most of the Primordial songs I’ve heard, it kind of slips into a single groove and stays there for most of the song. The gentler break about 2/3 of the way through the track is a nice change, though, and the song is enjoyable enough. And congratulations, @Magnus, that's more than enough to win this match-up. Winner: Primordial - "The Coffin Ships"

"21st Century Schizoid Man" definitely has its own vibe with the wind/horn accompaniment. It borders on carnival music at times, which isn't my favorite, though it doesn't ever fully go over that line. I like the jazz odyssey that makes up the bulk of the track, and there are parts of the vocal lines that are appealing. Mr. Bungle was obviously heavily inspired by these guys. Interesting for sure, and solidly good, though I couldn't really call anything here great. "Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark" has a nice atmospheric verse and a solid chorus with just a hint of late-80s Def Leppard. Good solo, strong atmospheric bridge. Really good stuff. Sorry, @Stardust -- while I appreciate the artsy aspects of your nominee, I would rather listen to @DJMayes's selection. Winner: Y&T - "Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark"

"Over My Head" has cool riffs and pretty good vocal lines, though I'm not thrilled with the "music, music, I hear music" part. Good solos, and I like the prominent bass sound. The piano-and-clap-driven bridge is interesting. Pretty good overall. "Arriving Somewhere Not Here" has great atmosphere and strong vocal melodies, and it goes through some pretty cool permutations over its 12+ minute runtime, from pensive, to warm and driving, to crushingly heavy and dark, to ethereal, and then back again. Great stuff, and an easy call for @The Dissident's nominee here. Winner: Porcupine Tree - "Arriving Somewhere Not Here"
Europe's The Final Countdown. One of the most recognizable songs for a reason. Great solo.
MC's Wild Side. This is great glam metal. BOC's song is class.
Freewheel Burning! One of the best openers in metal imo.
Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark. Y&T with a classic ballad. Great vocals.
King's X. The Psycho Motel-vibe grabbed me.
Europe - The Final Countdown vs Type O Negative - Love You to Death -->Europe's surprise song here. Anthem for a summer, the signature for Eurobasket Cup 1987 when we lifted it for first time and Greece went crazy, but against Love You to Death, not a contest in my opinion.
Blue Öyster Cult - Astronomy vs Mötley Crüe - Wild Side -->Great to see Astronomy being nominated. Not a contest.
Napalm Death - You Suffer vs Judas Priest - Freewheel Burning -->Judas Priest by far. Napalm's number not too bad though.
Motörhead - Bomber vs Primordial - The Coffin Ships -->Nice discovery this Primordial song, it gets my vote by its merit.
King Crimson - 21st Century Schizoid Man vs Y&T - Don't Be Afraid of the Dark -->King Crimson by far.
King's X - Over My Head vs Porcupine Tree - Arriving Somewhere Not Here -->Great song by the Tree. Thanks for the discovery @The Dissident
Great to see "Astronomy" here, phenomenal tune. I do prefer the Imaginos version, but it's still the best song in this round by far. Easy, easy vote for BÖC.

I love it when artists challenge the general perception of what makes a song. From that point of view, "You Suffer" is absolutely brilliant. That being said, given the nature of the song, there obviously isn't a lot of meat on it, and it has little to no replay value.
At times, this game feels like it should be re-named "The Greatest Judas Priest Song Cup" - they have to be the best represented band without any doubt. Not always rightfully so - I do honestly find it hard to justify the inclusion of many of their songs, "Freewheel Burning" being one of them, but I do suppose the instrumental bits are enjoyable enough, so I will vote Priest here.

As for the rest of the matches, my votes are Europe, Primordial, Y&T and Porcupine Tree.
You Suffer is actually a grindcore classic. If you're familiar with the genre, and especially with Napalm Death's debut, it makes a lot of sense. It's sort of a joke, but it also isn't.
The Final Countdown is a classic that never gets old, Love You to Death good too.
Astronomy is incredible, don't care for this Motley Crue song.
There are 176 You Suffers in one Freewheel Burning. I don't like Freewheel Burning 176 times as much as You Suffer.
What's Obama got to do with this. Primordial
I love Don't Be Afraid of the Dark, but it's very hard to beat anything from In the Court of the Crimson King. Schizoid
Over My Head is good overall, but the chorus is quite annoying. Arriving Somewhere But Not Here