No, seriously, all of this doesn't add up. Why would Bruce word it in such a way. That he would like the song to be in the set, but “unfortunately” it won't be if was his decision that caused that.

I slightly disagree. As others have pointed out, it might very well be down to the amount of lyrics, the structure of the song, singing-technical stuff like the room for expression etc.

If Somewhere in Time revisit was done on another tour and Senjutsu had more spotlight on it's totally "own" album tour, I believe The Parchment would've most likely been in the set. As it is, I can totally see why they went with Celts instead, even though Bruce has often expressed his love for The Parchment too.

I often like to bring this comparison up when it comes to Celts vs Teh Pakrement:

Death of the Celts
- song introduction
- short-ish intro -> some singing
- long instrumental break & a breather for Bruce
- just a bit more singing, outro, move on to the introduction of the next, quite an easy song

The Parchment
- possible song introduction
- intro with a slow, albeit amazing build-up -> healthy doze of singing; this is just my guess, but I imagine Bruce would most likely be standing on the front of the stage in the middle, with a mic stand (just like during Alexander), concentrating on the lyrics and delivery as the song has a very different type of drama and vibe compared to the Celts
- long instrumental break & a breather for Bruce
- be ready to come back for more singing, be careful with the timing...
- another instrumental section!
- come back to the stage for introduction of the next song

It's not a huge difference, but the groove of these two songs, the structure of the whole set and its flow considered, I can kind of see why they probably ended up thinking that Death of the Celts is a better fit, even though I personally like The Parchment a lot more. From purely playing and performance point of view, Death of the Celts is probably a tad bit more lively and expressive song to be played in this particular set.
Nicko, Dave and Janick on team Parchment and Bruce, Steve and Adrian on team Celts? I'm only mostly sure about Nicko and Steve though.
Nicko, Dave and Janick on team Parchment and Bruce, Steve and Adrian on team Celts? I'm only mostly sure about Nicko and Steve though.

I'd say Nicko, Bruce, Janick for Parchment and Steve, Dave, Adrian for Celts. Then Steve deciding for Celts, simply because it would then fit better with what Bruce said in the interview.

I would just tell people to look at this with extreme skepticism. No official source, no direct quotes from the band, etc.
I know. But I won't talk about it in detail, since there is only one person, whom I trust, between me and the source of this information.

And yeah, the source of this information is P. B. Dickinson himself. And that's about all that I can reveal.
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The problem I've always had with stories like this is that I could never find an answer to the question of why someone like Bruce, for example, who is not a naive novice, would make such a comment to someone.
He would know full well that it would eventually end up on social media or discussion forums and if he wanted that, he could mention it in an official interview.
Maybe there is an answer to that question?
But normally professionals only ever talk about such topics in very vague terms with third parties, so something like, yes, a difficult decision, actually both would have fitted, but unfortunately we had to choose...
The problem I've always had with stories like this is that I could never find an answer to the question of why someone like Bruce, for example, who is not a naive novice, would make such a comment to someone.
It's not classified information. The tour has already started at that point. Giving people some insight how the band votes for songs in the set internally is hardly a big business secret... It's a normal voting system in case the set needs to be cut. Most of the bands do that and it's standard practice. The only thing I didn't knew before is that Bruce is indeed the tiebreaker, which is the right decision as he is the singer.

Anyways it's simple. The question was asked and Bruce answered. Nothing to hide there. I know that he was still secretive about some other stuff like his solo band at that point and he didn't want to talk about members or setlist when asked about this topic, but he revealed that he will be touring Europe and SA in 2024 as a solo act and that his album will be released early next year (this was early summer 2023), but I didn't want to talk about that publicly at that point and kept that info for myself.

The thing is you keep some things to yourself until they are announced, because it's the right thing to do (unlike Juras who spilled the tea about TFP soon after Zagreb gig in 2022).

Anyways, back to topic, I think they managed to keep the info about Run For Your Lives undercover much better than TFP. That's why I believe that the documentary might still happen, despite some promotors claiming otherwise.
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It's still kinda hilarious in retrospect how the whole shebang that was gonna be TFP leaked really early and was repeatedly teased, but because Maidenfans is Maidenfans, most seriously didn't consider a hybrid SiT/Senjustu tour possible. I for sure was absolutely convinced it was just going to be them bringing back SIASL and finally debuting ATG since that would've more than justified the teasing by Bruce.
It's still kinda hilarious in retrospect how the whole shebang that was gonna be TFP leaked really early and was repeatedly teased, but because Maidenfans is Maidenfans, most seriously didn't consider a hybrid SiT/Senjustu tour possible. I for sure was absolutely convinced it was just going to be them bringing back SIASL and finally debuting ATG since that would've more than justified the teasing by Bruce.
Well my theory is that those 2 songs were the reason for a hybrid tour. They were gonna play them in any case.
Source: WAZ, Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung

My Translation

Gelsenkirchen. What worked so well for Taylor Swift should also work for Iron Maiden: The makers of “Taylor Town” are planning the “Maiden Mile” in the city center.