This is one of those songs that, for me, is so underrated it's overrated. Every list of underrated Maiden songs includes it, and I have to ask, why? There's so many other songs to choose instead - any of the other three so-called 'filler tracks' (if those are filler, then I'd love to see what people define as not filler!) could be used instead. But don't get me wrong, it's a good song and doesn't bring the album down at all. Still, take Losfer Words and Where Eagles Dare and mashing them together makes for a song which feels more filler-ish than the rest of the 'fillers', and I disagree with statements that say it's the band's best example of duel guitar. Still, it gets a 7/10, and a strong one at that, because despite all reservations I may have about it, The Duellists remains a good song.