Random trivia

I think it's all produced for the Kuwaiti market, it's boring as hell.
Yeah, basically, they expect you to jerk off when a chick lifts her veil.
No, but that'd be kinda ironic.

And for the next guess - it's not sand either. Saudi Arabia actually imported sand from Italy once, for some development going up in Riyadh.
It must've been like taking coal to Newcastle!
IronDuke said:
Other than oil & gas products, what is Saudi Arabia's largest single export commodity?
Are we discounting oil by-products as well? Plastics, for example, are oil by-products (I believe).
Seems everybody gave up.. :/
Hope it's no problem that I ask a new question in the meantime..

Maiden Three Amigos trivia-time. Please do not look this up and answer by heart!

For how many Iron Maiden songs Bruce Dickinson has been credited together with:

A. Adrian Smith as (one of the) co-writer(s) + mention all these songs.
B. Dave Murray as (one of the) co-writer(s) + mention all these songs.
C. Janick Gers as (one of the) co-writer(s) + mention all these songs.
Hm. That's an extreme question.

- With Adrian;

Flight Of Icarus
Sun And Steel
Two Minutes To Midnight
Back In The Village
The Evil That Men Do
The Wicker Man
Fallen Angel
Face In The Sand
Different World
These Colours Don't Run
Lord Of Light
Brighter Than A Thousand Suns
The Longest Day

- With Dave

Judas Be My Guide
The Thin Line Between Love And Hate
Out Of The Shadows

- With Janick

Bring Your Daughter To The Slaughter
Fear Is The Key
Ghost Of The Navigator

OK. For Adrian, i missed five tracks and i gave two wrong tracks. For Dave, missed three tracks and gave one wrong. For Janick, four missed and two wrong. I'm pretty satisfied considering that it was all written "from the heart". Lets see who gets the bigger score. Now you even know how many songs are there for each one of 'em.
Thanks for trying, "from the heart"!  :ok:

I'll react later, like you say: others can also make an attempt.

Just in case, I can tell you already that the question is about all released Maiden songs, not only album ones.
Thanks Zare for your attempt. I guess the rest of this forum is more into philosophy or computers or something like that.  ;)    Here comes the answer:

For how many Iron Maiden songs Bruce Dickinson has been credited together with:

A. Adrian Smith as (one of the) co-writer(s) + mention all these songs.
B. Dave Murray as (one of the) co-writer(s) + mention all these songs.
C. Janick Gers as (one of the) co-writer(s) + mention all these songs.

A. Adrian Smith: 20 (17 album tracks)
1. Flight Of Icarus (Smith, Dickinson)
2. Die With Your Boots On (Smith, Dickinson, Harris)
3. Sun And Steel (Dickinson, Smith)
4. 2 Minutes to Midnight (Smith, Dickinson)
5. Back In The Village (Smith, Dickinson)
6. Sheriff Of Huddersfield (Iron Maiden)
7. Moonchild (Smith, Dickinson)
8. Can I Play With Madness (Smith, Dickinson, Harris)
9. The Evil That Men Do (Smith, Dickinson, Harris)
10. Hooks In You (Dickinson, Smith)
11. The Wicker Man (Smith, Harris, Dickinson)
12. Pass The Jam (Dickinson, Gers, Harris, McBrain, Murray, Smith)
13. New Frontier (McBrain, Smith, Dickinson)
14. Face in The Sand (Smith, Harris, Dickinson)
15. Journeyman (Smith, Harris, Dickinson)
16. More Tea Vicar (Dickinson, Gers, Harris, McBrain, Murray, Smith)
17. These Colours Don't Run (Smith, Harris, Dickinson)
18. Brighter Than a Thousand Suns (Smith, Harris, Dickinson)
19. The Longest Day (Smith, Harris, Dickinson)
20. Lord Of Light (Smith, Harris, Dickinson)

B. Dave Murray: 8 (5 album tracks)
1. Public Enema Number One (Murray, Dickinson)
2. Nodding Donkey Blues (Dickinson, Harris, Murray, McBrain, Gers)
3. Chains Of Misery (Dickinson, Murray)
4. Judas Be My Guide (Dickinson, Murray)
5. Brave New World (Murray, Harris, Dickinson)
6. Pass The Jam (Dickinson, Gers, Harris, McBrain, Murray, Smith)
7. Rainmaker (Murray, Harris, Dickinson)
8. More Tea Vicar (Dickinson, Gers, Harris, McBrain, Murray, Smith)

C. Janick Gers: 10 (7 album tracks)
1. Nodding Donkey Blues (Dickinson, Harris, Murray, McBrain, Gers)
2. Be Quick Or Be Dead (Dickinson, Gers)
3. Fear Is The Key (Dickinson, Gers)
4. Wasting Love (Dickinson, Gers)
5. Ghost Of The Navigator (Gers, Dickinson, Harris)
6. Out Of The Silent Planet (Gers, Dickinson, Harris)
7. Pass The Jam (Dickinson, Gers, Harris, McBrain, Murray, Smith)
8. Montsegur (Gers, Harris, Dickinson)
9. Gates Of Tomorrow (Gers, Harris, Dickinson)
10. More Tea Vicar (Dickinson, Gers, Harris, McBrain, Murray, Smith)