"The Book of Souls" - Official pre-release thread (CONTAINS ALBUM SPOILERS)

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What are the odds of one of these songs being instrumental? It'd be super sweet for sure... and unexpected :)
This doesn't sound good.Not good at all.92 minutes???!!!Fear of the neverending intros and choruses.
I'd be more dissapointed if this album wasn't filled with epics.

Me too .. it is who they are now. As much as I like the good shorter "rockers" the fact is the rockers have been declining in quality over time while the lengthier songs have maintained quality (and gotten better actually). At this point a return to the shorter songs would be going against who they are .. and the last time they did that, we got No Prayer and FOtD
For a band to still be writing lengthier songs with such quality like Paschendale, Brighter Than a Thousand Suns, Dance of Death, The Talisman and When The Wild Wind Blows in the latter part of their career just shows that it's what they're the best at.

I bloody love the older, proggier Maiden.
For a band to still be writing lengthier songs with such quality like Paschendale, Brighter Than a Thousand Suns, Dance of Death, The Talisman and When The Wild Wind Blows just shows that those are what they're the best at.

I bloody love the older, proggier Maiden.

They are one of the few (very few) bands that have had a second peak equal (quality-wise) to their first peak musically. They are incredible. A major reason for this, IMO, is they are not trying to write Trooper 2 and Run to the Hills 2 ... they write what is in them now, not a shadow of what was in them 30 years ago .. which is a trap most "classic" bands fall into
8 pages are you kidding me?!

Bullet points:

- I'm so hyped for this album. 2015 is going to be one of the best years in the history of metal (as far as I'm concerned).
- Long songs! I love long songs!
- Can't wait to hear all the Dickinson and Smith tracks!
- Dave and Janick are writing!
- I like the cover. It's simple, direct, and creepy. It reminds me of the self-titled album and Killers, but with better art and a voodoo vibe.
- I think this might be the last album. If so, what a way to go!
Damn, talk about torture! No first song to go along with the announcement. It's a little surprising too since I'm sure we got a new song right when the details were mentioned for the last few albums. We'll probably be getting that within the next 2 or 3 weeks though.
Damn, talk about torture! No first song to go along with the announcement. It's a little surprising too since I'm sure we got a new song right when the details were mentioned for the last few albums. We'll probably be getting that within the next 2 or 3 weeks though.

They know what they're doing. Just look at this thread... How would it look if we had a song to debate too? :P
Can't wait to get it and listen to it. WOW !!!
I'm sure that the most anticipated song will be Bruce's 18 minute epic.........

I like the new Voodoo Eddie, but a background is simply missing.
I am not a graphic designer and only spent a short amount of time on this one, but how about that:

Can't wait to get it and listen to it. WOW !!!
I'm sure that the most anticipated song will be Bruce's 18 minute epic.........

I like the new Voodoo Eddie, but a background is simply missing.
I am not a graphic designer and only spent a short amount of time on this one, but how about that:


I think you're on to something. Might be cooler if he was holding the book, even if you only see the edges, and behind him was some sort of pentagram/ritual/candles/fire thing...

Vague, but the first thing that came to mind:

Heavy Dance of Death vibes, but I think it'd fit.
I really dig the cover as is. It's creepy and dark, yet simple. Almost every Maiden cover has been pretty graphic looking so there's nothing wrong with going this direction.
Nice idea about 'some sort of pentagram/ritual/candles/fire thing'.
Maybe someone who is far more skilled than me can pick up on it.......
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