Pica Serdica
wasting a truly menacing Sith character they could have done so much more with.

Darth Maul, Captain Phasma and
Knights of Ren
wasting a truly menacing Sith character they could have done so much more with.
I'll give Grievous a miss. I found him faceless and forgettable, much like Dooku, who you forgot to mention.Add General Grievous and even Boba Fett to that list. I think it’s just tradition to waste characters in Star Wars.
I think that was an attempt to build on the fan legacy. Much like Firefly being a "great series", the concept of Darth Maul as a "great villain" existed only in the mind of fans who extrapolated what could have been far past what actually was.
I'm not, I'm just saying that the legacy is over-inflated by the fans who have dreamed themselves into what could be, not what was.Whoa. There’s no need to bring Firefly down to Phantom Menace level.
It’s the Boba Fett effect. Darth Maul looks cool and has an aura of mystery around him that makes him more intriguing than he probably deserves to be. That being said, letting him survive through the trilogy and developing his character a bit would have improved things.
Yes, would have been real cool, but it didn't happen. Same with Boba Fett. Boba Fett isn't interesting as a character, which is why a show called The Mandalorian, starring someone that is a visual clone but isn't Boba Fett, is equally as cool, if not way, way, way more cool.It’s the Boba Fett effect. Darth Maul looks cool and has an aura of mystery around him that makes him more intriguing than he probably deserves to be. That being said, letting him survive through the trilogy and developing his character a bit would have improved things.
But that's crucial in the Star Wars universe, isn't it?What Maul had was a good look
Yes, but it sounds more like a WWF show than a film, doesn't it?Oh man, an Obi Wan, Anakin, Yoda vs. Doku, Maul and General Grievous fight while Palpatine cackles in the background would've been pretty cool.
Darth Vader has a hell of a personality, guy. In the first movie we see him murder his way through good guys, torture a young woman, but yet is oddly subservient to the local general, even when he tries to choke another. There's a ton going on there. Look is important - I won't deny that - but every character you care about has a...well...a character.But that's crucial in the Star Wars universe, isn't it?
I mean, Vader, stormtroopers (Death Troopers even more so), Maul, Phasma, etc., even some of the good guys I was never particularly interested in (R2-D2, K-2SO, Han and Chewbacca excluded) - isn't it, eventually, what all them movies are about?