"The Book of Souls" - Official pre-release thread (CONTAINS ALBUM SPOILERS)

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Never understood the "new album excitement" comments , maybe because i don't have it . I have hated many albums , after the first listening, that i was extremely hyped about . From NPFTD to sacred reich's "the american way " , the list goes on and on and i am not even talking about extreme cases (like celtic frost's "cold lake") .

When it comes to Maiden , my first impression is usually the one i have forever about an album . For example i still love TFF and find it extremely underrated .

Edit : the album is getting glowing reviews from Greek sites that haven't been too kind to post reunion Iron maiden .
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Well, at this point we all know that's amazing album. Question is "how amazing". For me, after four days it's head to head with their best work from 80's.

As long-time Priest fan I was waiting even more for Redeemer of Souls. Priest was the band that got me into Maiden so I was curious how that two albums will compare. Well, at this point it's sad to say but Priest become parody of what band was years ago. When Maiden dare to experiment and make music that they want Priest still try to play same music that they always do. I was sure that I'll be able to make some kind of comparision but now it's pointless.
Okay. I will admit that I haven't been reading this site and this thread as actively. There have been more posts and pages than I can reasonably keep up with.
Moderators, please don't ban me. I'm just asking a question out of curiousity.

Has there been a leak? I see people talking about at least "The Red and the Black" and I haven't seen IM's official social media accounts acknowledge it. I personally have no desire to listen to any non-officially released material, I'm just curious. I have a personal opposition to supporting leaks because I know it's not what the artist wanted.
Okay. I will admit that I haven't been reading this site and this thread as actively. There have been more posts and pages than I can reasonably keep up with.
Moderators, please don't ban me. I'm just asking a question out of curiousity.

Has there been a leak? I see people talking about at least "The Red and the Black" and I haven't seen IM's official social media accounts acknowledge it. I personally have no desire to listen to any non-officially released material, I'm just curious. I have a personal opposition to supporting leaks because I know it's not what the artist wanted.

Yes, there a serious spoilers all over this thread and the TBOS forum in the Iron Maiden Commentary section. Best steer clear of those if you want to want until Friday
Have been reading on this forum the last few days since I was excited to see other peoples reactions to the album as well!
Long time Maiden fan here. And what can I say? Was I disappointed with the album? No. Was I satisfied? No.
I was BLOWN AWAY! This is an absolutely amazing album.

I know the band themselves doesn't want people to hear it before the release.. but, I'm too weak to wait, since I love their music too much!
Sorry, Maiden!
I have ordered the deluxe version since way back anyway, so I'm still just as excited to get it!

I have seen some reviews where the album was given 9/10, and I'd say that's not hyperbole, rather the opposite in my opinion! In my opinion this is a 10/10 album without a doubt.
It's amazing and completely exceeded my expectations.

I'd give all songs but 3 on the album 10 stars, 1 a 9, 1 an 8, and the last one a 7. I'd be more specific which songs, but I'm not sure how the rules work here, and I couldn't figure out how to put the spoiler tags.

Glad to see many others loving the album. I'm quite confused about the people complaining about it though, because this album is great, OBJECTIVE FACT! Haha!
I keep telling myself I'm gonna hold out for some days and wait until I get the album until I listen again.
Before I know it the music is blasting out of my speakers as if I put it on without knowing.
My brain tricks me into playing it, because it's too good.
I'm with you Consumer of Souls. I was instantly taken with Brave New World but the next three were growers for sure. The Book Of Souls just seems to hook me just as much as Powerslave did, back in 1998 when my dad first got it for me.

This is heavy metal.
Oh, you mean I spoiled it for myself... well, I didn't. Let me explain this.

I have my CD pre-ordered. That means it will be delivered per DHL, the advertised delivery date being Friday, 4. September. So the earliest possible date for me to listen to the album if I waited for my CD to arrive would be when I come home on Friday evening. Except that it isn't. I would hold it in my hands at that time if DHL delivered on time and delivered the package to my 20-something next-door neighbours who would have to be home on a Friday evening for me to pick it up, all of which are variables I know better than to rely on. I wouldn't be able to pick it up from the post on Saturday because I won't be home. And even if I actually got it on Friday evening, I will be home late and have to get up very early the next morning, so a relaxed listening session which allowed me to immerse myself to the album is out of the question. I won't be home on Saturday or Sunday, so unless I want my first listening experience to be on the train with shitty earphones, I would have to wait until Monday to listen to my CD in any case. Unlike other members on this board, I can't just take a day off work to listen to an album, and both my friends and my uncle would not be particularly understanding if I told them I'd miss their wedding and birthday respectively because I want to listen to a CD. So my options were:
  • Wait until Monday, 7. September to hear an album I have been dying to hear for months now and that everybody else here has been talking about in extremely detailed posts that I had to read due to my moderator duties
  • Hope to receive the album on Friday, then try to sit down and listen to it while having a thousand things on my mind concerning the next days and no time to digest what I heard afterwards
  • Hope to receive the album on Friday, rip it to 320kbps MP3s, load them on my smartphone and listen to a 1.5 hour album on Saturday on two separate 45-minute train rides, one in the morning, one in the evening, with my shitty earphones
  • Hope to receive the album on Friday, rip it to 320kbps MP3s, load them on my smartphone and listen to a 1.5 hour album on Sunday on a 1.5 hour combined train/bus ride where I have to change several times and focus on catching the right station
  • Download a 192kbps advance leak and listen to it on a relaxed Sunday evening together with my girlfriend, with whom I can talk about what we heard together after we immersed ourselves into listening to every note on a not top-notch but still decently listenable MP3 version on full volume on my HiFi speakers (or earphones, in her case)
Which of these options seems the least spoiling to you? I've listened to AMOLAD and TFF on advance leaks as well, and I didn't feel they ruined my experience. And I would describe my listening session last night as magical and overwhelming.

