
So I went to the Plagues of Babylon tour last night, here is a little review.
There was some band that I've never heard of that played last night, they were hardcore death metal. It was a disappointing start to a crazy night.Then some lady walked up to my friend and I and asked if I was the one who slipped her 'that joint.' After finding out it wasn't me, she gave me 10 minute presentation on why I should not 'narc.' Then Revamp took the stage, I had never listened to their music before and was surprised to see that the lead singer was a girl. Sabaton took the stage later and was amazing! Every song was just so awesome live. At the end of the set, one of the guitarists thorugh out a pick, I unfortunately missed. So the guitarist looks at me, then screws around and throws the pick to me. The pick was intercepted by someone else. So he took the drummer over to me and I got a drumstick. Then Iced Earth took the stage, I'm not the biggest Iced Earth fan so I didn't really know any of the songs. But later they through out a drumstick, which I almost got. I'm glad I didn't get it though, as the guy who had it got in a wrestling match, with a guy who much superior in size. Actually Joakim of Sabaton pointed him out earlier. He called him a viking, they then played Swedish Pagans.
Heroes is a terrible album. Shitty production, lot of rehashing. Every song sounds like some other Sabaton song. Songs 5, 6, 7 and 9 are tolerable, the rest is just really bad and uninspired.
Sounds like you had a great time trying to obtain things from the bands, @Collin!

Heroes is a terrible album. Shitty production, lot of rehashing. Every song sounds like some other Sabaton song. Songs 5, 6, 7 and 9 are tolerable, the rest is just really bad and uninspired.

And what are your thoughts on Plagues of Babylon again...?
There is definitely some similarities, but no more so than Maidens avg output. There is nothing on the album I consider terrible (goes for all Sabaton so far actually, except perhaps Metalizer). Honestly my only complaint is the shortness of the songs, just as I'm getting into the energy of a song it stops. It also limits the creativity with regards to structure, following the same verse/chorus/bridge patterns etc.
That's just ridiculous. I could understand the "uninspired" part, but apart from If I Could See You (that's awesome, but also very similar to I Died For You) none of the songs are too similar to their previous songs.
As someone who adores both Sabaton and Iced Earth (and Iced Earth a bit more).... Heroes is a far, far better album than Plagues Of Babylon. I love most of Heroes, whereas most of Plagues Of Babylon is sleep inducing. There, I've said my bit. :p
I have to drop this somewhere:

See the Reich in flames
Try to save Berlin in vain
It's a road to death and pain
On the other shore there's the end of the war

See the city burn on the other side
Going down in flames as two worlds collide
Who can now look back with with a sense of pride
On the other shore there's the end of the war