Nobody put the setlist up from Manchester on, but I believe it was the same as this one:
Six of the best songs from
Under the Red Cloud, which were impressive, if not a surprise seeing as this tour is in support of the album.
Death of a King opened the encore effectively, although it wasn't as immense as I was hoping, they seem to rush through it. People who heard it played as the opener at Wembley were massively impressed by it - I missed it back then, unfortunately.
It was also good to see them include older songs like
On Rich and Poor, and
Drowned Maid, in there for some variety. Closing with
Silver Bride and
The Smoke was very well received.
If anything, I wish more people listened to this band. They have plenty of music that's accessible, potentially even radio-friendly, it seems something of a shame that they're playing tiny, dank venues.