Sounds like you need new headphones :)
Oh, you mean I spoiled it for myself... well, I didn't. Let me explain this.

I have my CD pre-ordered. That means it will be delivered per DHL, the advertised delivery date being Friday, 4. September. So the earliest possible date for me to listen to the album if I waited for my CD to arrive would be when I come home on Friday evening. Except that it isn't. I would hold it in my hands at that time if DHL delivered on time and delivered the package to my 20-something next-door neighbours who would have to be home on a Friday evening for me to pick it up, all of which are variables I know better than to rely on. I wouldn't be able to pick it up from the post on Saturday because I won't be home. And even if I actually got it on Friday evening, I will be home late and have to get up very early the next morning, so a relaxed listening session which allowed me to immerse myself to the album is out of the question. I won't be home on Saturday or Sunday, so unless I want my first listening experience to be on the train with shitty earphones, I would have to wait until Monday to listen to my CD in any case. Unlike other members on this board, I can't just take a day off work to listen to an album, and both my friends and my uncle would not be particularly understanding if I told them I'd miss their wedding and birthday respectively because I want to listen to a CD. So my options were:
  • Wait until Monday, 7. September to hear an album I have been dying to hear for months now and that everybody else here has been talking about in extremely detailed posts that I had to read due to my moderator duties
  • Hope to receive the album on Friday, then try to sit down and listen to it while having a thousand things on my mind concerning the next days and no time to digest what I heard afterwards
  • Hope to receive the album on Friday, rip it to 320kbps MP3s, load them on my smartphone and listen to a 1.5 hour album on Saturday on two separate 45-minute train rides, one in the morning, one in the evening, with my shitty earphones
  • Hope to receive the album on Friday, rip it to 320kbps MP3s, load them on my smartphone and listen to a 1.5 hour album on Sunday on a 1.5 hour combined train/bus ride where I have to change several times and focus on catching the right station
  • Download a 192kbps advance leak and listen to it on a relaxed Sunday evening together with my girlfriend, with whom I can talk about what we heard together after we immersed ourselves into listening to every note on a not top-notch but still decently listenable MP3 version on full volume on my HiFi speakers (or earphones, in her case)
Which of these options seems the least spoiling to you? I've listened to AMOLAD and TFF on advance leaks as well, and I didn't feel they ruined my experience. And I would describe my listening session last night as magical and overwhelming.
Cheers! First of all, I had no idea you've heard the previous two albums in advance. So I had a wrong idea about you in relation with new albums. I thought it would be a more comparable attitude with not wanting to know a concert setlist in advance.

What would I do?

Err, I am in a very different position. But... I'd probably do it on Friday (if I manage to get it from the neighbours). I don't think any upcoming event (unless it is very dramatic and unexpected) can deviate me from wanting to hear a new Maiden release. I might even fall asleep with it. Or right after it, with a huge smile. ;-)

Plan B: If I would manage to get it, I'd go for the traintrip somewhere in the weekend. Although, this is not ideal if I wanted to hear the album without a break. It's probably a choice between:
- hear it in 2 or 3 sessions (hearing it earlier)
- not do it if I'd prefer to wait and hear it uninterrupted (hearing it later)

Plan C:
Monday. Or Sunday evening back home.

Of course, I am not in a mod position, having to read detailed posts. Also I don't have the wish to hear it together with someone else (at the same time). On the contrary, I'll probably get a bit neurotic: Everything else, including my wife, comes second. First I'll listen to it alone, before I want to hear it with someone else.

But I get why you are doing this! Friday and the days afterwards are certainly not ideal.
And I would describe my listening session last night as magical and overwhelming.
That's something that can't be taken away!
I'm going to search every music shop in town on Friday until I finally get TBOS:-)
Then I am going to listen to it for a few hours and hopefully it's as good as most people say it is.
I'm sure it will be worth the wait.
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