The Greatest Metal Song Cup - Part II, Round 4, Matches 70-75

What is your favourite song in each match? Vote in all six matchups!

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Round and round the mountain Ratt goes. Flesh holds no power when it's put to the torch by Virgin Steele. The night goat got done in dirt cheap by AC/DC's dirty deeds. When you get all psychosocial, it gets The Beatles feeling helter skelter. Symphony X, somehow, met no gypsies on their massive odyssey. Grinder just couldn't grind out a win against Hell Patrol in the latest Judas Priest-off.

Part II, Round 2, Matches 100-105

Group Stage - Round 2
Match 100
The Final Frontier Division​
Judas Priest - Love Bites
Megadeth - Washington is Next!​
Popoff 500, Best Music Art 100
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 2
Match 101
Steve Harris Division​
Whitesnake - Still of the Night
Blind Guardian - Noldor (Dead Winter Reigns)​
Popoff 500
@Black Bart
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 2
Match 102
Tim Bradstreet Division​
Van Halen - Runnin' With the Devil
Dream Theater - Breaking All Illusions​
Popoff 500, Rolling Stone 100
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 2
Match 103
Bob Sawyer Division​
Tool - Sober
Rage Against the Machine - Guerilla Radio​
Popoff 500, Radio EHS 100
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 2
Match 104
Piece of Mind Division​
Sabaton - Carolus Rex
Tool - Schism​
@MrKnickerbocker, @LooseCannon
Radio EHS 100​
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon

Group Stage - Round 2
Match 105
Coming Home Division​
Helloween - Eagle Fly Free
Symphony X - Accolade II​
Popoff 500, Best Music Art 100
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0
0-0-0, 0 pts, +0​
Youtube | Spotify | Amazon
Priest's Love Bites has a brutally iconic melodic riff and catchy verses and chorus (which is repeated too much imo), but at the same time it's not one of the best songs on its classic album for me (above Eat and excluding the last 2 songs), plus it never was one of my favorite songs by the band. On the other hand, Washington Is Next is one of my favorite songs of Megadeth. The vocal delivery and the Maiden-esque riff are great ideas.
BG's Noldor is very nice with a cool chorus, but I'm not a big fan of the vocals. Still Of The Night is not exactly one of my favorite songs of Whitesnake, but I like classic heavy rock as much as I like power metal.
Sabaton's Carolus Rex, easy win. As always, the chorus saves it big time. Cool riff, solo and drumming too.
Symphony X's Accolade II is nice, by Eagle Fly Free is one of my favorite power metal songs and openers. Big classic. Legendary. Great chorus, drumming, solos and bass solo(!). Awesome Helloween!
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Priest's Love Bites has a brutally iconic melodic riff and catchy verses and chorus (which is repeated too much imo), but at the same time it's not the best song on its album (on par with Eat)
Love Bites is a fantastic song.

Eat Me Alive is a complete embarrassment, for me the biggest sonic turd the band has squeezed out over their entire career.

I'm astounded that you've put them on par.
Love Bites is a fantastic song.

Eat Me Alive is a complete embarrassment, for me the biggest sonic turd the band has squeezed out over their entire career.

I'm astounded that you've put them on par.
Love Bites is indeed a great song and obviously I didn't had in mind Eat's lyrics or chorus, but the music which is classic faster metal. Overall, Love Bites wins hands down.
"Love Bites" has a nice ominous opening and strong vocal lines, though it does get a bit repetitive through the vocal sections. The instrumental parts bring together some pretty different-feeling elements in an effective way, though the song never really takes off in general. "Washington Is Next!" has some nice melodic lead work that borrows heavily from "Wasted Years". The verse riff is solid and the extended chorus is catchy. Mustaine's on-and-off-the-rhythm rambling is probably the weakest thing going on here, but that stream of consciousness approach also gives the song some unique character. The first and third solos are OK, but I love that really brief second solo that cuts against the grain, and I wish it had been longer. I dig the extended outro too. A pretty easy call for @KidInTheDark666's nominee here. Winner: Megadeth - "Washington Is Next!"

