"The Book of Souls" - Official pre-release thread (CONTAINS ALBUM SPOILERS)

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So now we post the same interview twice and the slowest gets all the likes.Fucking hell.
I'll go back and like yours GK, then you can feel appreciated as well.:applause:

Man, this is the second time he's talked about Steve adding choruses throughout TBOS (song) when there was originally only one chorus. I'm even more worried then before. I also can't help but think that the fact that he's mentioned this twice now, is because he acknowledges the repetitive chorus problem Maiden sometimes has, (evident by the fact his long songs don't have a chorus, or if it does, is used very sparingly,) and is distancing himself from it. But that's just the cynical jaded side of me talking.
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Just messing with you guys.:applause:. Damn it seems Steve really messed up the song didn't he?!
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I'll go back and like yours GK, then you can feel appreciated as well.:applause:

Man, this is the second time he's talked about Steve adding choruses throughout TBOS (song) when there was originally only one chorus. I'm even more worried then before. I also can't help but think that the fact that he's mentioned this twice now, is because he acknowledges the repetitive chorus problem Maiden sometimes has, (evident by the fact this long songs don't have a chorus, or if it does, is used very sparingly,) and is distancing himself from it. But that's just the cynical jaded side of me talking.

Eh, I'm not too worried about that myself. If anything, Janick seems really proud of the title track and how it turned out. Also, after having Janick now compare Empire of the Clouds to a musical, I'm learning even more to the idea that it's got some Savatage vibes going on.
I'll go back and like yours GK, then you can feel appreciated as well.:applause:

Man, this is the second time he's talked about Steve adding choruses throughout TBOS (song) when there was originally only one chorus. I'm even more worried then before. I also can't help but think that the fact that he's mentioned this twice now, is because he acknowledges the repetitive chorus problem Maiden sometimes has, (evident by the fact his long songs don't have a chorus, or if it does, is used very sparingly,) and is distancing himself from it. But that's just the cynical jaded side of me talking.

Chazz I am sure Jan is trying to apologise for the choruses,haha.
After having Janick now compare Empire of the Clouds to a musical, I'm learning even more to the idea that it's got some Savatage vibes going on.
I'm all for a Maiden Musical, and if that's what Empire of the Cloud is, well that's cool. As long as there is flair, confetti canons, and at least six solos.
Chazz I am sure Jan is trying to apologize for the choruses, haha.
He is, and he is doing it very diplomatically. Because, conspiracy!
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So now we post the same interview twice and the slowest gets all the likes.Fucking hell.

I do apologise @Gk1 . I searched the forum to make sure it hadn't been posted, and I swear I didn't see your post, otherwise I would not have posted it at all.

In terms of the content of the review, I think some people may be overreacting a tad to Janicks comments regarding Steve adding additional chorused to the title track. We don't even know what the chorus is, it might be an absolute killer chorus that has a particular melodic hook which Steve wanted to showcase more than once (so like Powerslave or Moonchild or Ghost of the Navigator, among others)
I think people are just assuming its a repetition of the song name...and even then, thats not necessarily a bad thing (Seventh Son, Brighter than a Thousand Sons and Caught Somewhere in Time are some of my favourite Maiden choruses)
I do apologize GK1. I searched the forum to make sure it hadn't been posted, and I swear I didn't see your post, otherwise I would not have posted it at all.

In terms of the content of the review, I think some people may be overreacting a tad to Janicks comments regarding Steve adding additional chorused to the title track. We don't even know what the chorus is, it might be an absolute killer chorus that has a particular melodic hook which Steve wanted to showcase more than once (so like Powerslave or Moonchild or Ghost of the Navigator, among others)
I think people are just assuming its a repetition of the song name...and even then, thats not necessarily a bad thing (Seventh So, Brighter than a Thousand Sons and Caught Somewhere in Time are some of my favourite Maiden choruses)

Just kiddin mate. No worries.


Well,it was hinted dozens of pages back that the song name is included in the chorus

And all this "we just learned the songs in the studio"....:facepalm:

Eh, I'm willing to give it a shot. Janick made a good point; sometimes you've got to mix it up to keep yourself from being your own parody. The vibe I'm getting from that description, along with what Steve means by how the album is "live," is that the band went for a more improvisational approach to writing and recording the album. Considering how confident the band and its inner circle seem to be over the album, I have a feeling it turned out really well.
Prometheus I get your point. But they have been saying the same things for over 15 years. It is however funny it is only Janick giving interviews. Maybe he is the only one not on holiday (apart from Steve who is touring).
I do apologise @Gk1
In terms of the content of the review, I think some people may be overreacting a tad to Janicks comments regarding Steve adding additional chorused to the title track.

