No Rest for the Dead
russia is a terrorist state
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News had it that Russia wouldn't refuse peace negotiations with the USA, if offered by the USA. That's what Lawrow got quoted.
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I’m curious what the experts/more informed European members think about the prospect of peace talks led by the USA. How can it be a move to save face for Putin? From my vantage point this invasion looks like a failure unless Ukraine is completely annexed by Russia, and even then it’s an embarrassment for how much the Russian military is struggling. It’s hard to imagine Putin backing down for any reason at this point.
And we won't do that, unless he presses the big red button (and even then). But the average Russian isn't important to Putin's reign - the oligarchs and the generals and other power players know the truth, and they're the ones who will remove Putin in the end.It would save face for Putin because any negotiation at this point means there will have to be concessions made to him. He will come out of such negotiations with more to show than he had at the offset of the invasion, be it a formal recognition of Russia's annexation of Crimea, a statement no to admit Ukraine into NATO, to have parts of the country disarmed, or whatever. Anything like this is something Putin can sell as a victory to his followers. His war propaganda is left intentionally vague on the precise goals, so they can be adjusted to the outcome of the war. If the Russians were able to occupy all of Ukraine, Putin could say he "reunited" Russians and Ukrainians; if only the Black Sea shore was occupied, Putin can say he reclaimed "Novorossiya"; if only Crimea and the Donbass territories are in Russian hands, he would claim he saved the Russian population there from a genocide from the Ukrainians. Even if Russian troops have to entirely withdraw, Putin can always lay the blame on a gay Jewish NATO world conspiracy against the Russian people. The sad thing is that it doesn't matter how truthful any of these claims are (none of them have the slightest shred of truth to them), or how many people actually believe them (even some members on this forum, however, do); it's about being able to claim a victory. Nothing short of a total defeat of Russia witnessed by all Russians akin to the destruction of Germany in 1945 will eradicate this lie.