
Sabaton was amazing! I wish they'd play a longer set, but everything we got last night was spectacular. There was a huge crowd there for Sabaton, at least as many as for IE.

All 3 bands were incredible. One of the best lineups I've ever seen. I even got to meet Floor and Revamp after the gig and bought a Carolus Rex shirt!

EDIT: Almost forgot, they started playing "YMCA" for some silly reason. Joakim also jokingly told the crowd that this wouldn't be one of those shows where "people shout every song they want to hear and the band plays it". Guess we'll have to wait for the headlining tour!
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I can't keep a straight face watching Sabaton interviews. Wow - imagine if they wrote songs about economic history rather than military?
I can see a crowd singing along to 'The Wall St Crash'.
This is just in:


In their FB post, they explicitly speak of the "first" tour dates for the Heroes Tour.
I think "In despite of our foe" will become my favourite Sabaton lyric. :D There's even Latin! Fully satisfied.
That song feels kinda odd to me. I like the chorus, as noted it's very catchy... but the verses, they start rhyming and it feels like it's going to keep going, then it just doesn't and it throws me off! The music is good, and naturally the traditional random Latin thrown just gives it extra awesomeness. Going to take a few listens I think to get used to it.