I hope Montreal creams them, too. I really do.
Why do you even have to ask that question?Deano said:I received an invitation to go to the White House next week, meet the Red Wings and see Lord Stanley's cup. Should I go?
Why do you even have to ask that question?
and one of the greatest players to ever touch the ice.
LooseCannon said:Nicklas Lidström, of course. The best defenseman in the NHL since Ray Bourque and Bobby Orr.
Deano said:I'm barely a Hockey fan at all and I have already been in the presence of the Stanley Cup once before so..........
Who's that?
He had just finished his shift with Jaromir Jagr when he collapsed. The AED's were'nt in working condition, the ambulance that was on standby left early and there was not a stretcher in the building. I think that was more a factor than any one thing was the lack of preparedness. Jagr said in a statement he thought Cherepanov was ready to play on the Ranger's second line. I remember when the Russians were first allowed to play in the NHL, the players were victims of extortion from the Russian mob. In particular Soviet Great Slava Fetisov had his family threatened. He responded by hiring another Russian gang to protect his family until he could relocate them.LooseCannon said:Russian players who want to play in the NHL tend to die of sudden accidents. I'm joking about that, but I wouldn't be surprised if Alexei Chereponov, the young Russian who died, was murdered rather then let his assets transfer to the NHL, especially after they lost Malkin in such dramatic fashion a couple years ago.
Onhell said:What I mean is that it's just hockey, are people really that invested to take it as far as murder? I know Russia has it's issues, but this is taking it too far... I'm honestly blown away...