- the heaviest of the Newpeth albums so far - I don't doubt you guys will still say it's still too unnecessarily "retro", but at least it's gotten more "retro-Sabbath" than "retro-Camel"
- the dynamics are back!
- very doom-y in general, IMHO - I don't complain
- possibly the most autumnal of the Newpeth albums too - this could just as well be called Dirge for September or something - you just get all the fallen leaves and the Sehnsucht/saudade and grey sky overcast... perfect. After the past few albums have been more like "tired summertime", if you feel me (which I liked, but didn't want them to stay with that), this one is back on the right track
- intro track is atmoshperic, but slightly overlong + also what's with all the spoken word and/or film snippets?
- am I the only one who feels Heart in Hand sounds really close to Cusp of Eternity? That clear, airy, oriental chorus might be the culprit, but I don't think it's just that.
- Next of Kin - more Sabbath-y doomsies! Also, the chorus is just WTF, very weird, I love it!
- Lovelorn Crime reminded me of Burden - an awesome ballad that hits all the correct spots with me
- The Garroter is just insane, it's like non-heavy Lotus Eater or heavier middle part of
Heritage (at least I remember it sounded that way!) Or was it Universal Truth? Shit, I don't remember

- I think that all of you guys who loved PC will probably like this one as well - it's definitely much closer to that one than the other two Newpeth. Actually, I know it's too early, but I felt a lot of similarities to
Watershed in my book (don't want to dwell on that now, also might change my mind, I'll get back to it when/if I do my
Watershed write-up), so it's probably not that strange that ->
- I'm far from being hot-headed in that regard and "instant classic" is a bullshit term, but this one might actually end up very high in my Opeth rankings. We shall see what the next listens bring.