So, I finally finished the "MaidenFans on Opeth" project I mentioned in the previous post. So in case you wanted to re-listen to their discography (it’s September already!) and have comments regarding particular song or album ready at hand, you might use this. Yep, it’s 170 pages/88 067 words long and Word says I've been working on it for 992 minutes - that's 16 1/2 hours (I began on August 13th). I feel so fucking nerdy

EDIT: Okay, you can't upload Word docs, so I converted it into a PDF. If anyone wanted the original docx file feel free to write me a PM.
First there is some general discussion on the "autumness" of Opeth, seasons and music etc. Not that much related, but I wanted it there. Then there’s general Opeth discussion and various thoughts on the band in general, then the main section – the "commented discography" of sorts, organised according to the albums, first general album comments and then comments for every song, in rough chronological order (so you might even see the development of certain opinions, possibly?). Even live albums are included. In the end you get some more various thoughts on the bands, lists of top 5 songs etc. Oh, and concert reviews.
I wanted to keep everything substantial (and also a lot of stuff that
isn’t), so I don’t think anything important is missing. When in doubt, I put it there. I also kept the initial reactions, anticipations etc. for PC, Sorc and ICV.
I’ve already spent way too much time on this, so please excuse any mistakes (for there are bound to be many), especially from the chronological point of view; I really have neither the time nor the energy to revisit all the threads again an correct it.
Also, thank you,
@Mosh ,
@The Flash ,
@Detective Beauregard ,
@MrKnickerbocker ,
@Night Prowler ,
@Forostar , you were undoubtedly the most fruitful contributors. However, also thanks to
@Brigantium ,
@Collin and everyone else who contributed to a lesser extent.
Oh, and I created these four progressively hardening playlists, each in a single CD length for a friend who was interested in the band I keep babbling about (BTW she is a perfect stranger to metal, so it makes sense to... well,
dip in the pool slowly). I think she hasn’t managed to play it yet, but you might try it for convincing newbies/outsiders

So I’ll just drop this here:
Playlist 1 – Autumnal Park (The Soft Side of Opeth)
Spotify link:
1. Windowpane
2. Atonement
3. In My Time of Need
4. Benighted
5. Death Whispered a Lullaby
6. Harvest
7. Will o the Wisp
8. A Fleeting Glance
9. Hope Leaves
10. Burden
11. Sorceress 2
12. Hours of Wealth
13. Folklore
14. Weakness
Playlist 2 – Gloomy Moor (The Middle Side of Opeth)
Spotify link:
1. Face of Melinda
2. Cusp of Eternity
3. The Wilde Flowers
4. A Fair Judgement
5. Moon Above, Sun Below
6. Strange Brew
7. Porcelain Heart
8.-9. Era / Persephone (Slight Return)
10. The Drapery Falls
Playlist 3 – Derelict Mansion (The Heavy Side of Opeth)
Spotify link:
1. Ghost of Perdition
2. Deliverance
3. Bleak
4. The Baying of the Hounds
5. The Moor
6. Reverie/Harlequin Forest
7. White Cluster
Playlist 4 – Midnight Cemetery (The Extreme Side of Opeth)
Spotify link:
1. Godhead’s Lament
2. Master’s Apprentices
3. Demon of the Fall
4. Wreath
5. Heir Apparent
6. The Leper Affinity
7. Serenity Painted Death
8. Blackwater Park
The fourth is more or less a “bonus“ – it’s the “evil“ tracks put together. If I were to make only three playlists, I would swapped White Cluster with Blackwater Park in the third one.
I realise very well that the first three albums are criminally underrepresented … however I believe that they would not be all that helpful in converting a non-metal person and the songs take a bit too much time in the 80 min playlist with not as much immediate payoff, IMHO (I mean, Forest of October and Deliverance are probably both still in my Top 5, but – considering they are almost the same length – I put only the latter in the playlists. Sorry if it offends you.)
Anyway, maybe this all is much too silly, but what’s the harm, right?