"Still Of The Night" nails that epic feel with immense chords, punchy riffage, and big a capella verses. The vocal lines are great, Coverdale sounds fantastic, and that feely bridge leading into the sweet synth string section is killer. Cool solo, and the big crescendo and fade-out at the end with the variant chorus is dope. Excellent song. "Noldor (Dead Winter Reigns)" has a nice clean opener that gains some distorted accents. For some reason Blind Guardian always sounds better to me when they go softer, then I lose interest when they get more heavy and shrill. I'm not really sold on the vocal melodies here, though the chorus does better than the verses. There are also some queasy elements in this song that I'm not sure are intentional. The guitars sound a little less video gamey than usual here, and I like the melodic runs in the middle of the song, but this track still has issues overall. Sorry, @KidInTheDark666, but @Black Bart's nominee takes this one easily. Winner: Whitesnake - "Still Of The Night"

"Runnin' With The Devil" has a nice feel and groove, and a memorable little chorus hook, as well as a nice guitar lick that takes the place of a solo. There isn't a ton of musical meat on the bones here, but what's here is strong. "Breaking All Illusions" is more Dream Theater, doing all their usual dreamy theatrics. There's plenty of virtuosic musicianship on display, and LaBrie gets to spend some quality time in his soft, breathy voice where he always sounds best. The songwriting here is more coherent than I'm used to from latter-era DT, and the melodies are pretty memorable. It still takes on some of the "musical porn" elements of gratuitous prog, and it certainly didn't need to be as long as it is, though admittedly I was never bored. The bluesy section a little past the halfway mark is particularly great. Very good overall. A pretty straightforward tip of the hat to @Wogmidget's nominee here. Winner: Dream Theater - "Breaking All Illusions"

"Sober" lays down an ominous groove, then cranks up the tension with its vocal lines until its more laid back chorus. The subdued interlude is also nice. Good stuff. "Guerrilla Radio" sounds like every other Rage Against The Machine song -- fat, simplistic, repetitive riffs with leftist rapping. They're consistently good at the one thing that they do, but I can't imagine listening to more than one of their songs in a row, since there are so few musical ideas at play. Sorry, @Spambot, but the list nominee takes this one. Winner: Tool - "Sober"

"Carolus Rex" has some nice power metal pomp and strong vocal lines. The rolling R's and the other quirks of Joakim Brodén's voice aren't really to my taste, but he's totally serviceable. The bridge and solo are nice, and the final chorus modulation works well enough. Not a great song, but pretty good overall. "Schism" has some cool rhythmic play, but the verses are pretty monotonous. The heavier pre-chorus(?) is better, though, and I like the gentler bridge. Still, if forced to choose, I guess I'd rather listen to MrLickerBannon's nominee. Winner: Sabaton - "Carolus Rex"

"Eagle Fly Free" is one of those perpetually overrated songs because it's a seminal power metal track. The verse vocals have a rote delivery that I don't like. The pre-chorus is better, and the chorus has a strong melody. Half of the instrumental sections are overly busy, though the harmonized guitars and bass solo work well. The lyrics are aggressively dumb, and the synth horns near the end are always a no-no. Still pretty good overall, but this style of song has been done so much better by so many different bands since this song came out. "Accolade II" has a nice clean opener, then some quality rhythmic play with strong melodies. The vocal lines are really good too, which isn't always the case with this band. The reprise of the piano and acoustic guitar intro that develops gradually into the solo section is all excellent, and the outro with the little acoustic guitar peekaboo is also cool. Great stuff. A very easy call for @Confeos's nominee. Winner: Symphony X - "Accolade II"
Apparently I’m pretty alone in the camp that finds Love Bites to be incredibly pedestrian. It attempts to do what Priest would ultimately perfect with the song Turbo Lover - creating an atmosphere and hammering one musical motif into your brain for five minutes - but it fails to succeed. The riff is fine, for some chords moving around, but it just goes absolutely nowhere. It was the lowlight of the Priest concert I recently attended. Washington Is Next lacks literally ANY vocal melodies and features Mustaine’s typical “everything is corrupt and wrong but I have no solutions” ramblings, but every instrumental bit rules (even Dave’s weird atonal solo that ends too soon). Neither of these songs deserve to be here, but Megadeth win on the strength of their guitars.

Still of the Night has amazing music, it’s just metal enough and the riffs and playing are simply hypnotic. Unfortunately that music is squandered on just another stupid song about “makin’ love yeah!” I have no idea what Hansi is singing about in Noldor. At first I thought it was about Hodor and second thought it was about Trogdor The Burninator, but I don’t believe either of these are correct. It doesn’t matter, though, as it features Blind Guardian’s expert level cheesemaking, some real dynamics, and plenty of medieval pomp.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahqhahahahh. Anyone voting for Runnin’ With The Devil is actually mad. 1. It’s Van Halen with DLR and it sucks without even listening to it. 2. It’s one bass note, some random vocalizing, a repetitive and boring chorus, and OH YEAH Eddie doing a couple cool things. Breaking All Illusions is an absolute masterpiece of progressive metal - it takes you on an emotional journey (despite some clunky Myung-isms in the lyrics). The melodies are top notch, the playing is impeccable, and LaBrie stays completely within his good range! This song is what proved to me that Dream Theater could survive, and thrive, without Portnoy. Petrucci’s leads are some his most emotive ever and the wacky instrumental bridge is great. It’s a true gem in the discography.

