Russia invades Ukraine

Looks like Biden is going to announce an oil ban today ... I hope, as reported as an option to replace that oil, there is not a lift of the ban on Venezuela.

There's tankies on Twitter ecstatic about the idea of lifting the sanctions on Venezuela. And then there's Russian tankies furious at them. I, personally, love watching tankies fight.
Iraq run by a brutal dictator who used chemical weapons on Kurds.

While I wholeheartedly agree with both you and Perun here, considering the motive for Iraq was the flimsy WMD-argumentation and Putin's claims have been the equally flimsy opression/genocide/whatever of Russians in Ukraine, I understand where people could tend to compare the two.

(and with Iraq - and other places - in particular there's also the unfortunate history of the West being supportive of the radicals... as long as it suited them. And not just mujahideen - heck, "Contras" is a powerful term)

I think we as West should sit down and rework (and kinda unify) our stance on interventionism in general.
While I wholeheartedly agree with both you and Perun here, considering the motive for Iraq was the flimsy WMD-argumentation and Putin's claims have been the equally flimsy opression/genocide/whatever of Russians in Ukraine, I understand where people could tend to compare the two.

(and with Iraq - and other places - in particular there's also the unfortunate history of the West being supportive of the radicals... as long as it suited them)

I think we as West should sit down and rework (and kinda unify) our stance on interventionism in general.
Yeah, if that was easy, it would have been done already! Unfortunately, not easy, especially when the attitude towards it shifts based on American administrations (@Jer made a correct note above re: GWB). But yes, I think most people agree that Iraq was, at best, a rather misguided mistake that destabilized a country and led to unwanted ripple effects.
Pentagon offers far more conservative estimate on Russian soldier losses. 2000-4000 as opposed to the 12 000 reported by Ukraine.
Poland is sending their MiGs to Ramstein, likely to be sent to Ukraine. That's about 30 planes for Ukraine. They've called on other NATO countries to do the same. USA seems to be sending F-16s to replace them.
There are reports of many major media websites being down, including Facebook YouTube, Amazon, Spotify, Instagram and others. I can confirm Spotify doesn't work, Facebook still works for me.

Let's hope that whatever this is, my posting it in this topic will turn out to be a false alarm.
Been away so long, I hardly knew the place
Gee, it's good to be back home
Leave it till tomorrow to unpack my case
Honey, disconnect the phone

I'm back in the U.S.S.R.
So I just had an odyssey through Germany arriving at Frankfurt Airport trying to get to Berlin by train navigating through cancellations and delays having what would usually be a two-hour trip bloated to twelve, and I was going to send an angry e-mail to the responsible carriers. Then I arrived at Berlin Central Station and saw all these terrified, desperate people from Ukraine clutching at whatever straws they could reach, and I think I should just shut up.
Pentagon offers far more conservative estimate on Russian soldier losses. 2000-4000 as opposed to the 12 000 reported by Ukraine.
4000 is approximately the entire losses inflicted on the US forces over the course of however many years they were in Iraq. And this war is only two weeks old.
4000 is approximately the entire losses inflicted on the US forces over the course of however many years they were in Iraq. And this war is only two weeks old.
or 2/7ths of the losses the USSR suffered in Afghanistan.
Putin banned from the Loaf & Cheese in Burton upon Trent. Could this be the turning point re Ukraine?

I have a potentially unpopular opinion: I don't like the massive circle jerking and praise going to Zelensky. I don't have anything against the guy, I just feel like people are praising him for just doing his job, which is not bailing out of the country and rallying the masses every day. Like, everything he is doing is what I'd expect a war time president of a country should do.

Or I might just be cynical because I don't like making a big fuss about any single politician.
I just feel like people are praising him for just doing his job, which is not bailing out of the country and rallying the masses every day.
I mean, that doesn't really happen. Most leaders scurry for the hills, rather than making the proverbial "brave" stand. Look at Saddam Hussein hiding in a hole, for comparison. It is very brave, the style of bravery that isn't as common in the leadership class as they want you to believe.

But it is also combined with a unique charisma (the guy is an actor!) and a mastery of social media that is almost unknown in the modern day. He has a way of making these videos that appear very personal and very unique rather than polished content from a social media manager. That connects with people who constantly want to see a relatable leader, especially since a lot of Western leaders aren't generally considered relatable.

Everyone imagines themselves doing what Zelensky does, even if they can't.