Official Hockey discussion thread


Ancient Mariner
Instead of me making a new thread every time I get excited abut the hockey season, I'm just going to limit it to this one thread.

I just heard that Wayne Gretzky, aka The Great One, is going to become the head coach of the Phoenix Coyotes.

As much as I disapprove of any hockey team south of the Messier Line (Hockey's version of the Mason-Dixon line), I think this is great.

I'd love to see Wayne back in the game again, even if it is just behind the bench.

Crosby with the Pens....who'da thunk it, eh? For those who aren't old enough to remember, though, this is kinda cool. When Mario first was drafted he was given the same kind of press coverage, and was under the same pressure. Hopefully, Mario will be able to help Crosby deal with all this stuff. The kid is only like 18 or 19.

It doesn't matter anyway, this is Montreal's year. Let's go Canadiens! Bring Lord Stanley's Cup back to its rightful home!
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Go Flames!!!!!
Damn, well it is about time somebody created this thread (not surprisingly it was a canadian hehe). Jesus, where to begin?

Gretzky, I think it is great he is going to coach the Coyotes, that way I can go see him in december (family tradition, every time my bro comes for christmas we go see a coyotes game).
Teams outside of Canada: Tampa Bay, Florida panthers, the coyotes, all california teams except L.A, Buffalo and NY islanders (NY has THREE teams) Nashville and Carolina should all be moved to some canadian city, and if there aren't enough start making new ones.

The Penguins: Even though I'm a Bruins fan THIS is a team I am VERY excited about. The first thing that comes to mind is, "Ha ha ha ha, Jagr was a MORON for leaving" Now seriously, Crosby, Palffy, Rechi, Lemieux, Gonchar and Marc-Andre Fleury will definately make the Pens a threat and dare I say cup contenders this season. It will be A LOT of fun.
New Rules: nothing but positives even though the goalies did get screwed it was all for the improving of the game. Now hopefully they will finally stick to their guns about obstruction and skilled players can do their thing.

Bertuzzi: who knows.... he is a good player,but I don't think he'll play again.
Where did Jaromir go to then? In Holland hockey is one of the sports that only get covered in the Olympics [!--emo&;)--][img src=\'style_emoticons/[#EMO_DIR#]/wink.gif\' border=\'0\' style=\'vertical-align:middle\' alt=\'wink.gif\' /][!--endemo--]
The Coyotes can stay put under one condition, Onhell: They release all rights to their former name - The Winnipeg Jets. Move San Jose to Winnipeg and bring back the greatness.
[img src=\'\' border=\'0\' alt=\'user posted image\' /]

Give a team to Hamilton and set up a New York/Ontario division in the league. (Leafs, Rangers, Islanders, Sabres, Senators, and the new Hamilton)
I think Anaheim would do nicely for this move.

Other cities which would be more appropriate homes for NHL teams:
Victoria, BC
Quebec City
Regina OR Saskatoon, SK (not both)
Halifax, NS
Jagr moved from Pittsburgh to Washington to New York to who knows, honestly I don't know where he is right now, but he is such a whining bitch all the respect I had for him is gone.

As for the new Hockey cities I agree. Except for the New york/ontario league thing. The major changes I would offer is, No inter-conference play, shorten the season to 70 games and East would only meet west in the all-star game and in the Cup Finals. this would 1. cut expenses on travel (from New York to Vancouver is a long flight) 2. decrease player fatigue making for a more exciting season.
IN anticipation of the opening night, in which 15 (YES 15!!!) games shall be played, I hereby grant this thread a new lease on life.
THis shall be my own personal commentary, now my comrade has left us.
right on ironduke, Winnipeg needs its team back, i don't see why they would rather have all these markets in like Atlanta and Nashville where t.v bowling gets higher rating than hockey. Winnipeg would flourish with this new C.B.A, plus it would just make me real happy cuz i live in Winnipeg [!--emo&:D--][img src=\'style_emoticons/[#EMO_DIR#]/biggrin.gif\' border=\'0\' style=\'vertical-align:middle\' alt=\'biggrin.gif\' /][!--endemo--]

(haha i know im replying to a post that was almost a month ago lol but i just saw it and i needed to reply [!--emo&:P--][img src=\'style_emoticons/[#EMO_DIR#]/tongue.gif\' border=\'0\' style=\'vertical-align:middle\' alt=\'tongue.gif\' /][!--endemo--]
the weather here in winterpeg and all over manisnowba is actually great suruprisingly [!--emo&:P--][img src=\'style_emoticons/[#EMO_DIR#]/tongue.gif\' border=\'0\' style=\'vertical-align:middle\' alt=\'tongue.gif\' /][!--endemo--]

i hope they televise the pittsburgh vs. new jersey game on opening night, gotta see crosby in action!!
My only experience in hokey is watching the Mighty Ducks movies. [!--emo&:D--][img src=\'style_emoticons/[#EMO_DIR#]/biggrin.gif\' border=\'0\' style=\'vertical-align:middle\' alt=\'biggrin.gif\' /][!--endemo--] Sooo, go Mighty Ducks!
Personally, I don't think the Penguins are a real threat this year. They've completely changed the team around and need some time before they are very good. However, in the next few years, depending on Crosby's play, they could be a real powerhouse.
Unless Crosby does a Gretzky-style explosion. Totally improbable, given the comparative states of the game, but possible, since the entire league is somewhat set back due to the changes in rules, and Crosby's had lots of international experience, as well as experience in the less-violent QMJHL.
as of right now my prediction would be the Philadelphia Flyers for the cup, every team has improved itself but phily has taken that extra step
heheh I dont know what you're talking about... I dont nothing about hockey leagues in canada or the US [!--emo&:blush:--][img src=\'style_emoticons/[#EMO_DIR#]/blush.gif\' border=\'0\' style=\'vertical-align:middle\' alt=\'blush.gif\' /][!--endemo--]

but the reason for which Im posting here Is to say that I love to play hockey.... I play 4 hours a week in school... in the best field of colombia and I think that of great part of south america... but dont think its of ice... becasue it isnt [!--emo&:P--][img src=\'style_emoticons/[#EMO_DIR#]/tongue.gif\' border=\'0\' style=\'vertical-align:middle\' alt=\'tongue.gif\' /][!--endemo--]

heheh and I allways sing maiden while I'm skating fast... I dont know why :S
haha yeah same whenever im just skating around on the ice messing around I always find myself singing maiden tunes to myself [!--emo&:P--][img src=\'style_emoticons/[#EMO_DIR#]/tongue.gif\' border=\'0\' style=\'vertical-align:middle\' alt=\'tongue.gif\' /][!--endemo--] . I will also ALWAYS listen to Maiden in the dressing room its the best pump-up music ever!
Making a cup prediction is almost impossible with the "new" league. I won't go for Philly because just signing Forsberg doesn't make them automatic contenders and many teams have buffed up with impresive results.

My money is still on Pittsburgh to at least make it to th second round of the playoffs IF, and only if, Lemieux stays healthy, Palffy and Rechi were great additions up front, the Return of Gonchar assures a good offensive defenseman and Fleury is up to see if he can handle the number 1 Goalie spot. A LOT of great potential, hopefully it will click.
Habs are up 3-0...Ottawa is up 3-0...both teams meet tomorrow....ooohyeah [!--emo&B)--][img src=\'style_emoticons/[#EMO_DIR#]/cool.gif\' border=\'0\' style=\'vertical-align:middle\' alt=\'cool.gif\' /][!--endemo--]!