Russia invades Ukraine

AFAIK, a country must have its borders secured to be eligible to enter NATO, so they can't be accepted even so. Zelensky definitely knows this, just as he knows that not all NATO members want them there (especially the countries that are still chummies with Putin *cough *cough Hungary *cough).

I am 100 % convinced that however radical and serious the demands seem to be, it is more or less political posturing, like Perun says, kinda telling the West "see? Why haven't you accepted us long ago? Well, you can at least send us support".

Also, I think he's also trying to remind the West this way that Ukraine gave up the nuclear weapons it possessed in '91 in exchange of a guarantee of their borders as they stood then by Russia and the West. They were stupid and naive to trust Russia, true, but they were stupid and naive to trust us as well.
Exactly, I think the answer here is to approve Ukraine for NATO to take effect at the end of the war and in the meantime, give them what they need to end it and kick the russians back to russia
Clear path to membership is not equal to become a member during the war
Zelensky demanded a "clear timeframe". How would you define a timeframe that would actually mean anything, and also avoid a wartime accession, unless you did it as a timeframe relative to the as-yet-undefined end of the war?
A happy swede here today. Obviously not happy in regards to the whole situation, but personally I'll feel a bit more safe now
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This man gets it right. Unlike Germany, who refuses to give Taurus rockets and so far only 10 Leopards were delivered.

"Instead of giving in to Russian blackmail regarding the grain deal, Ukraine does the exact right decision in not to give in but targeting the Russian oil trade instead.This is exactly how to respond to Russian threats and blackmail. Do not negotiate, do not allow yourself getting into a defensive position but strike back, even double as hard as necessary to make sure that it delivers the intended pain for Russia and then see what happens. You can be absolutely certain that Moscow will understand this message and will offer a “good-will” gesture."

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“The Armed Forces of Ukraine are on the verge of breaking through the front during the counteroffensive,” - General Zaluzhny

Let's hope so.
“The Armed Forces of Ukraine are on the verge of breaking through the front during the counteroffensive,” - General Zaluzhny

General Zaluzhny is generally a capable & serious person but keep in mind he is not in good terms with Zelensky and there’s a build up by media for him to become a scapegoat if counteroffensive fails and this may be the reason for such an exaggeration.
To my knowledge AFU have captured half most of the village town of Rabotino which is in the security area, well behind the three five lines of defense that Russians have built.
Breakthrough would have happened if AFU managed to break all three five lines of defence. It took AFU nearly 3 months to merely reach the starting point, thus statements like above should be taken with a huge pinch of salt.
And not to forget that Russians are on the verge to break through in the North (Kupiansk)

All in all I’m a bit suspicious with what is happening and more importantly said by both sides at this moment, especially their “advances” Ukraine’s in South and Russia’s in the North.

EDIT for some corrections.
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russia can only invade weak and small countries. those bastards are not prepared to defend itself from smart enemy. good.
and yet, some of you, (maybe affected by hidden ruzzian propaganda) preached with hot hearts about 'avoid escalation at all costs'. shame, shame on you all. on all levels. rant over.

russia can only invade weak and small countries.

Ukraine has a huge back up from the West who in addition introduced the most severe sanctions ever against Russia. Without this backing Ukraine would have collapsed and this is something publicly admitted by top Western officials. Thus I don't think above statement is true.

Plus there's a different style that those 2 countries are fighting each other, which favours Russia. Ukraine seem to go for PR stunts and is desperate to show some progress to please its Western backers and secure further support. Thus it started the famous counter-offensive without being fully ready which results in very heavy losses. Previously it was stubbornly insisting on holding on Bakhmut which was also proven disastrous.
On the other hand, Russians seem to restrain themselves since last autumn, trying to preserve their troops all the while causing attrition to Ukraine.

And let's not forget that the whole of NATO plus Japan, Korea, or Israel at times is loosing the ammunition battle with Russia -which is the most important in a war of attrition. This is why US supplied cluster munitions to Ukraine as it run out of conventional ones.

The war is far from over but seeing what is happening not only in the battlefield but mostly in the World stage; the beginning of de-dollarization, BRICS expansion, African coups, EU entering recession, inflation etc I do not think either should be happy. Russia is losing men by the thousands and West is losing relevance & influence by the day.
Ukraine has a huge back up from the West who in addition introduced the most severe sanctions ever against Russia. Without this backing Ukraine would have collapsed and this is something publicly admitted by top Western officials. Thus I don't think above statement is true.

I wrote that sentence as a conclusion/statement. Ukraine is not weak. The most important is morale of Ukrainians. When ruskies meet strong and clever nation they loose badly. ruzzian empire is strong only on paper. Feeding on the phantoms of the past. In this light all moaning of western people does look weak, stupid, decadent and even CRIMINAL. If your country positions itself as democratic, pro VALUES, then stop being a scared bitch and act accordingly. Aggressor must be punished badly, if you want the civilized part of the world to stay in the same pro democratic course.
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The war is far from over but seeing what is happening not only in the battlefield but mostly in the World stage; the beginning of de-dollarization, BRICS expansion, African coups, EU entering recession, inflation etc I do not think either should be happy. Russia is losing men by the thousands and West is losing relevance & influence by the day.
I will tell you one more time. YOUR INFORMATION CHANNELS SUCKS BIG FUCKING TIME. THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS DE-DOLLARIZATION. JUST A WET DREAMS OF SORE LOSERS. So far, Dollar is the king and will be for many years to come.
This narrative is alive and well in ruzzia: "dollar is dying" (and is for many years regurgitated) Empty dreams of vatniks.
Regarding BRICS, so far this block is no treat to democratic world.

your - information - channels - sucks - big - time. period. If you would be rusky, I would call you a VATNIK. Nothing's personal, just a definition of a man who feeds on propaganda and does not think for himself. Sorry for being harsh, but that's how I see it.
Dominance of dollar was largely based in the US -Saudi alliance. Saudi Arabia making peace with Iran is a fact. Both now joining BRICS. More and more countries are seeking to trade outside dollar, which was what led to many countries wanting to join BRICS in the first place.

The dollar will be dominant for years to come, but there’s a clear trend by many countries to operate outside of US hegemony.

Now if you believe the above is subject to information channels, I’m afraid you are the one totally blinded.
ruzzian propaganda is burrying the dollar for many many years. I am diving into 'info' field of theirs from time to time. It's nothing's new.