
I really like the new tune, those verses are quite interesting.

Last night's show WAS awesome, as noted by Floor, Joakim, and Stu. The venue was smaller than the House of Blues in Chicago, less crowded, but much more tightly packed due to the poor layout. I'm sure you've all seen similar venues: no sloped floor, one long, narrow room with low ceilings and a bar at the back. Of course, this poor design made the energy incredible.

It was very interesting to see the same tour 3 weeks later in a different state. ReVamp's set got one song shorter, Sabaton's got two songs longer (!!!), and Iced Earth seemed to be having way more fun. Unfortunately, they dropped The End? (one of the only decent tunes off the new album) and A Question of Heaven from the setlist. AQOH was replaced by the abysmal Boiling Point. Hardly a fair trade.

As for Sab, amazing show. The guys literally did not stop smiling or goofing off the whole time. It was very obvious that the crowd was feeding them tons of energy. After the third song, a loud "SABATON!" chant went on for so long that Joakim had to order us, "Silence! Or I kill you!" He later brought a young boy on stage, gave him his sunglasses, and let him rock out during the final song.

The show was all the better simply because it was free! Thanks again for that, folks :edmetal:
He also did that when I saw them in Berlin back in 2010. Obviously, that only got us cheering louder.

Once they find a gag that works, they seem to repeat the same thing at every show. For instance, they did the whole "We're the Village People" joke both times I've seen them now. It's smart, use the material that gets new fans on your good side.

My only question is: who is his sunglasses wholesale distributor? Or is it like the NFL - some roadie hunts down the kid after the show and demands the sunglasses back?
Once they find a gag that works, they seem to repeat the same thing at every show. For instance, they did the whole "We're the Village People" joke both times I've seen them now. It's smart, use the material that gets new fans on your good side.

My only question is: who is his sunglasses wholesale distributor? Or is it like the NFL - some roadie hunts down the kid after the show and demands the sunglasses back?
At Rockstad Falun (their home festival) you can purchase "his" glasses at the merch booth, pretty cheap. So I guess he has a few to throw around.
Preliminary thoughts on the album after two days and 12 listens:

Night Witches: Brilliant opener but very short.
No Bullets Fly: Took a bit for me to warm up to it, but I like it a lot now.
Smoking Snakes: Aces in Exile: Brazil. Still great, but heard it before.
Inmate 4859: As I said in the Now Playing thread, this is less than what it could be. It was meant to be hugely epic, but was too ambitious.
To Hell and Back: Classic Sabaton material. Brilliant song.
The Ballad of Bull: F-. Worst Sabaton song, hands down.
Resist and Bite: Absolutely brilliant song.
Soldier of 3 Armies: An instant classic, the perfect Sabaton song. Makes me very happy.
Far from the Fame: It took me a bit to warm up to it, but I was stupidly grinning to it in public earlier today.
Hearts of Iron: Took a while to warm up to it, but I knew from the first listen that I'd end up loving it, and I do now. Goosebumps material, no doubt.

Verdict: Excellent album, one bad and one mediocre track. But seriously, 36 minutes? :blink:
Short albums make me sad :( Especially with that many tracks.... it's not that I think short songs are bad, but there just shouldn't be THAT many :(
The album length is both great and terrible. It's terrible because some of these songs could be way No Bullets Fly, already a favourite. But it's great because I can listen to the album twice in the time it takes me to get through Carolus Rex.
Musically, Hearts of Iron sounds very, very much like an earlier song, but damned if I can figure out which one right now. It's still awesome, it's just got that same beat in the chorus as...another tune.