"The Book of Souls" - Official pre-release thread (CONTAINS ALBUM SPOILERS)

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That would be wild if they pulled a Blind Guardian and released The Empire Of Clouds as a single. For those of you who don't know, BG release their longest song ever, the 14 minute And Then There Was Silence as a single with no edits.
Can't wait to get it and listen to it. WOW !!!
I'm sure that the most anticipated song will be Bruce's 18 minute epic.........

I like the new Voodoo Eddie, but a background is simply missing.
I am not a graphic designer and only spent a short amount of time on this one, but how about that:


Even with just a book as a background, I find this way too crowded and Eddie loses so much focus. He's still present yes but seems just printed on, very two-dimensional. Just Eddie on a black background makes him that much more focused, more intense, dare I say almost organic. Look at it. Look intensly at the plain background Eddie. Its just him and you and he looks into you. Whereas with anything in the background he sorta blends in.

I mocked the album cover at first, but I can see now why they went with that.
There seems to be a lot of concern over the amount of long songs on the album, although only 3 of the songs are what I'd describe as being "Dream Theater" territory (songs over 10 minutes long). lol

It's going to be interesting to see what those 3 songs are like, as they'll likely be either amazing, or total damp squibs. Though if the remaining 8 songs are AMOLAD-like in terms of quality, I'll be happy enough. It's also great to see some songs solely-penned by Bruce on a Maiden album again. I think Bring Your Daughter... ....To The Slaughter back in 1990 was the last one, so it's nice to see. Just hope they are great! :)
Oh dear Eddie I love thee so, you have been away far too long. Welcome back. You have not looked this spectacular since Somewhere in Time. You dominate this album cover. There is only darkness behind you, it is only you and us. I am the Mid-Distance Runner, nice to meet you, to meet you nice.

Every aspect of The Book Of Souls seems perfect to this point: artwork, 92 minute album length, epic song titles, three + 10 minute epics, a couple of mini-epics, Adrian co-penning 5 tracks, the monstrous modern era Gers/Harris combination, Davey's trademark single contribution and Bruce going absolutely bezerk! His two solo tracks must be special because Steve (and the band) has selected them to open and close The Book Of Souls.

@doc Demonic, I do like your addition of the book and on 2 Sep they may actually reveal an accompanying backdrop from out of the shadows behind Eddie. But I love the intensity of the cover as it has been presented today.

BTW, how awesome is it that Maiden has revealed the contributors of each track and the song lengths. The band knows how important it is for us to know this information in advance as it sends our imaginations into overdrive. Song titles, length and authors were arguably the most exciting piece of the news to wake up to this morning...along with the latest incarnation of Eddie.
I'm very excited, feeling this kind of extravagant release is just the right thing for Maiden. This is the hilarious way I heard the news

P.S: Apologies for the racist slur, I in no way endorse this kind of language but I just had to share this, as my friend's excitement is absurdly evident. If anyone takes issue with it, i'm happy for it to be removed:


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Altbough I am afraid that half the album length is going to be acoustic intros,it is really good that we got some Bruce and Bruce/H songs...without Steve being involved.Then again when was the last time any of us heard an interesting 10 + song?

"A lot of the songs were actually written while we were there in the studio and we rehearsed and recorded them straight away while they were still fresh, and I think that immediacy really shows in the songs, they have almost a live feel to them, I think"
NO NO NO..........noone can pull that off
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Then again when was the last time any of us heard an interesting 10 + song?

All the time here. I love epics.

It's been 5 years since the last Maiden album. At no prior time in their career have we been able to say that. So we really don't know what to expect. 5 years was the difference between Powerslave and NPFTD. A lot can change.
I think it's OK this time, since you're clearly aware of the issue. You are correct: we usually have the strongest possible disapproval for racism here.

Next time, fire up Paint and drop a black box over the G's. :cool:

Also I think it's clearly in good fun, even if that's generally not a good excuse. I will use paint next time, if there ever is one.
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