TBOS Tour Predictions

Bruce said in a recent (2 days ago) Eddie Trunk interview that they won't play Empire Of The Clouds live.
As i mentioned on the pre-order thread...i just wish that they play the album on Chichen Itza and make a DVD about it...i think WE can make this happen if somehow we got their attention with mails, tweets, rumors on forums, etc.


And whatever the set list is, i hope they play the red and the black, and shadows of the valley
From the new album, I'm going to predict they'll open with IESF and then go into SOL. They'll also do TRATB because of the sing along part and they always do the title track from the album. And then I think Bruce will introduce TOAC and talk about Robin Williams. If not that, they'll do DOG since it's a great rocker. That alone is 5 songs and 43 minutes worth of the album. From BNW, we got 39 minutes worth, from DOD, 40, and from TFF, 42 so that would be about right for TBOS.
From the new album, I'm going to predict they'll open with IESF and then go into SOL. They'll also do TRATB because of the sing along part and they always do the title track from the album. And then I think Bruce will introduce TOAC and talk about Robin Williams. If not that, they'll do DOG since it's a great rocker. That alone is 5 songs and 43 minutes worth of the album. From BNW, we got 39 minutes worth, from DOD, 40, and from TFF, 42 so that would be about right for TBOS.
Fair prediction, I'm doubting DoG though. The Alchemist was a short rocker, but that wasn't played.
After giving the album a few listens, here's what I think will be played:

Speed of Light
Red and Black
Tears of a Clown
Book of Souls

That'll probably be it honestly. Maybe another short rocker. Man of Sorrows would be a nice surprise. I don't see them played Death or Glory actually, it's not as live friendly as I expected it to be. Will probably be like Alchemist and Montsegur, short rockers that would work live but don't get played anyway.
After giving the album a few listens, here's what I think will be played:

Speed of Light
Red and Black
Tears of a Clown
Book of Souls

After a couple listens, I 100% agree with this prediction. They will definitely open with the first two songs, certainly play Red and Black because of the "whoa oh's", skip songs like Dance of Death for the "new" version, and Tears of a Clown has great publicity potential. No doubt Rod'll pushing that bloody one bloody well for bloody years.

Honestly, I want to see IESF as the opener with no introduction. It's always this big, orchestral or bombastic musical piece with the drummer taking the stage first, then the guitarists and Steve, then Bruce...but this album feels different and the stage show should reflect that.

I think the most powerful thing that could ever happen would be for Bruce to take the stage singing those two opening verses with a single spotlight, as if to say, "Welcome back to Iron Maiden. We're still doing this. I'm still doing it, cancer be damned." Then the band joins in behind him for once and the show kicks off. I think that would be absolutely stunning.
I hope they play almost no classics. None. Of the old songs there should only be obscure ones.
It would be perfect for me, and I would stand with a sinister smile while giggling, thinking about the "play classics" people in the stadium.
Here's a guess at what the setlist will look like:

If Eternity Should Fail
Speed of Light
Two Minutes to Midnight
Tears of a Clown
Blood Brothers
The Red and the Black
The Trooper
The Longest Day
Book of Souls
Fear of the Dark
When the Wild Wind Blows
Iron Maiden

Coming Home
Number of the Beast

I'm hoping they still decide to keep it 00s focused, although realistically I'm not sure if that's likely. I'm pretty confident a few of those have a good chance of being in though.
With Bruce saying they'll be playing songs they haven't played for a few years (And the omitting of RTTH). I can see it being post 2000 stuff. They played the classics to death for about three years.
Talking about classics... I now Adrian said they won't play SIASL anymore... But I hope he changes his mind!
That is one classic I would be on the verge of tears hearing.
Honestly I'm not too concerned about what they play, I just hope they throw some surprises in there. If they have to pull from the 80s do something we haven't heard in the past ten years or more and if they focus on 00s I hope it's an at least slightly different selection. Especially from AMOLAD.
According to ironmaiden.com ... the first tour dates will be announced on Sept 10. Wherever the first show is, I am there
It's actually not too unlikely come to think of it. Isn't Soundwave festival around the time that Maiden is supposed to start touring?