"The Book of Souls" - Official pre-release thread (CONTAINS ALBUM SPOILERS)

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A double album with only 11 songs on it? Just shows how long some of the songs are! lol The album artwork is a bit plain, though it's not challenging "Dance Of Death" for the worst Maiden album cover to date! It's a bit underwhelming though, comparing it to Riggsy's classic 80's artworks, or even the artworks for "Fear Of The Dark", and AMOLAD.

I found TFF overall, to be a bit disappointing, so I'm hoping this one will be better, especially as there's a decent chance this will be the last album the band ever make.
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OOOH! I felt an orgasm when I opened facebook and saw the news about the new album. Super excited about everything, the cover art, and the fact that it's a double album! Iron Maiden is at their best when they write long songs... I can't wait for the album to be released here in México... I'm getting the triple vinyl...
6. The Book Of Souls (Gers/ Harris) 10:27
With this running time, I think this is going to be the most likely candidate for the soft intro/verse/heavy part/extensive soloing/soft outro structure that we know so well from this pairing - Dream of Mirrors, Dance of Death, The Legacy, The Talisman, etc. I'm fine with that, mind you. But somehow I have a gut feeling that this one will get the most flak.

This seems the most straight "ah, I know what to expect", surely.

11. Empire Of The Clouds (Dickinson) 18:01
I have absolutely no idea whatsoever about what to expect from this.

Most interesting song on the record, without a doubt. 18 minutes and written by Bruce alone? There's nothing like it in the catalogue, of course. I think we'll get drawn out, lone acoustic or even piano-driven sections with a lot of storytelling. Did I say piano? Yes, if there ever was room for something like this, why not now?
If Empire of The Clouds is a mix between the emotion and storytelling of Coming Home and the music and "epic" of Powerslave I'll be very happy :D
How? I'm genuinely perplexed because I saw the "racist cover" comment on Blabbermouth too, thought it was just a stupid troll.
I just don't see any connection.
It is tribal in theme. Most notably an african or south american/central american tribesman. when there is a "caricature" of a non-white person, someone, somewhere is racially offended. It's the world we live in.
I'm not saying I find it offensive, I don't. If anything, it's a tribute.
"Death or Glory" has to be the single most cheesy song-title they've done. I do hope the song is awesome...
"Death or Glory" has to be the single most cheesy song-title they've done. I do hope the song is awesome...
I have an imaginary chorus playing in my head.

... And it is very similar to Lady Gaga's "Edge of Glory". :p
How a man who on his own admission doesn't really play an instrument could write a song that long ?

He doesn't "really" play an instrument in the sense that he can't really call himself a name by the name of the instrument, e.g. guitarist, pianist and what have you. He's said in the past that he has composed a song on his friend's acoustic guitar, and that he plays whatever he comes up with on a keyboard.

This is the guy that had the sole writing credit on Powerslave. 18 minute is really, REALLY interesting but him being able to write a long song isn't that surprising.
I feel bad for the people who wanted an album full of short rockers.
I don't tbh :p

Okay, let's see.
  • Album name is rather cheesy, but it's okay.
  • Death or Glory (Smith/Dickinson): Cheesiest Maiden song title to date? But again, down with any Smith-Dickinson short track.
You overuse the term cheesy. What is exactly cheesy here? I feel it's more like "OMG NOT COMPLEX ENOUGH" :P

I must openly admit that this saddens me a bit : I thought the Rime would never be topped, let alone by anyone else than Harris himself.
I find this quite weird... I'm actually very happy they have the balls to top their longest song 29 years later by about 5 minutes.
You overuse the term cheesy. What is exactly cheesy here? I feel it's more like "OMG NOT COMPLEX ENOUGH" :p

Well, the word "glory" have been overused by foreign bands with a very limited English language vocabulary for decades. Especially power metal bands... It's all about "We stand and fight for glory!" It's clichéd, dull and very cheesy and if there was one word I'd avoid using as a title in a Maiden-song, it's that.
You overuse the term cheesy. What is exactly cheesy here? I feel it's more like "OMG NOT COMPLEX ENOUGH" :p

We're talking about words here. It has nothing to do with complexity. Death or Glory is a straight up Manowar-like song title. "Book of X" is also a very cliché song/album title.

Nobody expects Maiden to come up with a song title like "Juxtaposition of Systematic Dijudications in a Conundrum". The other ones are alright, Death or Glory is cheesy.
I think the word cheesy doesn't apply here. Clichéd, dull? Maybe. Cheesy would be The Battle of Unicorns: Death or Glory. Meh. I disagree with you both :P
I think the word cheesy doesn't apply here. Clichéd, dull? Maybe. Cheesy would be The Battle of Unicorns: Death or Glory. Meh. I disagree with you both :p

Cheesy IS clichéd. It means inauthentic.

In another response to your false assessment of me looking for complexity, it's been a couple of years since my taste evolved from complexity to simplicity. You should know by now given that you know I like Britney Spears. :p
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