"The Book of Souls" - Official pre-release thread (CONTAINS ALBUM SPOILERS)

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It could very easily be a 1 track promo with a t shirt particularly if it's only available from one outlet

Yes. This is a best Buy exclusive.I seem to remember Maiden had a similar offer running with Best Buy on one of the previous albums.

$13.99 for a t-shirt is not bad . depending on what the shirt looks like

Yup. Looks like it could be the new Eddie and perhaps in some kind of variant. Perhaps in black and white as shown on the CD-Case there.

Incredible isn't it? They recorded an album aeons ago and wish to tell nothing about it, to paying fan club members. :nuts2:

Disappointing from a fan perspective but not very surprising really :D Steve also said in the Kerrang interview that it is best "just to leave people to listen to it and see what they think" and "it's best not to say too much, there will be a lot more to talk about when the time is right"
It's worth noting that they make it fairly clear in the introduction that this is something of a stopgap issue (99.5) whilst the next issue "won't be far behind" and will probably be a little bit more substantial.
$14 for one song that can be found for free on youtube (i'm sure), an XL t-shirt and a $2 coupon?! The album itself is going for $12 on itunes. Anything more than $1 or $2 is a ripoff.
14$ is is a friggin bargain for a t shirt and single!! That morning I'll be heading to BB at the speeeed of light!!
this post arrived a bit as a sledgehammer

So, this is the thing I saw first, leaving me wondering: what bombshell is there further up the page that upset Foro so much? A sample from the album? Photos of the upcoming tour set?

Nope... a band that's already told us "Mayan themes" will be on the album, took a photo in front of a Mayan pyramid. GASP! SHOCK! :scared:

Yes, we should use spoiler tags... but @Forostar, this is not a sledgehammer. This is exactly what would be normally expected.

Let's watch out for spoilers, but let's also be reasonable about it. TBH, Brig spoiled nothing. It's not like she posted the Mayan pictures.
Do not worry.It seems thatthere won't be any spoilers at all.The way things are going......We would just hear the music on the 4th of September.
I agree with mrknickerbocker. I see a "spoiler" as posting non-official music material (like a leak) or providing your opinion, interpretation of non-released music.

If Iron Maiden doesn't have a certain song available to play on their facebook page or website, don't talk about it. That's how I feel.
Royal Hunt announced on June 17 that new album will be released on August 21. New song arrived today. Maiden announcement was on June 18. So, do the math...
I agree that it is very unusual to wait just 3 weeks before the release of your album to release any new music. Talk about last minute.

Lamb of God released their first single to their new album on May 15th. The album comes out July 24th.
A second single came out on June 8th, a third on June 30th and a fourth today, July 10th.
People who don't give a rat's ass:
Don't read on, it's not about the album itself, it's about how Maiden inform their fanclub members.

All some people asked for is not to talk too much in detail about the new fanzine. Not here anyway. Because, since it was a f**king year ago that we had one, some of us are anxious to get it. For them it is a spoiler if something significant is told here, but if someone says there's nothing significant in it, that's a spoiler as well. To me at least.
Disappointing from a fan perspective but not very surprising really :D Steve also said in the Kerrang interview that it is best "just to leave people to listen to it and see what they think" and "it's best not to say too much, there will be a lot more to talk about when the time is right"
So he says more in Kerrang than to paying fanclub members. I didn't expect that. This is not about the songs only, in Kerrang he also talked a bit about the process. Bruce doing stuff alone with a piano etc. How he reacted to Bruce. Nothing of that or anything else surrounding the album in the fanzine is surprising. And offending.
Okay that's true but I don't know how much Laz says in his editorial. Possibly something about the process too? Now I don't know if Steve was approached to do an interview for this magazine or not - but I could imagine him turning it down due to the fact that he doesn't want to say too much about the album yet - He wants the fans to listen to the album with no preconceived notions. As for as I understood, FC mag issue #100 is to follow pretty soon after this one and probably after the album release, so it's possible Steve (or someone else) want to wait until that issue to take the fans inside the album. If there is nothing of that sort in magazine 100 I'd be very disappointed too.
I am sure that if we were to get a song anytime soo ,we would get some type of countdown or notification in the official page
We will respect the requests of users in this regard.
We'd rather err on the side of too many spoiler tags instead of too few.
Why are we not spoiler marking this thread already? You said you would do this. Do we need another six weeks of click, click, clicking every post to reveal some non-story about the fan mag. I can't be the only person who finds this a titanic pain in the arse.
Can we move discussion to another topic then, tagged with spoiler in name?
All some people asked for is not to talk too much in detail about the new fanzine. Not here anyway. Because, since it was a f**king year ago that we had one, some of us are anxious to get it. For them it is a spoiler if something significant is told here, but if someone says there's nothing significant in it, that's a spoiler as well. To me at least.
I don't recall anyone mentioning this, Foro.

Stunning news about Dave experimenting with his gear tho'.
14$ is is a friggin bargain for a t shirt and single!! That morning I'll be heading to BB at the speeeed of light!!

Yeah, not as bad as some are making it out to be! But damn! What's up with XL t shirts?!?! Those things look like freaking bags on me lol. But yeah like $10 for the t shirt and $4 for the single is how I figure it. Best Buy did this with Led Zeppelin IV remaster which was like $15 for the deluxe album (with companion audio) and $25 for it with the damn XL t shirt. Perhaps the single itself will be available for under $5. But seriously! XL t shirts?! WTF?! Quit encouraging me to gain 150 lbs!!!!! hahaha
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