Ancient Mariner
Looks like I have to become a fan club member again....
.Are they any good at all
whether there might be some exclusive access to bit of music via links from the mag
They're hit and miss...At worst they're full of full page tour photos and ads and not much else of best they have cool feature interviews with members of the band. But they are cool to collect since they are official and they're nice to skim from time to time and keep as yearbooks so to speak.
It's not unthinkable that the fan club members will be the first to hear the new single....but it will be out everywhere soon after that anyways.
Main.main page or in the FC page.
I believe that the Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg teaser video was relasesd for fan club members first back in 06. But what's the point when it's leaked within secs to everywhere else on the internetIt's hard to keep things like videos exclusive in this day and age.
How long until the delivery then?!