
Oh, I see what you mean now. The fade-in in the beginning and the fade-out in the end sound very fitting to me and if you read about the way the Night Witches worked, you may see the point too.
I understand that sound and it indeed explains the contrast with that other part. Still, I really don't like that kind of music. I keep my fingers crossed that this stuff won't happen too often on the rest of the album.
My four favourite Heroes songs (a group that I clearly enjoy more than the rest of the album), in album order:

No Bullets Fly
To Hell and Back
Resist and Bite
Far from the Fame

Also kudos for Out of Control. Far far far from sounding original material (and I know it's a cover!) but I really like these couplets. The calm vocals, the constant guitars contrasting with the changing keyboard chords.
Also kudos for Out of Control. Far far far from sounding original material (and I know it's a cover!) but I really like these couplets. The calm vocals, the constant guitars contrasting with the changing keyboard chords.

Agreed! A very good choice for a cover. I enjoy En Hjaltes Vag as well, though I have no idea what they're saying. For Whom the Bell Tolls is not too different, but I appreciate the additional heaviness and it's cool to hear Sab's take on it.
I really lean towards it as my favourite from the album currently. A very good story, too.
Heard the new album last night. Really good, very few weak tracks. I felt like it got a lot better toward the end too. Will definitely be giving it more listens!

Give me three recommendations of great songs by them, @Perun (not including Twilight of the Thunder God). I'll give 'em another chance. I know that they always scream/growl, but as a way of easing into the band, I would appreciate choices with a maximum amount of melody and a minimal amount of blast beats.
Give me three recommendations of great songs by them, @Perun (not including Twilight of the Thunder God). I'll give 'em another chance. I know that they always scream/growl, but as a way of easing into the band, I would appreciate choices with a maximum amount of melody and a minimal amount of blast beats.

It doesn't get any more melodic than this.