Sober vs. Guerilla Radio is the only fair match in this round. Both are great examples of the perfect simplicity that both bands can achieve. I think RATM have the edge in terms of fun, as usual, and by the end of the song I am always grooving and shouting along. Sober, though, is an emotional powerhouse and it’s all down to Maynard’s vocal delivery. I’m no Tool simp, and I have many, many criticisms of their vocals, but it all works here (especially considering it’s one of the bands simpler instrumentals). Gonna go with Tool for the feels.

Not only is Carolus Rex the title track of Sabaton’s last truly incredible album, it’s also a perfect marriage of theme and sound. It literally sounds like the fanfare of a powerful king taking the stage to command his people. The riffs hit hard, the vocal melodies are great, it’s catchy as hell, and it just works from start to finish. Easily one of the band’s greatest achievements (both the song and the album). I also love the key jump at the end. Being the most overplayed Tool song ever is not gonna win any points, and Schism is certainly that. I like it, but it’s overly long and repetitive. The best parts of the song are the intro and the outro and that’s all down the skill of Danny Carey. A no-brainer choice for Sabaton.

I know this board absolutely creams over Helloween and I just don’t understand. This song is a giant wall of sound with poor production, incredibly shoddy vocals, and zero catchiness. The best thing about it is the bass solo. Accolade II is a musical journey. It is a masterclass in emotion - from theme to sound. It never fails to sweep me away into an epic and magical place. I am constantly amazed by how classic Symphony X could literally transport you musically and this track is the epitome of it. Russell sounds incredible, the rhythmic shifts under the chord work are nothing less than masterful, and the medieval feel of the instrumental bridge is worth a thousand Blind Guardian songs. I adore this song with every fiber of my being. ON THE FIELD WITH SWORD AND SHIELD!
As we sunset on the Mangini era of Dream Theater, I think of Breaking All Illusions (and the A Dramatic Turn of Events album in general) as a high point for that phase of the band. Just a really nice slab of prog with great riffs and melodies, not to mention a godly solo from Petrucci. There is some homage to Learning to Live mostly in the first verse, but the song mostly does its own thing throughout. There's a swagger and effortlessness on display that DT gradually ran out of over the next decade. You can hear a lot of energy in this track and the album as a whole though, like everybody is excited for the possibilities of a new era of DT. Unfortunately the Mangini era never truly lived up to the foundation laid down by this album (although I really like DT12).

The fact that Sabaton is crushing Tool is a true Only on Maidenfans moment.

Accolade II is a top 5 Symphony X track. What a great prog metal adventure.
(although I really like DT12)
We seem to be in an incredible minority here. I feel like DT12 garners more hate every year. I've seen a few lists recently that rank it at the absolute bottom of the discography, which I find mind-boggling.
The fact that Sabaton is crushing Tool is a true Only on Maidenfans moment.
I think the results might be a little more even if Carolus were up against something like Sober as opposed to Schism, which suffers quite a bit from listener exhaustion due to its popularity.
Accolade II is a top 5 Symphony X track. What a great prog metal adventure.
And the rare case of the sequel surpassing the original!
We seem to be in an incredible minority here. I feel like DT12 garners more hate every year. I've seen a few lists recently that rank it at the absolute bottom of the discography, which I find mind-boggling.
Yea, I didn't get that then and I don't get that now. To me it is easily the best Mangini era album and it "fixed" a lot of problems that people had been criticizing DT for pretty much since Rudess joined. Mainly more concise songs and no excessively indulgent instrumental passages. Even the big epic, Illumination Theory, is pretty tightly packed. I also think it is one of JP's best lyrical albums, just seemed like he had a lot more focus and direction compared to other albums where sometimes the lyrics seem kinda generic.
The only issue I could bring up against "The Accolade" is it doing the third chorus instead of heading somewhere different. Everything else is just magical. I think the sequel is a little more balanced but the original has way higher highs and might be my favorite song on Divine Wings.