I can't, I'm stressed out. I want to follow what's happening but the more I do the more sick I feel because there is absolutely nothing else one can do.
If I come here, and I come here 350 days a year, I have to be ignoring this thread in order not to click on it and if I click then I'll be off on reddit or somewhere else where there's absolute full coverage and then rest of my day is fucked.
See, countries don't have emphaty after all, only people do. So while we're fighting here what NATO is or isn't or what it should or shouldn't do, they entirely, as in alliances,countries, entirely see the world through objectives and goals. And when some of that falls flat they revert to some other plan, some other contingency while we're left to doom and gloom and personal processing of what the fuck just happened.
President of Ukraine and leadership, seem, I'm not familiar with them much, but they seem like people's people, distanced from the realpolitik. And they made a mistake thinking their new friends are just that. Now they're left alone.