Rush Survivor Finished: Red Barchetta wins!

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    Votes: 1 16.7%
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    Votes: 5 83.3%

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The Wreckers

What an awesome album. Rush's best since Grace Under Pressure. Not a bad song here, took me quite awhile to decide what to vote for. Here, the band has finally found the perfect balance between prog and hard rock, and it sounds great. There's even an interesting story to go with it, Neil's lyrics are fantastic. It seems like they have at least one more left in them, but if this was the last album, I'd be OK with that. It showcases just about everything that has made Rush great.
I need to relisten to his album. I still don't think I have solid favorites picked from it outside of The Garden and Headlong Flight.
I don't really have a definite favorite either. Picking least favorites was hard enough.
Great album. After the first three to five fall off, we may as well be in the playoffs, because the pre-PW stuff will no longer be getting a free pass.
Halo Effect
Wish Them Well
In this round The Wreckers is not going to get my vote.
I think that 2.43 - 3.43 evokes something not far from the mid part of Back from the Edge.
In this round The Wreckers is not going to get my vote.
I think that 2.43 - 3.43 evokes something not far from the mid part of Back from the Edge.
I don't hear it, honestly. I find the main melody to be a bit generic, something I've heard many times before, and the rest of the song just doesn't do much for me.
I hear what Foro is talking about — it's really the only ... Rushy?... part of the song.
The rest, particularly the intro, sounds like British Invasion rock. The chorus is definitely catchy but it's too poignant to be called generic.
I think it works really well where it is in the album too — an interlude between the heavy slog of Seven Cities and the full-out Headlong
The only thing that bothers me about the track is the way Alex winds up for a killer outro solo and the quick fade snatches it away.
It is one of my many favourites from this album.
In that part I wasn't exactly talking about the music itself (technically speaking), but rather about the same kind of melancholy, it evokes (almost) the same emotions.

I hear what you mean when you speak about that solo. Live it might be different (extended). This is not a spoiler:
I seriously forgot if this song is played live or not.
In that part I wasn't exactly talking about the music itself (technically speaking), but rather about the same kind of melancholy, it evokes (almost) the same emotions.
Well in that case, I think I hear what you're talking about.
The Analog Kid
Red Sector A
Armor and Sword
Seven Cities Of Gold

Deciding on a P/G song to vote for was the hardest part.
  1. Far Cry
  2. Armor and Sword
  3. The Main Monkey Buisness
  4. Caravan
  5. Seven Cities of Gold (I don't care much for this one. Not very melodic. Boring chorus)
  6. Headlong Flight
  7. The Garden