The Future Past Tour 2024

I doubt Maiden will ever announce a farewell tour.
After that we might get a farewell tour
So which one is it? :D I tend to lean on the side that they wouldn't do a full-on farewell tour but really who knows? I won't be surprised if they decide to go that route honestly.

Tour might change, but Alex will stay.

IMO, if they do "best of" tour, Alex will remain to represent Somewhere In Time. In that case, a return of either Rime or Seventh Son is also very likely.
This is even less plausible IMO. More likely they just don't play anything off Somewhere in Time next tour.
Everything is possible, but I doubt that a band who has overlooked one of its songs for 38-odd years will include it -a challenging one at that- in its live best of.
They went through the trouble of learning the tune. Might as well keep it now that they can play it :lol:
When was the last time Maiden carried a centerpiece/epic from the previous tour over to the next tour? For that matter, outside of the usual staples that appear every tour or almost every tour, when was the last time any song got played two tours in a row?
When was the last time Maiden carried a centerpiece/epic from the previous tour over to the next tour? For that matter, outside of the usual staples that appear every tour or almost every tour, when was the last time any song got played two tours in a row?
Arguably Clansman from 1998 to 2003.

But at this point, nothing should surprise us setlist-wise. They went balls out in 2023.
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For that matter, outside of the usual staples that appear every tour or almost every tour, when was the last time any song got played two tours in a row?

The Wicker Man? It was played on the Brave New World tour and then on the Give me Ed ‘Til I’m Dead tour.
Also I can’t see them touring TFP next year. It’s already weird enough that they have dedicated 1 leg of a previous tour and 2 of this tour to an album recorded 5 years ago. I have no problem with Senjutsu and I loved seeing LOTB22 and the gig last year, but it’s time to move on.
Arguably Clansman from 1998 to 2003.

But at this point, nothing should surprise us setlist-wise. They went balls out in 2023.
The Wicker Man? It was played on the Brave New World tour and then on the Give me Ed ‘Til I’m Dead tour.
Brave New World. It was played on those tours and the Dance of Death tour.
In other words, it has been awhile. Not saying it won't happen but I imagine they will want to start fresh the way they always do when switching up tour themes. And if they bring back Rime or Seventh Son those will be the epic picks (not to mention the inevitable return of Hallowed).
Also I can’t see them touring TFP next year. It’s already weird enough that they have dedicated 1 leg of a previous tour and 2 of this tour to an album recorded 5 years ago. I have no problem with Senjutsu and I loved seeing LOTB22 and the gig last year, but it’s time to move on.

I fear that, whatever setlist they’ll end up playing, they will play it at Download 2025 and that would be it in terms of UK gigs. :(
Iron Maiden (or better, the promoter) is trying to book San Siro Stadium in Milan for 2025.
There will be an european tour and I highly doubt it's gonna be another FTP leg.
San Siro is huge. If this turns out to be true, it must be either a "last tour" thing with exclusive date in Italy, or some other acts there who also pulls a large crowd (think AC/DC, GNR, Metallica).
In other words, it has been awhile. Not saying it won't happen but I imagine they will want to start fresh the way they always do when switching up tour themes. And if they bring back Rime or Seventh Son those will be the epic picks (not to mention the inevitable return of Hallowed).
If the, drop Celts or Time Machine, they could do both Alex and Seventh Son IMO. Time Machine is as demanding as SSOASS IMO.

Regarding setlists, there is no rules anymore. I think almost everything we knew about IM setlists went through the window in 2023. If somebody said to me in 2016 that in 2023 they will play 5 songs from SIT, open with CSIT and premiere Alex, I would tell them to stop dreaming and wake up.

My bet is, they prolong TFP tour for 2025, go 4-3 in terms of songs (SIT and Senjutsu) and play Euro stadiums. One of the new songs in the set is a new single. Hallowed returns to the set too. Time Machine (for Hallowed/TNOTB ), Celts (for Seventh Son), Madness (for a new song) and maybe Heaven Can Wait get axed. This is most likely scenario IMO, with a new album release in autumn.

That said, Maiden can pull something totally left field and do a reverse chronological order stadium tour with an orchestra. Considering what TFP set is, nothing can surprise me at this point. But, at this point, 3rd leg of TFP with some changes seems the most likely IMO (especially considering what Bruce has been saying in interviews).
Also I can’t see them touring TFP next year. It’s already weird enough that they have dedicated 1 leg of a previous tour and 2 of this tour to an album recorded 5 years ago. I have no problem with Senjutsu and I loved seeing LOTB22 and the gig last year, but it’s time to move on.
While I agree it's definitely time to move on from Senjutsu, I'm leaning toward the evidence that Maiden doesn't appear to have any big plans for 2025, other than perhaps a short third leg of Future Past. In recent interviews, Bruce has said a few times he's planning on touring Mandrake next year as well. The one I listened to today, he mentioned he really wants to take it to North America.
There is no rumor, the promoter (Andrea Pieroni, ex Vertigo CEO) wrote a letter to Milan's municipal council as well as the mayor and he named Iron Maiden and Rammstein for 2025.

As I said before this doesn't mean they're going to play there, but at least we know there's a chance.

EDIT: here's a newspaper article and a fragment of the letter:
I need help with this letter. Where is it shown? Maybe I misunderstand the article, but doesn’t it just say Mc2 Live tried to book one or two dates in the stadium (Odd, don’t they know how many they want?) and that Iron Maiden and Rammstein are among their most popular bands?

That said, it's of course possible to imagine a big stadium "anniversary" tour.
If one epic is being brought back, it's Rime. Bruce has mentioned wanting to bring it back far too many times for it to be a coincidence.

With Alexander, I can imagine their attitude being "we've played it, now fuck off and leave us alone", and drop it from the setlist.