Rush Survivor Finished: Red Barchetta wins!

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    Votes: 5 83.3%

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@mckindog That's interesting. I understand the darkness in the lyrics, but I hear positivity in the music. Judgement of Heaven is like this, very dark lyrics, but sorta upbeat musically. I hear that all over Snakes and Arrows, and it's a contrast that I like, when done right.
If Far Cry is a classic, then it's only because the band made it so by playing it often. Very energetic track, lots of power, but also lots of the same, monotone continuity.
And I think it deserves that amount of play. I think it is a great song.
Not a fan of this album. Some good songs, a lot of mediocre songs.

Working Them Angels
The Larger Bowl
The Way The Wind Blows
Bravest Face
Good News First
We Hold On
Hope - 3 votes
Faithless - 3 votes
Bravest Face - 3 votes
Good News First - 5 votes
Angels, Wind, Spindrift, Hold On.

The others are all legitimate contenders for my number two behind Far Cry.
Armor has all kinds of cool things going on, Larger Bowl has the album's best melody and all three instrumentals are great.
At the moment, I'm leaning toward Monkey Business as my choice.
I lean toward Angels as my number two.

The Larger Bowl is one I didn't like at all at first, and I still don't like it much.
Workin' Them Angels - 3 votes
The Larger Bowl - 4 votes
Spindrift - 3 votes
The Way The Wind Blows - 5 votes
We Hold On - 5votes
Last two.

All 4 of the remaining S&A songs are good though.
That was a really tough choice for me. I kinda hope only Malignant Narcissism gets eliminated, so three songs can stick around for awhile.
Can't agree with the votes against Far Cry. Easily the best song on the album. Best song Rush put out in a 15-year span.
Malignant Narcissism - 3 votes

Clockwork Angels has joined the battle!