Way to be positive.. Next time be cool like us, and just assume the worst.

In all seriousness, I hope you're right. Maiden has had some amazing choruses, but there are also some that don't work out as well, No More Lies, The Longest Day and The Mercenary being three examples. Those songs could/should have been amazing! The repetitive chorus being the only thing that holds them back. But TFF was a huge improvement over the previous post reunion albums in that regard, and with any luck things will keep getting better.
Prometheus I get your point. But they have been saying the same things for over 15 years. It is however funny it is only Janick giving interviews. Maybe he is the only one not on holiday (apart from Steve who is touring).

Yeah, I'm well aware that the band's been heavily focusing on trying to capture a "live" feeling on their post-reunion albums. However, there's more than one way to do that, and it sounds like they experimented with a new approach on that regard with The Book of Souls. We'll just have to see if it works out or not.

As for interviews, Steve gave one big interview last month and Nicko's made the on-and-off comments over the past few months on the album. Bruce apparently has at least one interview waiting in the wings somewhere online and we've got two already from Janick. I'm honestly not familiar with how often Dave or Adrian give interviews, so this might be par for the course for them.

I'm all for a Maiden Musical, and if that's what Empire of the Cloud is, well that's cool. As long as there is flair, confetti canons, and at least six solos.

Honestly, if it really is a Maiden Musical/Metal Opera, I feel like the band's going to end up playing it live on the tour. It's the ultimate culmination of what Steve set out to do with Iron Maiden in their live shows when he had a small paper machete Eddie head spewing blood behind the drums in the late 70's/early 80's.
Man i find this "live sound" thing so annoying. When I buy a studio album i buy it for a studio sound that is polished and free of mistakes. Iron Maiden sounds great when they play live in big arenas but it doesnt mean that they need to create that in the studio compromising on the polished nature of the tracks in a studio album. I dont want to hear screw ups on the guitar, dogs barking etc when i put in a studio record. I want the solos/instrumental sections to be planned out and not sound like a spontaneous jam session. I want the mixing and mastering process to be left at the hands of kevin and not Steve. I seriously dont get this idea of we learned the songs once or twice and went at it. This is precisely why none of Janick's recent solos sound any good. Only Adrian smith plays memorable solos these days because i bet he practices and perfects the solos prior to bringing them in
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Man i find this "live sound" thing so annoying. When I buy a studio album i buy it for a studio sound that is polished and free of mistakes. Iron Maiden sounds great when they play live in big arenas but it doesnt mean that they need to create that in the studio compromising on the polished nature of the tracks in a studio album. I dont want to hear screw ups on the guitar, dogs barking etc when i put in a studio record. I want the solos/instrumental sections to be planned out and not sound like a spontaneous jam session. I want the mixing and mastering process to be left at the hands of kevin and not Steve. I seriously dont get this idea of we learned the songs once or twice and went at it. This is precisely why none of Janick's recent solos sound any good. Only Adrian smith plays memorable solos these days because i bet he practices and perfects the solos prior to bringing them in
There is a difference between a live feel and a live sound. They play live but afterward the sound is processed. Also. The solos are recorded after, check Kevin Shirley's diary of AMOLAD, you will see that the guitarists go back yo the studio to record the solos
Man i find this "live sound" thing so annoying. When I buy a studio album i buy it for a studio sound that is polished and free of mistakes. Iron Maiden sounds great when they play live in big arenas but it doesnt mean that they need to create that in the studio compromising on the polished nature of the tracks in a studio album. I dont want to hear screw ups on the guitar, dogs barking etc when i put in a studio record. I want the solos/instrumental sections to be planned out and not sound like a spontaneous jam session. I want the mixing and mastering process to be left at the hands of kevin and not Steve. I seriously dont get this idea of we learned the songs once or twice and went at it. This is precisely why none of Janick's recent solos sound any good. Only Adrian smith plays memorable solos these days because i bet he practices and perfects the solos prior to bringing them in

I was with you for the whole first half of that post. Like 100% with you. Was yelling "Preach it brother."
But then you had to go and bring up Jan.. Now let me tell you something, that man can solo! You said resent, so I say take another look at his solo in the Alchemist.
I was with you for the whole first half of that post. Like 100% with you. Was yelling "Preach it brother."
But then you had to go and bring up Jan.. Now let me tell you something, that man can solo! You said resent, so I say take another look at his solo in the Alchemist.
Less recent but his solo on Fortunes of War is.nice too
I was with you for the whole first half of that post. Like 100% with you. Was yelling "Preach it brother."
But then you had to go and bring up Jan.. Now let me tell you something, that man can solo! You said resent, so I say take another look at his solo in the Alchemist.
I love Janick but man what was that in Talisman?
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