"The Book of Souls" - Official pre-release thread (CONTAINS ALBUM SPOILERS)

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It's not about the substance, @Gk1, it's about the style.

U r right.It is this style that I am not really after.I just want to avoid instulting and getting insulted.There are enough people in the forum that offer quite structured opinions. And I don't mean it in a bad way.
Well, it is the sign of the times,ain't it? But isn't it strange that everyone knows about the single and we still don't have an official statement? We are supposed to only trust the official site aren't we??
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U r right.It is this style that I am not really after.I just want to avoid instulting and getting insulted.There are enough people in the forum that offer quite structured opinions. And I don't mean it in a bad way.
Ok, say what you want, about style or content. But say it with proper English. The letter 'U' and the letter 'R' are neither one a word. Please adhere to forum rules on this one.
Some time perspective here while we wait -

Remember (if you can) back to June 6. The time that has passed since then is now slightly more than what we have to endure until the full album is released. So, it's totally doable. Just trying to paint some perspective.

I do wake up pretty much every morning and reload this board hoping to see like 5 new pages with a new song or something but I think I can make it a few more weeks.
I just have the feeling that the lack of information regarding the new album is gonna turn into a really big announcement late July-early August. Probably these days they're gonna announce the single along with a sample of it and/or a making of video with band members interviews. Maiden always promote their new releases with stuff like that so i don't see the point not to do such a thing with this one. I believe that we are gonna have gossip material the following 1-2 weeks :P
It's fine to be excited about the album, but the entitled attitudes and constant whining is extremely obnoxious. And I see it constantly, multiple times per page usually by the same members. The worst part is that this whining started mere days after the initial announcement and hasn't stopped. At this rate, once the album comes out people are going to be complaining that there's no news about the next one. We get it, you're impatient and want Maiden to adhere to your schedule. Now why not contribute something substantial to the forum?

I hope there's gonna be some kind of a bonus song on that new single, a cover song or something.
Me too. It'd be so easy to just throw one of the covers from the AMOLAD sessions that never got used on it.
So, while we wait (and perhaps this is new thread worthy but I'll throw it in here) -

Does anyone have any album release day rituals they tend to follow? For example, ever since BNW I have -
- read pre-release reviews but have steered clear of listening to full songs outside of the samples
- been able to take the release day off of work
- waited outside of the record shop for it to open
- bought 2 copies at the store (one for the house, one for the car)
- listened to it with booklet in hand a good 2-3 times at max volume that day, etc
All this - you can post what you like but it irritates us - is quite irritating for me as well.
At least I notify people about new releases that have some of their songs available onthe net...lol
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It's not the fear of what's beyond
It's just that I might not respond...to this thread?!!

(Best Maiden song ever- IMO)
I sometimes wonder if we have it easy. If I were Maiden, and I recorded an album 7-8 months ago, but couldn't talk about it, or share it with anyone.. well that's tough. I'm sure they worked hard on this album and are proud of it. When I'm creating something, and am proud of it, I immediately want to share it, and I don't have millions of fans. But they kept quiet while Bruce was getting better. Then they announced it, but that's it, nothing else. I'm sure that's not because they don't want to talk about it, but because they have a marketing plan.

I'd be dying to share it.. but than that's just me, I want people to like what I do, I like the approval of others, and I'm impatient about getting it.

Perhaps they're not fretting at all. Maybe they're all well rounded, and are simply creating for the sake of creating, and couldn't care less if anyone ever heard it. But I doubt it, I bet they want it in our hands more than we do, and I bet we're the ones who have it easy.
Maybe they're all well rounded, and are simply creating for the sake of creating, and couldn't care less if anyone ever heard it. But I doubt it, I bet they want it in our hands more than we do, and I bet we're the ones who have it easy.

I'm pretty sure they care about their work seeing the light of day, they sound genuinely proud of it. I'll agree with 'well rounded', though. They don't need to rush to put it out there, they know the time needs to be right.
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