"The Book of Souls" - Official pre-release thread (CONTAINS ALBUM SPOILERS)

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Thanks for the scan.It is not your fault that the article is as interesting as watching grass grow
Hello all,



and the damn album is coming out on October,the way things are going Maiden will release a teaser after the album is actually released:nuts2:.
BTW the song is as Maiden as it gets only far better than what our guys have been doing for quite some time now.
The Queensryche song is shit ( there are anerican Maiden influenced bands that destroy this laughable version of queensryche , like Steel prophet ) and if you think that it is "far better" than anything Maiden have been doing for quite some time then maybe you shouldn't care so much about the new Maiden album .
The Queensryche song is shit ( there are anerican Maiden influenced bands that destroy this laughable version of queensryche , like Steel prophet ) and if you think that it is "far better" than anything Maiden have been doing for quite some time then maybe you shouldn't care so much about the new Maiden album .

Dude relax,please! The production is very solid. The guitar work is pretty good. The voice is clear and powerful. They are a popular group and I really think this is a very professional and solid offering. I don't get the fanatics. "MAIDEN RULE, THIS GROUP SUCKS? THEY WOULD DESTROY EVERYTHING. Please try to respect other people's opinion and stop telling people what to do. And this goes over to everyone in here. I am in no position to judge or impose myself to anyone and I really don't see the reason for comments like that. So u r ok to think that this song is crap but please let me be the judge on whether I care about a new Maiden album or not.

And my actual point was that we already got a new song even if the album is not due for another 3 months.
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If other bands want to put out songs further ahead of a new album, that's their right to do so and it's Maiden's right to do thing how they want. And even though I'm guilty of some of this as well, I think we should start trying to have more respect for the way Maiden wants to handle this and again, be VERY VERY VERY thankful that Bruce beat fucking cancer we are getting another album. Maiden is going to do things their way no matter what we say or do on here and again, it's their right.
It is their music,they'll do what they want no doubt about it. However the trend the followed for quite some time has been different. That's about it.
By the sounds of things Maiden are releasing a proper single. Something that will probably sell more copies than Queensryches album. I'd be very surprised if they make the track available online too far in advance of this as it would hurt sales. If I was a betting man I'd put money on the video being put up maybe the weekend before the single is released. I'd be very surprised if anything appears before that.

It's useless to compare Maidens promotion strategy to other bands. Maiden still sell records these days, these other bands for the most part don't. Of course they are going to do things differently.
If other bands want to put out songs further ahead of a new album, that's their right to do so and it's Maiden's right to do thing how they want. And even though I'm guilty of some of this as well, I think we should start trying to have more respect for the way Maiden wants to handle this and again, be VERY VERY VERY thankful that Bruce beat fucking cancer we are getting another album. Maiden is going to do things their way no matter what we say or do on here and again, it's their right.

I don't know. The way things are going it just feels like they will delay the release or something.
I am getting really tired of the negativity in this thread. We know the release date for the single. We know the release date for the album. These are facts and they aren't going to change.

It's extremely obvious to me why the release date of the single hasn't been announced - they are waiting for the right time to maximize the press coverage. Just relax. Speed of Light will be out on the 14th of August - less than one month, now - and The Book of Souls in barely 6 weeks. The date isn't going to change, and everything is going to be just fine.

Queensrÿche needs to amp up 3 months out, as everyone knows they are now a hack shell of their former glory. Iron Maiden doesn't, and they aren't mistreating us by making us wait. As I have noted before - Iron Maiden doesn't owe any of us a damn thing, so let's stop pretending that they do.
Chill out everyone, there's 45 days to go. Which means news is coming sooner than later. Within the next month we should have -

1. Reviews and even more press articles
2. Speed of Light single
3. Perhaps a video

That's a lot to look forward to. Maiden is clearly doing this whole release on their terms and on their schedule which they have every right to do.
I am getting really tired of the negativity in this thread. We know the release date for the single. We know the release date for the album. These are facts and they aren't going to change.

Seriously. I've been reading this page every day and just groaning instead of replying. So sick of the "they owe it to us NOW" mindset.
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The weeks since the new albumannouncement have been fantastic. We know its a double album, all key songwriters have contributed, it contains several epics and Eddie looks like Eddie again. The announcement has given me a real shot of adrenaline in the arm. The anticipation is building and I am more than happy to wait until 4 September with zero news until the day of release if so be it. Enjoy the pre-release period as it will end soon, and then the main event will begin.
I thought forums were there so people can post their thoughts. Sometimes I feel all we need ti do in here is say how great Maiden are and how wonderfully they do everything.
I thought forums were there so people can post their thoughts.
Absolutely. And it's not like I banned you, is it? I merely expressed my thought - that some people constantly complaining is getting annoying as hell.

Sometimes I feel all we need ti do in here is say how great Maiden are and how wonderfully they do everything.
Ah yes, that explains the Unpopular Opinions thread, every song with a low rating, people who hold particular opinions about good songs, people who love bad songs, etc.

It's not about the substance, @Gk1, it's about the style.
We know when the album is coming out, we know the names, lengths and songwriting credits for all of the tracks and we know with more or less absolute certainty that we have a single to look forward to midway through next month. There's really nothing more to be done than to wait it out until release let the music do the talking, I think that the members of Maiden would probably agree; hence the lack of excessive hype-building exercises often employed by artists in the lead up to a new album.

Surely in the old days, before the advent of the internet, all we'd get would be the odd magazine article and a single?
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