Re: 'the Clairvoyant'
Now this is what's called perfection. It starts of with a brilliant bassintro (and just as easy at is is brilliant) and a few seconsd later, there's this really moody melodie, which makes me smile and start humming. Bruce's vocals are very powerful in this song, and slightly more aggressive than on the previous album. Whether this is a bad thing can only be decided by the wonderful thing called "personal taste" so I won't start whining about if the vocals on No Prayer FOr The Dying and Fear OF The Dark are good or not. Instead, I just want to say how you in this case, "you" means "I") notice that the harsh vocals on i.e. Be Quick Or Be Dead originates from this album, and as well this song, although it does not appear on this song as much as it does on other songs (like Only The Good Die Young).
The lyrics are indeed phenomenal as the rest of 'em on the album, but there is one special point that this song has (although obvious) which makes me reflect and think of life. It's "isn't it strange
That as soon as you're born you're dying?"
I'd give it 5/5, but I'd like to add that the second point Raven made long ago (well...) is very true indeed. You do get irritated to be reminded of that the song ends by the solos.
Well, end of post. I really need to get going.