
But can hear other bands that you can hear other bands in Sabaton, but that you can't hear Sabaton in other bands? And what do Sabaton hear?
No, that would be "You hears other bands in Sabaton, but you do not heared Sabaton in other bands".
Just.. wow, that was almost the same sentence back to back. I love the band but... yeah, stick to Joakim doing the interviews
Hahahaha! :lol:
Now this!
--> -0.27

(When this came out in '98 I was kinda shocked and my brother annoyed to hear these "lyrics" compared to the otherwise often intellectual outings by this singer!)
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This thread is going off the rails on a crazy train. By the way, I don't think I can hear much Ozzy Osbourne in Sabaton. And definitely not Sabaton in Ozzy Osbourne.
I was told to come here by Ariana, but all I can find is a whole lot of babble about bands that Sabaton sounds like. For the life of me, I can't seem to find any bands that sound like Sabaton.
From their Facebook page:

Are you looking forward to our new album?
This is what a few journalists thought of it!
Hold on...

“This album is gonna be huge, no doubt about it. It has everything that’s made SABATON famous; big choruses, songs that are easy to get into and a big presentation. Well done.”
Matthias Kling (AFTONBLADET, Sweden)

“Impressive, quite simply. The fans will go ballistic. Well done, guys!”
Hakon Grav (SCREAM MAGAZINE, Norway)

“SABATON can do everything…Except disappointing their fans! Another really solid addition to this great band’s discography!”
Francois Blanc (ROCK HARD, France)

„The album »Heroes« is really well produced, arranged and the whole concept of it is awesome. Each song is different, begins with an unusual, catchy motive, and gives the impression of participation on something bigger, then only another good heavy metal experience. The lyrics kicks ass.”
Paulina Magdalena Mazur (METAL HAMMER, Poland)

„Next SABATON classic – energetic, melodic and with power of a storm. Great stories/lyrics, nice guitar work and “holy shit” dangerous drums.
»Heroes« is like a bomb that explode at first seconds of listening. Everybody will love it. J”
David Halvena (SPARK, Czech Republic)

Carsten Stampe (METALIZED, DK)

So this doesn't tell us anything. :D