
Same here, especially with new Symphony X and Armored Saint out (and shows coming up). But a little 90 minute Sabaton refresher is always welcome.
Since they're releasing it as a dvd, I really hope the audio at the beginning is fixed.
Well, I think that was the live channel's mixing. Likely the dvd will be mixed by a professional engineer.
Well, I think that was the live channel's mixing. Likely the dvd will be mixed by a professional engineer.
Broadcasts from big shows like this aren't usually fed from the PA mixer, but mixed separately. That being said you obviously almost always get better result when you spend days or weeks on something rather than live mixing.

The Maiden broadcast from Ullevi 2005 though, was exceptionally well mixed for a live broadcast.
Sabaton frontman has to walk 323 miles to the next gig because he lost a bet @Dr. Eddies Wingman ==> Trondheim!
On a funny note - today I found out Joakim has been added (via internet) to the competition Český slavík which is held annualy in the Czech Republic. That's weird, because it's meant for Czech singers (though Joakim supposedly has dual citizenship with CZ, so it's plausible).

What's really funny is that the competition is really... something you would not expect him in. It's mostly done for the older generations by the older generations and it's mostly used to praise those sterile lounge lizards/cabaret acts that used to be popular here during the times of the Communist regime; e. g. Karel Gott - @Perun might remember him from the Ein Kessel Buntes show from the 70's/80's (you get reruns, right?). So someone like Joakim is really unexpected. Overall, it's worse than Eurovision, probably. Watching a whole evening show of the announcements beats self-mutilation, but only barely.

However the company that holds the competition has a bad history of "tweaking" around the votes and the acceptability of the acts and they have deleted acts with a lot of votes but not fitting their idea of the winner, so I don't think J would be allowed to win anyway. But still, it's bizarre. o_O
Also, I have been reading this thread through, lately. There was this discussion about the nationalism/patriotism of the band and the fact they've named their album Carolus Rex and whether the album praises the guy or subtly puts him down etc.

Well, this is what I've read just today on TV Tropes:

"There is a distinct difference in tone between the Swedish and English versions of "Carolus Rex". The English version is a pretty positive badass-praising album in regular Sabaton-style. The Swedish version is a far more solemn affair, focusing more on the effects of the war on soldiers, civilians and countries, and doesn't shy away from depicting atrocities on either side. For comparison: The bridge from Killing Ground:

English version: See the Caroleans standing tall/ All for one and one for all/ Enemies fall at their feet/ Begging for their mercy/ See the Caroleans standing tall/ Conquer lands and slaughter all/ Enemies fall at their feet/ Victory and great defeat

Direct translation of Swedish version: See the Russian surrender, beg for mercy/ The Swede violates the code of war/ Caroleans take their revenge/ Slaughter their prisoners/ See the Russian surrender, beg for mercy/ Mass murder, not heroic deed/ Caroleans take their revenge/ Honor is lost"

I don't speak Swedish, so I have no idea whether it's correct or not, but still, I find it very interesting.
I don't speak Swedish, so I have no idea whether it's correct or not, but still, I find it very interesting.

It is correct, yes. Not surprisingly, I don't think anyone outside of Sweden understand how much of a problem this part of our history is. Another factor would be general English skills of the band... It could just be as simple as them reverting to more cliché expressions in their English lyrics because they don't have a great feel for the language - they wouldn't be the first!

I've listened a bit to Carolus Rex, mostly because I'm very interested in hearing metal sung in my own language - there' no doubt at it being more powerful.

Let's look at the chorus of "A Lifetime of War":

Has man gone insane?
A few will remain
Who'll find a way
To live one more day
Through decades of war.
It spreads like disease,
There's no sign of peace.
Religion and creed
Cause millions to bleed.
Three decades of war.

My translation of Swedish version:

Because the war it can
Destroy a man
I give my life for my fatherland
But who misses me?
So see me as that
A husband, a friend
Father and son, who never comes home
But who mourns me?

...Quite a difference!
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I'm not very familiar with Sabaton so excuse me if this sounds ridiculous, but aren't Sabaton kind of like a modern Gave Digger?
Not really. Grave Digger isn't as bombastic. Grave Digger is much more of a heavy metal band, Sabaton is power metal.
It is correct, yes. Not surprisingly, I don't think anyone outside of Sweden understand how much of a problem this part of our history is. Another factor would be general English skills of the band... It could just be as simple as them reverting to more cliché expressions in their English lyrics because they don't have a great feel for the language - they wouldn't be the first!

I've listened a bit to Carolus Rex, mostly because I'm very interested in hearing metal sung in my own language - there' no doubt at it being more powerful.

Let's look at the chorus of "A Lifetime of War":

Has man gone insane?
A few will remain
Who'll find a way
To live one more day
Through decades of war.
It spreads like disease,
There's no sign of peace.
Religion and creed
Cause millions to bleed.
Three decades of war.

My translation of Swedish version:

Because the war it can
Destroy a man
I give my life for my fatherland
But who misses me?
So see me as that
A husband, a friend
Father and son, who never comes home
But who mourns me?

...Quite a difference!

I think there is a certain possibility that they have "bleakened" the Swedish lyrics on purpose - as has been said earlier in this thread, if Charles XII really is somewhat a symbol for modern Swedish neo-Nazis, they might have wanted to really stress the fact they're not neo-Nazis. For the rest of the world, there's definitely no such need. (For example I thought of Charles merely as a Swedish monarch, who was cool from the military point of view and as such, a typical "matter" for Sabaton. I would never even realise there might be anything controversial about him).
I think there's definitely some of that. When I was in Sweden, I visited Varberg Fortress, where they keep the bullet that killed Charles XII, and immediately beside the bullet, they had a large display explaining how his legacy was co-opted by modern fascists, and how those people are bad. It was a surprisingly political statement inside a museum. I get the sense that many Swedes are embarrassed by, not so much Charles XII himself, but what he has come to represent in modern Sweden.